Chapter 554 That Doesn't Give You the Right

Jenny wasn't going to waste her time being respectful to Rowena. That woman was a snake. She just never expected Graham to speak up too.

"She has a point, Jenny. It might not be what you want to hear, but it might be what you need."

Jenny stared at him in disbelief. Something definitely happened.

"You know James Windsor, right? I've seen his work. He's a good man and comes from a family of the same standing. What do you think about him?" Graham asked. He hoped Jenny would have a happy marriage and not be tricked by Alec Faust again.

Hearing James' name, Jolene shouted, no.velxo "She doesn't deserve him! A divorcee marrying into the Windsor family? That's an outright joke!"

"Be quiet!" Graham roared. "How dare you speak of Jenny like that? She's your sister!"

Jolene pouted angrily. She didn't think of Jenny as such whatsoever. Jenny was just another wannabe bitch in her life.

"You don't need to worry about I know what I'm doing." Jenny shrugged. James was like a brother to her. She could never imagine marrying him.

Graham didn't stop. "I know you dont like when I worry about you, but I'm your father, and this is about marriage-one of the most important things in your life. How could I not worry?"

He had never stopped regretting seeing Jenny marry Alec, so now that she had come home, he was determined to find a better man for his daughter.

Jenny frowned once again. "What are you trying to say?" She wasn't an idiot. Something must've happened to have these three people be so nosy about her.

After a long pause, Graham caved in. "You and Alec aren't good for each other, so I hope you don't continue seeing him."

Jenny suddenly understood what was going on.

"You're biologically my father, but that doesn't give you the right to meddle in my personal affairs," she said sharply.

Graham's face turned cold, no.velxo feeling slightly hurt by his daughter's words.

"How could you talk to your father like that, Jenny? He's only saying it for your own good,-" Rowena huffed on Graham's behalf.

Jenny snapped back, "What are you doing shoving your nose in my business with my father? Stay put, will you?"

"""You-" What a bitch!

Before Rowena could say anything else, Graham shot her a glare, shutting her up.

"I know you're upset with me, Jenny, but you cant mess around with serious things like this. You and Alec already proved your incompatibility by the divorce, so why get involved with each other again? He's not the only bachelor out there."

Jenny put down her silverware, officially losing her appetite. "You're overthinking. Alec and I arent together at all. I'm upset because you're crossing my boundaries and invading my personal affairs. Even if we end up together, that's a choice I make that no one can interfere with."

Not even her father.

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