Chapter 301 Agenda

Alec ignored her and continued driving, which frustrated Felicity. Nonetheless, it wasn't enough to make her give up. "Alec, we're all friends," she said, "and friends always take care of each other." Remaining silent, Alec glanced at Jenny, who coughed when she met his gaze.

Jenny turned to Felicity and said coldly, "Felicity, your father told me to bring you to Parrington because he wants you to work hard. You're not here to mess around. For his sake, I'll make sure you get a job, bu that doesn't mean you can sit back and relax. If you don't do well, you'll be fired, and I'll just send you back to Orchid Village. "As for your little agenda..." Glancing at Alec, Jenny looked for the right words before continuing, "I can ignore it, but you better think about the consequences of offending someone you can't afford to offend. Let me make it clear to you now that I won't plead on your behalf if that happens." Her blunt words stunned Felicity, rendering her silent. While she understood what Jenny was trying to say, her words were too ruthless and cruel, and they angered Felicity. "Did I ask for your help?" she spat out." Do you think you're that powerful?”

"Great, I'm glad to hear that. Didn't I just say I won't plead for you?" Jenny replied before turning away.

After another four hours, they finally arrived at Parrington. Felicity had been to Parrington two years ago, but because she failed to find a job, she returned to Orchid Village. Now that she was back, she realized how much Parrington had changed in just a few years.

She was a little out of place following Jenny into Perry Residence. However, she made sure not to show. it. "Jenny, how much rent do you pay every month? It must be expensive."

"Well, it's not too bad." Jenny didn't answer her question as she didn't want Felicity to know too much.

Alec walked them to Jenny's condo but didn't go inside as he was tired from driving all day. "Rest early, guys. I'll head back now."

"Thank you. It must've been exhausting for you." Jenny felt very sorry as their trip to Orchid Village wasn't fun for Alec. Instead, he became a chauffeur for two days.

Alec grinned at her. "What's so exhausting about being with you? It's you who will be exhausted soon." He was referring to Felicity. With Felicity as a cousin, there was no way for Jenny not to feel exhausted. After that, Alec returned to his condo, and it wasn't until he closed the door that Felicity came to her senses.

"Alec lives across from you?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." Jenny nodded and opened the door to let the two children in. She told them to wash up and go to bed early. After all, they were already feeling sleepy in the car.

Felicity entered Jenny's condo in a daze, still unable to recover. Why was Alec, the richest man in Parrington, living in Perry Residence? Although the place seemed pretty classy, shouldn't Alec live in a mansion?

"Why does he live here?" Felicity couldn't help asking.

Jenny seemed to guess what she was thinking. "Why do you care so much? What does it have to do with you?"

"Why does it not?" Since Alec wasn't around, she stopped pretending to be nice and told Jenny, "Let me make this clear. I have my eyes on Alec, so he belongs to me. You better not get any funny ideas."

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