Chapter 541 Can’t Stop Here

“Kenny, what’s wrong?” Caroline asked.


Kenny replied, “G, it’s raining heavily. The truck driver mentioned it’s dangerous. What about yours?”

Caroline reassured him, “Tell your driver to be cautious. We’ll arrive in another half an hour. Hang in

there. We can’t stop now.”

“I’m okay! But, are you scared?” Kenny asked.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine,” Caroline answered,

“Got it.” Kenny was about to end the call when his driver gasped.

“Oh no! There’s a landslide due to the heavy rain!” The driver looked ahead fearfully.

Following the driver’s gaze, Kenny spotted soil washing down the mountain.

Shortly after, he heard Caroline scream.

Kenny urgently shouted into his phone, “G! There’s a landslide! Lots of soil is coming down!”

A muffled sound followed his words.

Kenny traced the sound to see a large rock rolling downhill.

The rock was heading straight for Caroline’s truck!

Kenny’s eyes widened in shock. “G! A rock is coming!”

The rock crashed down just as his voice faded, and fear filled Kenny’s eyes.


At MK.

Reuben hurriedly entered the meeting room with his tablet.

The executives were engrossed in a project discussion, and Reuben’s sudden entrance stunned them.

Evan frowned deeply and sternly told Reuben, who had barged in unceremoniously, “Reuben, leave if


don’t want to work here anymore!”

Anxious, Reuben blurted out, “Ms. Shenton has been in an accident, sir! There was a landslide, and a


Evan froze upon hearing the news.

His eyes widened slowly, and his mind went blank. “What did you say?”

Reuben handed the tablet to Evan. “They’re already reporting it online, sir!”

As Evan looked at the scene photos on the tablet, his hands shook uncontrollably.

Evan’s face turned pale, and he ordered shakily,” Arrange for a helicopter immediately!”

“Yes, sir!”

Evan stood up and quickly left the meeting room, leaving the executives bewildered.

“Who’s Ms. Shenton?”

“I believe she’s TYC’s CEO.”

“I’ve never seen Mr. Jordan so agitated.”

“Me neither…”

Evan ran into Paige in the elevator area, tears streaming down her face.

“Carol has been in an accident, Mr. Jordan!” Paige exclaimed in distress.

“I know!” Evan’s irritation was evident in his tone.

Paige implored, “Please let me come with you to find Carol, Mr. Jordan! I’m begging you!”

“Stay quiet if you want to come. Follow me to the top floor!” Evan shouted in frustration.

Paige sobbed profusely but agreed. “Alright!”

Meanwhile, at the Xander Group.

Neil received a call from Eira.

Before Neil could respond, Eira’s panicked voice came through.

“Carol had an accident, Neill There was a landslide. Please search for her, hurry!”

Neil was stunned and dropped his phone, which thudded on the ground.



‘Neil!” Eira’s voice called out again. “Can you hear me, Neil? Talk to me! Go and search for Carol


Eira’s voice brought Neil back to reality. He picked up the phone and said anxiously, “Understood. I’m

heading over right away.”

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