Chapter 255 She Can't

Seeing Alec alone in the kitchen, Jenny felt a little sorry. "Please take a seat while I help him out in the kitchen," she told her brothers

"Go, go" Zack waved her away. "We're all family. There's no need to be so polite."

With that, Jenny left the living room and headed to the kitchen. However, Gilbert's face darkened because of what Zack had just said. "What do you mean? When did Alec become part of our family?"

"Isn't it a matter of time? Look at them; they're bound to get married again." With a smile, Zack intentionally took a jab at Gilbert's sore spot. He wanted Gilbert to understand that it was impossible for him to be with Jenny

"Don't you know how Alec treated Jenny? How can you support him, Zack? Do you really treat Jenny as your sister? Gilbert scolded. He was already angry the moment he saw Alec in Jenny's house, and Zack's words only added fuel to the fire.

Zack shrugged, saying, "She's my sister, so I wish nothing but happiness for her."

"Alec can't give her happiness!" Gilbert spat.

"He can't give it to her, but can you?" Zack stopped smiling and turned to look coldly at his brother. "I've told you so many times, and I thought you would take at least a little bit of my advice, but I guess I was wrong Well, I think it doesn't matter who Jenny ends up with. All that matters is her happiness. As her brother, I will always support her What about you? Will you support her?"

Gilbert gritted his teeth, his expression was ugly "Since it doesn't matter who she is with, can't she be with me?"

"She can't!" Zack was frustrated. "Jenny won't accept you. She won't ever be with you."

"How do you know that? I never tried to pursue her, Gilbert retorted

"Wasn't her reaction obvious enough? Do you really want her to become a stranger to you?" Zack spat, fuming and wondering why Gilbert couldn't understand the situation. Gilbert was silent. Zack was right, Jenny's reaction said it all. Nonetheless, his heart would not rest.

The brothers fell quiet, and neither attempted to break the silence. When Jenny and Alec came out of the kitchen, they realized something was amiss.

"What's wrong? Jenny asked, a little baffled

Zack shook his head. "Nothing" He walked to the dining table to look at all the food they had prepared, exclaiming. "Alec made all of this?"

"Yeah" Jenny nodded, feeling a little embarrassed. "Zack, you already know I don't know how to cook." "That's right. I've never seen you cook once." Zack had no doubt that Alec made all the food. He looked a the dishes on the table before turning to Alec in disbelief. "I never imagined the mighty Mr. Faust would be such a good chef."

*Coine on Take a seat and try my food. If it tastes good, come back again next time." Alec grinned as he poured Zack a glass of wine.

Glancing at him, Jenny wondered why he was acting like it was his house. However, she decided to let it go Given that he had cooked so many dishes, Jenny decided not to argue

Everyone took a seat except Gilbert Jenny turned to him and called, "Gilbert, come and eat."

"Okay." Although he didn't want to eat Alec's food, he didn't want to leave just like that. If he left, who knew what would happen between Jenny and Alec?

Even though he was reluctant to linger any longer, he decided to stay, refusing to give them the slightest chance.

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