Chapter 538 Don’t Stop Her

Caroline stated, “The workers in my factory are dedicated to their work, but it’s not directly related to


Greta replied, “You don’t have to be so humble. I’ll arrange for someone to transport the clothes.”

“Ms. Shawn, I purchased several things for the children. Il personally deliver those along with the

clothes, ‘Caroline said.

Greta was surprised. “Are you planning to visit Mount Zenya in person?

Caroline nodded. “Yes. I’ve already arranged for a plane to transport them, and I’ll announce it as a


“No! The road to the mountain is too dangerous! You can’t go! Greta exclaimed.

Caroline looked at Greta in amazement, considering their distant relationship.

After a moment, Greta composed herself and said calmly, “The road to the mountain is treacherous,

Ms. Shenton. I’m just worried about your safety.”

Caroline replied, “Since you’ve been there yourself, helping the children without fear, how can I be


Concerned, Greta asked, “Are you sure about this?”

Caroline nodded firmly. “I’ve made up my mind.”

Greta couldn’t say more, but she regretted involving Caroline in this. Caroline was just too kind.

The night before her trip to Mount Zenya, Caroline made all the necessary arrangements and returned

home early to spend time with her children.

At the dining table, Liora served Caroline a bowl of soup.

“Have some soup, Mommy. You’ll be on a business trip tomorrow and might not get good food or sleep


Caroline felt touched. She took a sip of the soup and said, “Thank you, Lia. Be good and listen to Uncle

Neil and Eira while I’m away.”

“I know, Mommy,” Llora replied with a sweet smile.

Tyler noticed Liora’s change in behavior. She spoke more when their mother was present but stayed


in the room.


Avoiding eye contact, Tyler told Caroline, “Mommy, remember to call us when you get there.”

Caroline nodded, put down her spoon, and said, “Ty, please help me get something from upstairs.”

Tyler agreed, and they went upstairs to Caroline’s bedroom.

Caroline closed the door, lowered herself, and asked, “Ty, tell me the truth. How is Lia doing?”

Tyler knew he couldn’t hide it any longer and said, “Eira is providing psychological counseling to Lia.”

Caroline felt tears welling up. “So Lia doesn’t want to worry me, right?”

“Mommy, I’ll stay by Lia’s side. Try not to dwell on it too much because you’re going on a business trip.

Safety first,” Tyler reassured her, hugging Caroline.

Caroline hugged Tyler back and added, ‘Ty, if Lia ever expresses a desire to contact Evan, don’t stop


“Why does Lia want to reach out to scumbag Daddy? Is it because he saved Lia, so she regards him

as her emotional support?’ he wondered.

Tyler was puzzled but nodded. “Okay, Mommy.”

Caroline spent the night with her children, putting them to bed after telling bedtime stories and giving

each of them a goodnight kiss. Then, she left a sticky note on Liora’s study table and headed

downstairs to meet Kenny and prepare for her trip.


+15 BON

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