Chapter 297 Filthy

Gregory said, “Even if the child has money, it won’t come to our hands!”

Jade glanced at Gregory. “It’s true that the money won’t come to us, but we can give the outfit to our

daughter! She’s going to look so elegant!”

Gregory nodded. “That makes sense!”

Jade said, “Moreover, the child looks like a foolish, rich kid. We’ll save money if we take him out.

and make him pay for our meals, right?”

Gregory’s eyes lit up. “You’re smart!”

“Of course! Let’s take him out over the weekend!”

“Sure! You call the shots!”

“I’m home, Mom! Please come help me!” Jade and Gregory heard Brandon shout from outside after

they had finished scheming.

Curious, they hurried outside and were amazed to see a sleek black car parked right in front of the


Brandon stuck out his head. “Mom, look at my newly purchased car!”

Jade approached in shock. She wanted to touch it but did not have the courage to do so. ‘How

much does it cost?”

Brandon said, “A little over 100,000 dollars! It looks great, right?”

Gregory exclaimed, “Whoa! My son is capable of buying such an expensive car!”

Jade was excited as well. “Where did you get your money?”

Brandon pointed at his face and said, “Who dares to ask me for money?”

Brandon was so full of himself.

Meanwhile, Caroline was standing in the foyer, leaning against the door frame as she watched the

Shentons in disgust.

They really have no regard for my money,‘ she thought.

In that instant, a truck drove through the gate and stopped in the yard. It was loaded to the top with

muddy potatoes and sweet potatoes.

“Carry those inside my large house!” Brandon hollered to the truck driver.

Caroline frowned. ‘Are they trying to move all these things into the villa?‘


Upon receiving Brandon’s order, the truck driver and the movers transported the crates into the


The three kids enjoying pudding were shocked by the scene.

Liora stamped her foot in anger. “This is despicable! Do they think that our house is a warehouse?”

Tyler looked at the scattered mud on the floor gloomily. They’re shameless!”

Axel realized that his mother and siblings were not fond of these people.

Caroline walked back from the foyer with an unpleasant expression.

Liora looked at Caroline indignantly. “They’ve gone too far, Mommy!”

Caroline heaved a sigh, approached Liora, and knelt. “Just put up with it a little longer, my dear.

Trust me that I won’t let you suffer longer.”

Liora pouted. “The house is going to be filthy.”

Caroline caressed Liora’s head. “We can clean it up Come, we’re eating out

At 6:30 p.m., Caroline arrived at the restaurant with Jamie and the triplets.

A man walked out of the restaurant just as they entered.

Axel was stunned when he glanced at the man. ‘Casey is here too!”

Jamie stared at Casey, her face pale with fear, peeking out from behind Caroline

Casey’s gaze grew icy upon spotting Jamie.

“Let’s go home! I want to go home!” Startled, Jamie turned and ran.

Caroline attempted to chase after Jamie but was met with Jamie’s frantic resistance as she pushed

away Caroline’s hand.

“Don’t touch me!” Jamie yelled, covering her ears and crouching in fear.

Caroline, taken aback, crouched down and gently patted Jamie’s back to provide comfort. “It’s

okay, Jamie. I’m here for you.”

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