Chapter 839 Who Do You Think You Are


Alex needed the heavy downpour to snap him out of his foolishness in Caroline’s eyes.

Stunned, Alex took a moment before recovering and asked, “Caroline, can I borrow your phone?”

Caroline declined, advising, “It might be best not to disturb Paige until you’ve thought things through. Consider if you can handle Paige’s current health condition. Are you prepared for the challenges of her illness? That’s why Paige left you. She feared passing it on to you. Alex, you’re truly disappointing at times.

Alex pleaded, “Just tell me where she is and how she’s doing, please?”

Caroline refused again, stating firmly, “No, Alex. Go home and reflect instead of begging here. I’m certain

Paige didn’t contract the illness herself. It’s a conspiracy, in my view. Think about who she interacted with when you were together!”

Caroline walked back into the villa, leaving Alex crying in the rain. ‘No one can help him now. He needs to

think things through!”

Caroline went upstairs to find Evan already out of the study.

The second floor reeked of cigarette smoke.

Caroline held her breath, entering the bedroom to see Evan.

She sat on the sofa, waiting for Evan to finish his shower.

Evan emerged half an hour later, wearing only a bath towel, yet there was no steam.

Caroline looked at him in shock. “Did you take a cold shower?”

Evan confirmed, “Yes.”

Caroline frowned, handing him a bathrobe. “It’s still cold. You’ll get sick doing that!”

“It’s fine. The smell of cigarette smoke outside is strong. I couldn’t resist and smoked a few more.” Evan

put on the bathrobe.

Caroline said, “Hmm, relieving some emotional tension is necessary. Alex came earlier.”

Evan frowned. “What brought him here? I thought you were with the children.”

Caroline sat down on the sofa and explained, “He came to ask about Paige. He’s doubting Paige’s loyalty

Evan remarked, “Just like me in the past.”



‘Are all men the same? Will they only appreciate it once they have lost something?’ she wondered.

Meanwhile, Casey woke up in the hospital and found two bodyguards in the room.

One of them was Julian, who worked closely with Evan.

His bodyguards were nowhere in sight.

Casey looked at Julian and asked, “Where are my people?”

Julian glanced at Casey but did not respond.


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