Chapter 527 Sorry

Alec turned his head to look at Christopher when he heard his voice, frowning in confusion. 'What are you trying to say?"

With a small smile, Christopher continued watching Jenny. "You and I are no longer good enough for Jenny. Are you still not going to give up?"

Alec didn't understand why Christopher was saying that to him. "Why does it matter to me whether I'm worthy or not? Why are you saying these things to me?"

To Alec, even though Jenny was the eldest daughter of the Walter family, she was still the one he liked. He didn't care whether he deserved her or not.

"It seems that you are really more determined than me,"no.velxo Christopher said with a sad smile. He had grown apprehensive about liking Jenny. Before she returned to the Walter family, Christopher felt that he was worthy of her.

He sighed helplessly at the thought of his family background, which couldn't compare to the Ten Elites of Bardoff City. And he certainly couldn't compare to Alec, given how resolutely he loved Jenny. Looking at how bright Jenny shone in the distance, he realized he could only be friends with her.

He turned to Alec, his gaze carrying admiration. "All the best. I hope you will get what you're looking for."

Although he didn't like Alec very much, he felt that Alec and Jenny were very compatible.

After Christopher left, Alec stood there feeling at a loss. He couldn't understand why Christopher would come to him to say those things.

As Alec was still trying to process what had just happened, Brandon walked up to the central stage of the venue with a microphone in his hand." Everyone, please be quiet," he said, smiling at the audience.

As one of the Ten Elites, the Britts no.velxo hosted the banquet, and everyone wanted to show their respect. The venue quickly quieted down, and Brandon continued, "Thank you all for coming to this party tonight, especially Miss Walter, for supporting this event."

Jenny was confused by Brandon's words. She didn't know him and didn't understand why he was thanking her.

"Miss Walter proposed to play a piece for this party, and my family is very honored," Brandon said with a smile, his gaze now fixed on Jenny.

The spotlight shifted to her, and all eyes were on her. Jenny was taken aback. When did she say she would do that? She looked at Jolene, who was smiling smugly. Did Jolene manipulate this situation? It seemed that she didn't take what Jenny had said seriously.

"Jenny, what's going on?" Graham walked up to her, rather worried.

He didn't recall arranging a piano instructor, worried that she wouldn't be able to handle so many things. It would be embarrassing for her if she didn't manage to play the piano. Nonetheless, since he had come with her, no one would dare to slander her if she really couldn't.

Jenny didn't want to tell Graham about Jolene's scheming and instead replied with a reassuring smile, 'It's alright. I can handle it."

Before Graham could say more, Brandon spoke up again, "Please, Miss Walter, let everyone see your talent."

The piano was already on stage, no.velxo and the audience applauded. Jenny felt she had no choice but to perform. She didn't care about pleasing the Britt family, but she didn't want to give Jolene the satisfaction of seeing her fail.

"Want to see me make a fool of myself?" Jenny thought to herself. "Sorry, I'm not going to give you the pleasure.'

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