Chapter 389 Who Told You That?

Alec didn't know how to answer Jenny's question.

The Faust Group had only kept him busy for a little. He hadn't come to find Jenny because of Mortimer Faust. His father had eyes and ears on his tail. Alec feared he would do something to her if they found ou he had been seeing Jenny.

Besides, he had been occupied with winning over the board of directors and plotting to kick Mortimer off it. It hadn't been easy with most of those old men supporting Mortimer. They had been the ones who voted the man for the spot all those years ago and had long been upset about Alec's new way of doing things.

Alec hadn't told Jenny any of this. He didn't want her to worry or let her know his father was alive.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Jenny's smile fell.

To her, Alec remained silent because he didn't know what to say, showing that he actually hadn't been busy these few days.

Sensing Jenny's displeasure, Alec explained, "It's just been a lot of paperwork I have to look through."

"Oh. What kind of paperwork? If you tell me, I might be able to help.” Jenny stepped closer, wanting him to elaborate. Alec frowned in response because she wasn't normally this meticulous. "Do you think I'm lying to you?" he asked quietly.

The elevator reached the first floor, and the two stepped out, the atmosphere still tense.

"Lying?" she thought.

"I've truly been busy lately, Jenny. Please don't worry about it, okay?" Alec relented. He had been responsible for her doubts, after all."

Jenny sighed and sat on a nearby bench. "Promise you're not lying to me? That you've been truthful to me about everything?"

Alec paused, sensing Jenny's emphasis. "Of course I haven't lied to you. Even if I did, I'd have a good reason for it."

Like right now, he lied to Jenny to protect her from Mortimer Faust. That was a good reason for a white lie, right? Jenny wasn't happy with his answer. With a sigh, she decided to go straight to the point, or she'd be worried forever. "Then..." She met his eyes. "What about Quinn Blue?"

The moment Jenny said that name, Alec froze. Shock colored his eyes, followed by rage. "Who told you that?" he growled.

Jenny had never seen this side of him before. "It doesn't matter. What matters is who I am to you- Jenny or a substitute for Quinn?"

"Substitute?" Alec gritted out, eyebrows knitting together. "What the hell are you talking about? You're you, and Quinn is Quinn. What do you have to do with each other?" "Really? Then explain to me why we look so alike?"

It couldn't be a coincidence, right? Alec wouldn't have chosen her just because she resembled Quinn.

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