Chapter 350 Rest Well

Alec shook his head and said to Vincent, "You handle things here; I'll go back first." He felt worried when Jenny was out of sight and had the feeling that something terrible might have happened to her. He needed to see for himself that she was fine.

"Okay, I'll get the driver ready," Vincent said, taking out his phone to make the call. He didn't stop Alec from leaving. The business matters were already discussed and settled; the only thing left. was socializing with the clients. Vincent was more than able to take care of such a minor task.

After a few brief exchanges with the clients, Alec got up and left the private room. He didn't waste any time and instructed the driver to drive him home immediately. He couldn't wait to see Jenny, whom he hoped was safe at home.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Jenny's wound was cleaned and bandaged, and she was ready to


"You're a doctor yourself, so I don't need to remind you what precautions to take, right?" the emergency doctor asked while bandaging her.

Jenny nodded. "Yes."

The precautions were nothing new to her-she would always advise her patients not to engage in strenuous activities, and to avoid water and heavily spiced food.

"Okay. Go home and get some rest."

Jenny got up to leave, and Morgan hurriedly came forward to support her, looking worried.

"I've already talked to Dr. Ledger and got you a few days off to rest at home."

"It's nothing serious," Jenny said helplessly. She hadn't even considered taking time off, but Morgan had gone ahead and arranged it for her.

Morgan continued to support her and disagreed, "Jenny, I know you're fit and in good shape, but you can't do this. You need to rest when you're supposed to rest." Jenny had saved her this time, so Morgan fel indebted to her. If she couldn't even apply for leave on her savior's behalf, she'd be

ashamed of herself.

Jenny was touched by Morgan's concern for her, but she didn't say anything more. Resting for a few days would do her good, as she wouldn't be able to perform surgeries on her patients for some time.

Just then, her phone rang. She saw that it was Alec calling and furrowed her brow in response. What's wrong?" she asked as soon as she answered the call. Alec was supposed to be with clients at this time and shouldn't have had time to call her. Jenny immediately jumped to the conclusion that something bad had happened.

Alec breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing her voice and quickly asked, "Where are you?"

"I-I'm out eating with Morgan and on my way back," Jenny replied, not intending to tell Alec about her injury. There was no need to increase his worries for no reason. The wound had already been bandaged; if she covered it with her clothes, it would be hardly noticeable.

"Where are you? I'll come to pick you up," Alec said. He couldn't just sit at home and wait; he couldn't wait to see Jenny.

Jenny refused him outrightly. "You don't need to do that. I'm already on my way back."

"Send me your location, and I'll come to pick you up," Alec said, hanging up the phone without listening to Jenny's refusal.

Jenny looked at her phone and sighed helplessly. She knew Alec's personality; if she didn't send him her location, who knew what he would do? If he asked someone to look into tonight's events, he might find out about what transpired.

Putting her phone away, she looked at Morgan sitting next to her and said, "Someone is coming to pick me up. Are you going back by yourself, or do you need me to drop you off?"

"It's okay, I can go back by myself." She pointed to the car parked not far away and guessed who had come to pick Jenny up. Although she was curious, she felt it would be better not to be a third wheel. "Right. Drive safe then," Jenny advised.

Morgan nodded and waved her goodbye. "I'm going back now. Take care of yourself, Jenny."

"Yeah," Jenny replied and watched as Morgan left the hospital.

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