Chapter 207 I Don't Want To Be Your Woman Anymore

"Yes! I care about it very much," Stephanie admitted, looking him in the eye.

Paul frowned in annoyance. "Apart from defining our relationship, I can give you anything you want."

"I don't want anything else. I just want a public relationship. Is that so difficult?"

Stephanie's eyes began to tear. She just wanted them to date like any normal couple, why was it so difficult?

"As my woman, these are the things you have to bear," Paul said stoically, his words bearing a tone of displeasure. Disappointed with his response, Stephanie shook her head. "Sorry, I don't want to be your woman anymore."

She had been naive for thinking that nothing mattered as long as two people liked each other. However, after being with Paul, she realized she couldn't do it. She cared a lot about making a relationship public. "Take back what you just said, and I'll pretend I didn't hear anything," Paul said, his face a frightening mask of gloom. Then, his hands moved from her hand to her neck, as if he was threatening to strangle her. However, Stephanie had already made up her mind. "No, I don't want to be your woman anymore. I said what I said."

She was really tired of their relationship and she found no point in continuing whatever it was between them.

As soon as the words left her mouth, Paul's fingers exerted force. His handsome features were contorted by gloom as he asked, "You said what you said? I am Paul Wagner, how dare you say that to me?”


Seeing this side of Paul, Stephanie's eyes clouded with fear. At that moment, she realized she never knew him.

She couldn't breathe. Just as she thought she would die in his hands, he let go of her, turned around, and walked out of the door.

"Think about it again. Until you have thought it through, you're not allowed to take a step out of here!" With that, he disappeared from her sight. Stephanie clutched her neck as she took deep, ragged breaths. " can't treat me like this..."

However, Paul never looked back. Stephanie was trapped there, even her phone was taken away. She stared ahead blankly, finding it hard to believe that this was happening to her.

Meanwhile, Jenny walked out of the welfare home feeling a little lost. She had analyzed the information of keen adopters, but none of them satisfied her. Hence, she had no choice but to wait.

Just then, she heard a horn sound twice. Turning around, she saw Alec in a nearby car. She walked over and got in the car.

"How did it go?" Alec asked as he started the car.

Jenny shook her head. "I found no suitable adopters."

"Don't be disappointed. I told you to leave it to me. You didn't have to visit this place," Alec said. Although he felt a little frustrated, he knew that Jenny wouldn't be happy unless she personally looked for adopters.

Jenny looked at him and said, "You're a busy man, Mr. Faust. I shouldn't trouble you if I can handle it myself."

"Don't be silly. Even if I'm busy, I'll still prioritize you."

Jenny shrugged as she knew she had to rely on Alec for this matter. "Then, I'll have to trouble you, Mr. Faust."

"Just call me Alec. Actually, you can call me anything. Just don't call me Mr. Faust," he said sternly.

"Alec?" Jenny said hesitantly.

"Yes, that'll do."

"I think it's weird. We're not that close." When she called him by his name, she was reminded of how Yvonne always called him that. She didn't want to do the same as her. "What do you want to call me then?" Alec asked.

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