Chapter 162 Take Good Care of Her


“You’re crazy.” Caroline remarked, unfazed, as she walked towards the kindergarten.

“You don’t have the guts to admit it, huh? I can make you admit it willingly!” Daniella said


Caroline’s nightmare suddenly flashed in her mind, making her anxious. She turned to Daniella

with a serious look. “What do you want?”

Daniella smirked. “Scared I’ll take the kids?”

Caroline stayed composed. “You’re not capable of that yet.”

“I decide what I’m capable of, Caroline. If 1 heat you once, I can do it again!” Daniella laughed


Caroline was about to retort when she noticed a tall man nearby. She smiled and asked calmly.

So, you think you can handle me, Daniella? Planning to kidnap me again, stage another murder

scene, and pin it on me?”

“Do you think I’d repeat the same trick? Daniella laughed and whispered, Td hit where it hurts

You know who Axel Jordan is, right? I’m his mother now! Will you come if I take him? If you don’t,

I’ll hurt Axel, and if you do, you’ll go back to prison!”

The man behind Daniella overheard her last sentences

“What’s your plan for Axel?” he thundered.

Daniella turned sharply at the sound of his stern, familiar voice. She stepped back when she saw

Evan’s intense gaze and quickly explained, “Did you hear everything, Evan?”

Evan’s dark eyes grew somber. “Tell me, what’s your plan for Axel?‘

Daniella’s face turned pale. “I was just scaring Caroline, Evan! Did you know Caroline is here? She’s

up to no good with Axel. I said I’d threaten Axel to make her reveal her identity and let the police

handle her. I’m doing this for Axel’s safely!”

Caroline inwardly sneered at Daniella’s act.

“Did you report her?” Evan snarled.


Daniella was stunned for a moment “No… It wasn’t me. I’ve only just recognized her.”

“Do you think I’d fall for your lies? Reuben!” Evan roared.

Reuben stepped forward. “Mr. Jordan!‘

“Send Daniella to the police station.” Evan ordered.

Reuben was stunned. “On what basis?”

“Child abuse! Tell Chiet Dunn to take good care of Daniella!*

Take good care…

Caroline felt suffocated when she heard the familiar phrase. She endured everything in prison

because Evan commanded it, just as she expected

He uttered the same words with such familiarity

Reuben nodded and motioned for a few bodyguards to exit the car and apprehend Daniella.


“Shout all you want if you want to end up in prison,” Evan cut her off.

Daniella promptly sealed her lips and directed a resentful glare at Caroline.

Evan’s remark disinterested Caroline, prompting her to avert her gaze and head toward the


Evan did not attempt to follow her. Instead, he contemplated deeply while observing her. ‘Why would

Daniella use Axel’s abduction to threaten Caroline? Could there be a connection between

Axel and Caroline?

Soon, Evan discarded the idea.

He had witnessed the doctor bringing Axel out of Daniella’s delivery room. There was no way Axel

could be related to Caroline.

Evan’s dark eyes were glazed with disgust toward Daniella upon thinking that.

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