Chapter 603 Watch My Father

However, Reuben couldn’t help but ask, “How did it turn out, sir?”

Evan’s eyes were slightly teary as he replied, “She’s been hiding it from me all this time!”

Puzzled, Reuben asked, “Huh?”

Evan set the document down, overwhelmed with emotions. ‘Tyler and Liora are my children! Why


Caroline keep this from me?‘ (1)

Unable to resist, Reuben took a peek and was stunned by the result. He exclaimed, “Congratulations,


You’ve found your son and daughter!”

Evan’s gaze dimmed as he wondered aloud, “Why did Caroline keep this from me?”

Reuben was equally curious. “Perhaps she’s afraid you’ll take the children from her?”

Evan’s expression grew solemn. “Am I capable of that?”

Reuben studied Evan in silence, unsure if he was. He cautiously suggested, “Maybe Ms. Shenton


that your father will take the children away once he finds out?”

Evan frowned, recalling how Draco had forcibly taken the children before.

Reuben had a valid point.

Perhaps Caroline had kept the children’s background hidden out of fear of Draco. After all, Evan


monitor Caroline and the children around the clock.

Evan stashed the test result in a drawer and whispered, “Don’t share this with anyone.”

Reuben was taken aback. “Aren’t you going to reconnect with your children, sir?”

Evan cautioned, “Not yet, so mind your words!”

Reuben was puzzled by Evan’s reluctance to reveal his knowledge, given his concern for the children.

‘Is he afraid of Ms. Shenton? Or… is he wary of his father?‘

Reuben leaned toward the latter possibility. He added, “Oh, by the way, sir, we have some information

from the Bureau of Industry and Security about Ms. Shenton’s father.”

Evan continued searching through his documents. “Go on.”

Reuben briefed Evan on the situation, and Evan looked alert.


He turned to Reuben and said, “So, you think it might be connected to my family?”

Reuben replied, “I can’t say for certain, but I’ll assign someone to investigate further.”

Evan remarked, “If it involves my father, he’ll undoubtedly take action once he learns about it.”

“Should I keep pursuing this matter then? I believe Ms. Shenton is aware,” Reuben inquired.

“Yes, and have someone keep an eye on my father as well,” Evan instructed.

“Of course, sir.”


In the evening, Grayson hurried to Grand East Hospital upon learning about Daniella’s accident.

Daniella was eating fruit in bed when he arrived.

Seeing Grayson, she nearly choked on a grape. She coughed and gestured to Grayson, who rushed to


her back. “Please be more careful when eating, dear.”

Daniella blushed. “What brings you here, Grandpa?”

Annoyed, Grayson replied, “Do you think you can keep something so serious from me?”

Once her coughing fit subsided, Daniella admitted guiltily, “I’m sorry for worrying you, Grandpa.”

Grayson sat down beside her. “Don’t talk like that! Why did you try to gather medicinal herbs for the

Jordan child? Why not just buy them at the store?”

Daniella sighed. “They claim fresh herbs are more effective.“

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