Triplets’ Mighty Mom Novel
Triplet’s Mighty Mom Chapter 225

Chapter 225 She Is Your Sister-in-Law

Brian spat, “Is that any of your business? Can't someone else handle her if you aren't doing anything about it?" Silas asked him, “So you got beggars to humiliate her?” Brian looked cruel when he answered, “Does your heart ache for her?” “You need to have a limit when you do things!” “Why can't I do what she did?” “Camila wouldn't want you to do that to her. You could have beaten her up, but you shouldn't have used that method.” Brian pressed the tip of his tongue against his teeth "She doesn't even care, so why are you so worked up about it? Is there a difference between the men she has had and those beggars? The only difference is the appearance. What is the difference once they take off their clothes?”

Silas's expression soured. “In that case, how are you different from Lara? You are just the same as they are because you do not draw a line for yourself. Feel free to teach anyone a lesson; however, you should do that in a righteous way. You forced her into a corner, and out of desperation, she kidnapped South!”

Brian squinted at him. “Tell me, was Lyla behind the kidnapping this time?” Here I was, thinking that it was the Roberts.

Silas grunted in response. Brian hissed through gritted teeth, “I'll teach her a lesson!” However, he suddenly recalled what Silas mentioned, claiming that the former was the one who forced Lyla into a corner. Hence, he turned to Silas to question him, “What gives you the right to say that I forced her into a corner? Aren't you responsible as well? Weren't you the one who shut her studio down? You accuse me of not being righteous, but how are you better than I am?” Silas answered him, “She specifically mentioned you when she made the phone call. If you hadn't done that, she wouldn't have taken the extreme route.” “Are you blaming me?” “It is not my place to blame you, but I can inform Camila about this, and she can be the judge of this!” “Silas!” Brian exclaimed aggressively. “Do you have nothing better to do?” If Camila learns about this, she will most probably blame me because she would never allow me to use such wretched and horrible methods against others. Silas regarded Brian, and his eyes seemed deep and endless. “Brian, you can't fall for


Brian lost his temper when he heard that. “Who are you to dictate that? Is it just because you are in love with her?”

Silas looked up, and his gaze was sharp. “That's because you should have addressed her as your sister-in-law seven years ago! She is the woman I have been searching for the past seven years. South is our child!"

Brian frowned deeply, and he stared at Silas in disbelief. “What did you say?” Silas answered him, “I might not have told you if you hadn't admitted that you were in love with her. After all, she doesn't know that we were together seven years ago!” Brian stared at him viciously, trying to figure out if there was a trace of guilt or joking element across Silas's face. Unfortunately, there was neither. He is speaking the truth; they've already slept together long ago! “In that case, why didn't she know that it was you?”

Silas explained, “Someone drugged her that night, and so she was unconscious.” “How did you find out, then?”

“South found me,” Silas answered.

Brian glared at him. “You are expecting me to believe that a child found you when you didn't even find them?” Silas noted the disbelief in Brian's tone and gazed at him firmly. “Never underestimate my son.”

Brian glared at him fiercely. “I am merely looking down on you.” Silas didn’t mind; in fact, he sounded delighted. “Although I'd hate to admit it, I just can’t help but admit that my son is much more capable in this aspect!” The more he heard Silas's explanation, the more Brian felt frustrated: "You can't be trying to stop me from being in love with her by using this method, can you?” Silas remarked, "Have I ever lied to you? Grandpa took a paternity test for South and me in secret; it's true that he’s my son!” Brian had a sudden outburst when he heard that, and he thundered angrily, “Have you not lied to me before? For the sake of wealth and power, you didn't even care about me and mom. How dare you try to preach to me so freely now!” With that, he stood up abruptly from the couch. “If you have the ability, get Camila to marry you. Otherwise, I will never give up!”

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