Chapter 529 Don't Think That I'll Accept You

Jolene was convinced that Jenny had done it on purpose. She knew everything but pretended to be clueless so that Jolene would let her guard down. Jolene suspected that Jenny had planned to embarrass her for a long time and had been waiting for her there. The more Jolene thought about it, the more frightened she became of Jenny.

As if she had seen a ghost, Jolene stumbled back a few steps, saying," did it on purpose."

Jenny was confused.

Jolene continued, "Aren't you happy now? Everyone knows that you're great. You've been recognized by everyone, and I've become a joke. You must be very proud of yourself." Jolene began to tear up as she failed to control her emotions.

Seeing that, Jenny stepped forward, took her into her arms, and whispered in her ear. "Think about where you are right now. Don't embarrass yourself here."

She couldn't care less about Jolene, but she was still a daughter of the Walter family. For the sake of the Walters, she couldn't allow Jolene to make a fool of herself on stage.

Jolene wanted to break free, but Jenny didn't give her a chance. She forced Jolene to walk towards Graham, who was not far away. They behaved like two normal sisters to everyone else, but only Jolene knev she was being forced.

After they arrived in front of Graham,no.velxo Jolene tried her best not to show her hatred, and Jenny let her go.

"Jenny, I didn't expect you to play the piano. It was excellent. You didn't embarrass our family," Graham said, happy that Jenny had made him proud. Jenny smiled and pushed Jolene in front of Graham. "I have to thank Jolene. She suggested to Brandon that I play. Otherwise, I wouldn't have had this opportunity."

As soon as Jenny said that, Graham frowned instantly. He wasn't stupid and knew the meaning behind Jenny's words.

Just as he was about to reprimand her,no.velxo Jolene spoke up. "Dad, I wanted to give her a chance to play the piano since I knew she could. Everyone should know that regardless of where we grow up, the daughters of the Walter family will always excel."

Upon hearing this, Jenny looked at Jolene with Jolene seemed to have grown rapidly in just a few days, becoming much smarter than when Jenny first met her.

"Is that so?" Graham still seemed skeptical.

Jolene nodded emphatically.

When Graham's gaze landed on Jenny, she smiled and nodded, saying," Perhaps so. I would like to believe that my sister has good intentions."

Jenny had to be crazy if she believed that. no.velxo Nonetheless, she didn't expose Jolene. She knew Graham wanted her and Jolene to get along well.

Although she knew Graham seemed to favor her a little more for the time being, she didn't know how long it would last. no.velxo She decided not to give him any reason to dislike her before she secured her position.

"Well, I'm glad you two can get along well," Graham said, not pressing further. "The party is ending, and the driver is already waiting for you at the door. If you're bored, feel free to go back."

"Okay." The two nodded, and Graham returned to the crowd, no.velxo indicating that the party wasn't over for him.

Once Graham was gone, Jolene's expression changed. "Don't think for a second that I'll accept you just because you didn't expose me earlier!"

Jolene knew that Jenny came to the Walter family to take everything away from her, and she would never accept her because they were born enemies.

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