Chapter 260 Nonsense

"Zack," Gilbert called, his voice heavy. "I may have to leave for a while. I believe you'll take good care of Jenny when I'm gone, right?"

Zack froze in his tracks and instantly turned to look at him. "Leave? Where are you going?"

"I need to attend to matters regarding my company's overseas business. I'm going to investigate them." Hearing that, Zack rolled his eyes at him. "Oh, a business trip! I thought you were planning to leave for good."

"There are a lot of things going on over there, so I may not be back so soon," Gilbert elaborated.

Zack, who was in the middle of sighing in relief, instantly frowned. Studying Gilbert, he realized he was serious. He jerked upright and snarled, "Why are you doing this? You're trying to escape!" He was not stupid. Since Gilbert suddenly wanted to leave, there was only one reason. Zack assumed it was because he never resolved things with Jenny.

"Maybe." Gilbert didn't deny it. "If I remain here, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my feelings for Jenny. I just realized that my feelings had already caused her harm, so I decided to leave for a while. Perhaps when I am back, I'll have completely let go of my feelings for her, and we can let bygones be bygones." He didn't want to leave as it meant he couldn't see Jenny for a long time. However, he knew that as long as Jenny was within his vicinity, he wouldn't be able to control his feelings for her.

Zack was about to persuade Gilbert that he didn't need to do that, that the situation didn't require such a dire measure. However, he swallowed his words in the end. He sighed and said, "You have already made up your mind, haven't you?"

"Yeah." Gilbert nodded, "I'm just worried that bad things will happen to her after I leave."

"Excuse me? Are you saying that I'm not capable of protecting her?" Zack was rather annoyed as Gilbert's statement insinuated that he was weak. Although he was indeed a little weaker than his brother, he would never admit it.

Gilbert side-eyed him, saying, "Well, if you're so mighty and powerful as you claim, how did Alec manage to buy you over so easily?"

"I don't know who you're talking about. What nonsense are you on right now?" Zack immediately retorted, refusing to admit it. Gilbert laughed; he couldn't be bothered to argue with him, but Zack wasn't done talking. Looking him in the eyes, he continued, "Jenny doesn't need us to support her. She's already capable of doing everything by herself, much better than us, I must say.

Gilbert didn't deny it. Jenny had indeed improved so much from how she was in Orchid Village. Although Gilbert always wanted to help her, he couldn't find a chance to. Even so, he was still worried about her. "Well, in any case, take good care of her." Gilbert patted him on the shoulder. He turned around, ready to leave.

It made Zack anxious. "Are you leaving right now?"

"I'm going to the company now since I need to make the necessary arrangements first." After all, there were many people under his management. They might think he was siphoning money from the company it he left without a word.

Zack heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Gilbert would leave immediately. If that were the case, he wouldn't have any time left with him. He followed Gilbert, ready to go to the company with him. when a phone call stopped him. His expression gradually turned grim as he listened to the report from the other end of the line.

As soon as the call ended, Zack called Jenny, saying, "There's an update about the matter you told me to investigate."

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