Chapter 574 What Are You Doing?

Evan pushed the menu toward Daniella. “Order something,” he said.

Daniella ordered a steak and handed the menu back. “You should order too,” she suggested.

Evan said coldly, “I’m not eating.”

He signaled the waitress, saying, “That’s all.”

The waitress served water to both of them and replied, “Of course, sir.”

After the waitress left, Daniella looked puzzled and asked Evan, “Is there something you want to talk


“I’m very grateful to you for helping with Axel’s matter. I will pay you the money we agreed upon now,”

Evan said.

“Hold on! Are you ending our relationship so soon, Evan?” Daniella exclaimed.

Evan stated, “70,000,000 dollars is more than enough for the bone marrow purchase.”

“I don’t care about the money! I just want to spend more time with Axel!” Daniella said emotionally.

Evan closely examined Daniella and couldn’t see any fake emotions in her for the time being.

Daniella leaned forward, held Evan’s hand on the table, and pleaded, “Please don’t push me away so

soon, Evan. Let me stay until Axel is out of protective isolation, okay? I leave when I see that he is safe



Evan withdrew his hand with a frown. “Let’s stick to words, no need for physical actions…”

“Evan!” An angry shout suddenly pierced the air.

He looked over and saw Neil walking toward him in a rage.

Evan’s expression darkened. Why Is Neil here?

Noticing something was off, Daniella hastily stood up and blocked Nell’s path in front of Evan.

She asked Nell vigilantly, “What are you doing, brother?”

“I’m not your brother! Get out of my way!‘ Nell retorted with contempt.

He pushed Daniella, causing her to stumble and fall onto the sofa.



Meanwhile, Neil grabbed Evan’s collar angrily. “Why are you trying to get close to Caroline if you’re still

involved with Daniella?”

Neil’s loud voice attracted the attention of all the restaurant guests.

Evan’s expression soured. He would have punched Neil if he weren’t Caroline’s brother.

“Let go.” Evan said indifferently.

Neil’s grip tightened as he insisted, “I won’t let you hurt Carol again!”

Evan narrowed his eyes and threatened, “I’ll say it again, let go!”

Neil replied, “I won’t let go until you clarify things today!”

A loud thud followed as Evan punched Neil’s face.

Neil refused to show weakness and fought back with Evan in the restaurant.

Fearing she might get involved, Daniella seized the opportunity to sneak out of the restaurant.

Soon, a post about two influential men from Angelbay fighting garnered attention on social media.

Kenny burst into Bayview Villa, slamming the door loudly.

Caroline and the others in the dining room were startled.

Kenny appeared excited, holding his phone.

He greeted Scott and handed the phone to the concerned Caroline. “Look at this post, G! Evan and


are fighting!”

Caroline tapped on the video clip after taking the phone from Kenny. Her expression changed

dramatically as she watched them fighting ferociously.

The post’s headline read: [Shocking! Two Angelbay CEOs Engage in Physical Altercation Over a

Woman, Who Turns Out to Be Neil Xander’s Younger Sister!

Caroline knew the younger sister wasn’t referring to her, as Daniella was seen in the video engaging

intimately with Evan before fleeing

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