Chapter 212 Just For Pity's Sake

Jenny didn't know what Yvonne had said to Sam, but she felt that her actions that day were odd.

What was the point of framing her? Who else would believe her besides Sam? Did she slap herself just for pity's sake?

Jenny couldn't figure it out, so she buried herself in her thoughts. Alec, who was driving, looked concerned. "What are you thinking about? The Blooms?"

"Not really. I just thought that Yvonne was being weird." She retracted her gaze from the window and looked at Alec.

Alec understood what she was trying to say and nodded. "It does seem weird. But maybe she just wanted to hurt you. She just didn't think that you'd respond like that."

Anyone would be rushing to explain things. Only Jenny would refuse to explain and slap her instead. "That's a possibility." Jenny nodded and then smiled at Alec, asking, "Aren't you going to doubt me? What if I did slap her?"

"I believe you," Alec said. Hurriedly, he added, "But even if you did hit her, it wouldn't be your fault."

Jenny couldn't help laughing. Such trust didn't move her; instead, it amused her. "Don't you think that's just blind trust?" she asked. "Does that mean that whomever you're protecting can do no wrong?" Truth be told, she didn't like this act of blindly loving someone.

"Not really. I just believe in your character. You wouldn't hurt Yvonne without reason," Alec replied. He wasn't blindly loving her; he could discern things himself.

After a moment's silence, she asked, "Don't you think that I went overboard with what I did afterward? i gave that slap everything I had."

"Nope. I just thought you had a strong personality." When it happened, Alec had not pitied Yvonne. On the contrary, he admired Jenny.

"You're really..." Jenny mulled over her words, all of a sudden unable to describe Alec.

He looked at her, saying with a straight face, "Maybe I feel that way because it's you."

Jenny gazed at him before turning away, saying nothing else.

The car drove on. Jenny thought Alec was driving her to her apartment, but then he stopped in front of a restaurant. "You're not full yet, are you? You barely touched your food."

"I'm alright. I didn't really have an appetite when I saw her." Besides, she worried that Yvonne had added a few extra ingredients to their food. Who knew what crazy stunts she'd pull? Jenny felt she had to tread carefully.

Alec smiled lightly and opened her door for her. "Let's go eat something. I'm hungry."

"Alright." Jenny didn't decline. It was rare for her to rest, and she didn't want to starve herself.

They ate considerably happily. Putting aside the fact that he was her ex-husband, Jenny thought that Alec was actually a pretty decent person.

"Grandpa has been missing you lately. Are you free in the afternoon? Perhaps you could come with me to the Old Mansion to see him." Alec said suddenly during the meal.

His grandfather was truly constantly talking about Jenny. But Alec wanted to spend time alone with. Jenny, too.

"Sure." Jenny nodded. Since she was done with her little stay, it was expected of her to visit him.

At the mention of Alec's grandfather, Jenny suddenly looked at Alec curiously. "Don't you think it's weird that he firmly believes that we're suitable for each other?"

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