Chapter 531 I Don’t Hate Daddy Anymore

Liora blinked and asked, “Where’s Daddy?”

Caroline’s body instantly tensed. Did Scott’s guess come true?

With a worried look, Caroline asked, “Lia, are you looking for Papa Wilson?”

“No,” Liora stated firmly.

Realizing her mistake, Liora corrected herself, saying, “I misspoke.”

Caroline’s heart ached as she saw Liora’s expression.

‘Is Lia saying this to spare my feelings? Have my selfish actions kept the children away from their

father?” Caroline wondered.

“Lia, you didn’t misspeak. Do you want to see your father?” Caroline managed a forced smile.

Liora looked cautiously at Caroline and softly replied, “Hmm.”

Emotions overwhelmed Caroline. “If you need your father, I can take you to see him.”

Liora shook her head vigorously, not wanting to be separated from her mother.

“Mommy, no… I don’t want to leave you, but… Liora’s eyes filled with tears.


“But Daddy saved me, and I…” Liora couldn’t find the courage to continue..

“You want Daddy and Mommy to be with you, right?” Caroline helped complete Liora’s sentence.

Liora nodded slowly. “Daddy is the hero who saved me. I don’t hate Daddy anymore, but you’re more

important to me than he is.”

Liora licked her lips and asked, “Mommy, why don’t you like Daddy?”

“I don’t not like Daddy. On the contrary, I like him very much,” Caroline replied with a bitter smile.

Caroline’s eyes lit up. “So, can you be with Daddy, Mommy?”

“We can’t be together just because we like each other. Many complicated stories between us prevent


from being together.”

*Is it because of those stories that we haven’t told Daddy that I’m his child?” Liora asked.

Caroline nodded. “Will you blame me for keeping you from your father’s love, Lia?”


Liora shook her head and hugged Caroline tightly. “I won’t. If you can secretly like Daddy in your heart,


can too!”

Tears welled up in Caroline’s eyes. “I don’t want to keep you from your father’s love, but if you need it, I

can try to provide it for you.”

Liora said, “Tyler and Axel also need Daddy and Mommy very much, but they don’t want to pressure

you. I don’t want to make things difficult for you either.”

Caroline sobbed and said, “Wait for me, Lia. I’ll become stronger so I can tell your father the truth.”


Caroline released her hug. “Lia, about last night…”

Liora crossed her arms. “I was scared, but Eira had talked to me about this before.”

Caroline was surprised. “What?”

“Hehehe! Eira told me that beautiful girls sometimes encounter bad people. I’m a beautiful girl.” Liora

covered her face with the blanket.

“How is Lia still capable of brainwashing herself after encountering this incident? Caroline wondered.

“Then?” Caroline asked.

Liora gazed at Caroline, her eyes gleaming brightly. “Eira told me not to panic in situations like this and

advised me to run if I couldn’t fight.

“So, I followed Eira’s advice and just kept running. It’s a shame that the bad man eventually caught up

to me. But then, Daddy appeared and kicked the bad man away! He was amazing!

“I might be scared for a little while, but I’m strong. A beautiful girl should always be careful and brave in

the face of difficulties.”

Caroline couldn’t help but think, ‘Why does it seem like Llora is subtly comforting me?’

As she pondered, the door swung open. Tyler entered the room and asked, “Mommy, is Lia awake?”

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