True Luna by Tessa Lilly (Chasing The White Wolf)

The White Wolf Series Book 2 – CHAPTER NINETY – First time

(Logan POV)

The taste of her was f*ucking amazing. Her scent, her soft skin, her warmth… Everything was f*ucking amazing.

I k*issed her n*eck and s*ucked on her marking spot, making her m*oan. “Bedroom?” I asked, praying to the Goddess that she would say yes. “Yes.” Emma said softly.

Well, thank you, Goddess.

I stood up, tightened my arms around her, and started walking to the bedroom.

My heart was pounding like crazy. It would finally happen. I would finally mark my mate. I would finally make her mine.

Emma k*issed my n*eck softly, and my d*ick twitched painfully. I saw f*ucking stars the moment she s*ucked on my marking spot.

“F*uck, Emma.” I growled as I kicked the bedroom door open.

I hurried toward the bed and laid her down gently.

I looked at her beautiful face and smiled.

“I love you so f*ucking much.” I told her as I k*issed the tip of her nose. “I love you too.” she said quietly.

I could hear nervousness in her voice, and it made my heart clench painfully.

“Don’t be nervous, baby.” I said softly as I caressed her cheek. “I will go slow. If you want me to stop, just say the word, okay? I won’t do anything that you don’t want me to do.”

“I’m more nervous about what I’m supposed to do.” Emma chuckled and bit her lower l*ip.

I growled and s*ucked it under her teeth.

“You are supposed to lie here and enjoy, baby.” I told her. “Let me do everything. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to do all kinds of d*rty stuff to me.”

I winked at her, and she chuckled. The sound of her laugh made my heart swell.

I started to undress her slowly. I removed her hoodie and saw a black, lacy bra underneath.

I grunted with need. She was driving me f*ucking crazy.

I took my sweet time with her. We were alone. There would be no interruptions. There was no need to rush anything. I had her amazing b*dy underneath me, and I planned on enjoying it as much as I wanted to.

I leaned in, placed a k*iss on her collar bone, and reached behind her to unclasp her bra. I took off her bra and immediately s*ucked on one of her n*ipples.

“Oh, Logan.” Emma m*oaned, arching her back and pressing herself closer to me.

My d*ick was pulsating in my jeans.

I s*ucked on her n*ipple until I decided that I should give my attention to the other one. I used my hands to rub her over her jeans. I was teasing her, and I could tell that she was getting a little bit frustrated. Her breaths became short and fast. She kept pushing herself against my hand.

“Logan, please.” she whined and her voice almost made me cum.

She m*oaned my name. She needed me.


I started k*issing down her belly until I reached her jeans.

“Do you want me to continue?” I asked, wanting to make sure that she was still okay with everything.

She nodded and gulped. I winked at her as I started to unbutton her jeans. The scent of her arousal was driving me f*ucking crazy.

“I’m going to make you cum, baby.” I told her as I removed her jeans. “I need you wet and ready for me.”

I looked down at her thong. It matched her bra. I grabbed her h*ips and turned her around to look at her perfect little ass.

Emma gasped. She chuckled the moment I grabbed her a*ss and growled.

It was perfect. She was perfect.

I turned her back around and removed her thong.

She was n*aked. Underneath me. I could do with her b*dy whatever I wanted to because she was f*ucking mine.


I looked at her beautiful face and smirked. I grabbed her knees and pushed her legs open.

I almost whined when I saw her beautiful little p*ussy just waiting for me.

She was so f*ucking wet already.

“F*uck, baby.” I said as I ran my f*inger from her c*lit to the hole I would soon fill with my c*ock. “You are ready for me, aren’t you?”

Emma’s breathing picked up, and her eyes widened.

I laid between her legs and lowered my mouth on her c*lit.

She m*oaned and arched her back.

“Stay still, baby.” I said as I grabbed her h*ips with my hand.

I lowered my other hand between her legs and pushed a f*inger inside of her. “Oh, Logan.” Emma m*oaned loudly.

I started s*ucking on her c*lit and pushing a f*inger in and out of her. When I felt her starting to clench around my f*ingers, I stopped.

Emma whined, and I chuckled.

“Sorry, baby.” I said as I started pushing another f*inger into her. “You will be coming in a second.”

I had to push the second f*inger in slowly. She was so f*ucking tight. I s*ucked on her c*lit as I worked two f*ingers in and out of her.

“Oh, s*hit.” Emma mumbled, and I chuckled.

I looked up at her and wished that I could take a picture of her beautiful face right now. Her cheeks were flushed. Her eyes were wide and filled with l*ust. Her mouth was slightly open, and she kept biting her lower l*ip. Her c*hest kept falling up and down rapidly, making her tits bounce and giving me a perfect view.

I was so f*ucking ready to cum.

I felt her clench around my f*ingers, and I knew that she was cumming. I kept my eyes on her because I wanted to look at her while she came.

She was f*ucking perfection.

I slowed down my s*ucking and pumping and waited for her o*rgasm to finish.

“Oh, Goddes.” Emma mumbled as she laid down on the bed.

“It will be so much better when you come on my c*ock, baby.” I said as I k*issed her b*dy.

I captured her mouth with mine and let her taste herself on my tongue. She m*oaned and k*issed me harder.

She started tugging on my sweater, and I pulled it up over my head. I stood up to remove my jeans and my boxers.

I watched her face as she looked up and down my b*dy. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw my c*ock. She bit her l*ip and looked up at me.

I growled. The innocent look in her eyes was driving me f*ucking crazy. “This is all mine.” Emma said quietly, looking me in the eyes.

I could swear that I just f*ucking came.

“All yours, baby.” I said as I laid back on top of her.

Emma ran her hands up and down my b*dy, making me growl and shiver. “I love you.” Emma said, placing a k*iss on my n*eck.

“I love you too, baby.” I said as I grabbed a fistful of her hair.

I pulled her head up and covered her l*ips with mine

I placed the tip of my c*ock at her entrance.

My heart was racing. This was it. One small push, and she would be mine.

I ran my f*ingers through her folds, making sure that she was still wet and ready for me.

“Are you ready, baby?” I asked her.

She nodded and grabbed both of my arms.

“It will hurt for only a second, okay?” I told her as I k*issed her l*ips gently. “I won’t move until you tell me to.”

Emma nodded, and I placed another k*iss on her l*ips. I started to push inside of her. I kept my eyes on hers. I wanted to watch her become mine.

I made sure to go slow. She was so f*ucking tight, soft, and warm.

I had no f*ucking idea how long I would last like this.

I k*issed her again as I continued to push inside of her.

I kept my eyes on hers the entire time. I needed to see her become mine.

I f*ucking needed it.

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