Chapter 466 Jonathan's Sister

Suddenly, she thought of something, and a hint of a smile appeared on her gloomy face. However, her smile was somewhat chilling to look at. She got up from the hospital bed, walked out of the ward, and headed straight to the nurse's station.

"Excuse me, can you tell me which ward Alicia Flynn is staying in?" she asked the nurse at the station with a smile. Her injured face made her look particularly pitiful.

The nurses all knew why she was admitted to the hospital, and they couldn't help but feel a little. sympathetic toward her. "She's in Room 308 on the third floor."

"Okay, thank you," Yvonne said. She then turned and headed toward the third floor.

Alicia was Jonathan's younger sister. When Jonathan had promised to help Yvonne deal with Jenny, his condition was that she would fork out the money to save Alicia's life. At that time, she had only paid a deposit. Truth be told, she wasn't even sure if Alicia was still alive.

Since she was still in the hospital, it meant that she was alive. If that was the case, Yvonne naturally had to go see her. After all, Jonathan lost his life because of Jenny. As his sister, Alicia would want to avenge him.

When Yvonne reached Room 308 on the third floor, she pushed open the door and saw Alicia leaning against the bed, lost in thought.

"Who are you?" Alicia looked over, feeling somewhat wary about the person who just walked in out of the blue.

Yvonne smiled and sat down next to her. "You're Jonathan's sister, right?"

"Yes. Do you know my brother? Where is he? Why hasn't he come to see me?"

Alicia couldn't understand what was going on. Her brother loved her the most, so he should've come to see her the moment she woke up. However, she'd been awake for some time, and Jonathan hadn't come to see her even once. She couldn't even contact him. Hence, she was angry, but more than that, she was worried.

"I'm sorry...he won't be able to come and see you." Yvonne pretended to be sad and surreptitiously observed the change in Alicia's expression.

Sure enough, Alicia's face fell drastically. "What do you mean? What happened to my brother?" Yvonne sighed, seemingly unsure of what to say. It made Alicia even more anxious.

"Do you know who paid for your treatment?" Yvonne asked tentatively, afraid of revealing too much and wanting to make sure she was safe to make her next move.

Alicia shook her head and answered, "I don't know. I thought it was my brother."

"Your assumption is correct. It was indeed your brother's money." Yvonne replied, breathing a sigh of relief.

She wasn't sure where the money for Alicia's treatment came from. The deposit she'd given was definitely not enough. As for the rest of the money, she didn't know where it came from, nor did she care. As long as Alicia didn't know the source as well, she could perfect her lie.

Under Alicia's persistent urging, Yvonne decided it was time to tell her everything.

"Actually, it's my fault. I wanted to hire two bodyguards, and your brother came to me and asked me to pay for your treatment as a condition. I found him loyal and righteous, so I agreed. But never did I expect..."

Alicia's heart was pounding heavily. She seemed to have guessed the worst possible outcome, and her face turned pale.

"I have an enemy who has been targeting me for some time. Your brother decided to teach her a lesson on my behalf. But he fell into their hands." Yvonne sighed, looking heartbroken.

Alicia was stunned as she thought, "Jonathan was caught?"

Just when she decided it shouldn' a big deal as long as he was alright, Yvonne spoke again.

"Because of my enemy's power and influence, your brother would likely be sentenced to life imprisonment. He couldn't accept it, so...he committed suicide in prison!"

Yvonne turned her head away right after saying that, so Alicia couldn't see her expression. She couldn't bring herself to put on a sad face. She could only resort to doing that for fear of arousing Alicia's suspicion.

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