my tongue.”

Rose looks at me with wide eyes. She’s so fucking beautiful, it makes my chest hurt.

And so fucking sexy, it’s got my cock throbbing painfully.

She’s letting me touch her. Letting me be the first person to give her body true pleasure.

Gareth was a fucking idiot to lose her.

“What about you?” Rose murmurs as I kiss her neck again, relishing the way my lips slide over her skin like it’s silk. And her scent? Fuck, it’s amazing. I can taste it on her skin. Drink it the fuck up.

“Don’t worry about me. This is for my pleasure.”

I walk her backward to the bed, stopping as the white sheets graze the back of her legs.


She lifts her arms above her head without hesitation, allowing me to pull her dress up over her head until she’s just in her black lace bra and panties. Her nipples harden inside the fabric, calling to me.

“This is definitely for my pleasure,” I groan as I unhook her bra and pull it off, freeing her breasts into my waiting hands. Her eyes drop to where I’m rubbing my thumbs back and forth over her pink puckered skin.

I squeeze her nipples gently, and she gasps as her upper body trembles.

Sensitive nipples? Fuck…

I push her down so she’s perching on the edge of the bed, then drop to my knees on the floor in front of her and let my eyes roam hungrily over every curve of her.

“Panties off, too.” I reach forward and she lifts up from the sheets enough for me to slide them all the way down her long legs.

I press them into her hand.

“Feel how wet you made them.”

She gazes at me, closing her fingers around the fabric.

“Don’t you mean, how wet you made them?”

I growl as I pull her knees apart and dive onto her, kissing her smart mouth, and sinking one hand into her hair.

“I don’t know where to fucking start.” I pull back. “Maybe here?” I place both hands on the bed, caging her in and lick over her collarbone, moving down until I’m sucking one of her tight, perfect nipples into my mouth. I groan as I roll my tongue over it. “Or here?” I switch sides, and she moans, arching up into my mouth.

“There,” she breathes as I swirl my tongue faster and suck harder.

“Or maybe here?” I drag my lips down the soft skin of her stomach and straight between her legs, making her jump. Then I lick down her slit with one long swipe of my tongue, until I reach her asshole, and she tenses, closing her legs around my head.

“Fuck,” I groan, placing my hands on her thighs and holding her wide open as I lick forward, grazing her entrance with the tip of my tongue.

She sucks in a breath as I groan again. She tastes as good as she smells. Like fucking nectar on my tongue. A heady combination that will render me addicted to her.

I couldn’t give her up even if my life depended on it.

A fact that is stabbing me in the heart right now.

I’m too selfish to have kept away.

And I sure as fuck am too selfish to let her go now.

I suck up a rush of her wetness and drink it down with a deep growl of appreciation. Then I settle my lips around her clit and suck gently.

“Dax.” Her breathy moan speaks directly to my cock, and it weeps in my boxers.

“You ready to come on my face, Sunbeam?” I flutter the tip of my tongue against her clit and slide a finger inside her.

She shudders, holding herself up on one arm as her other hand drops to my hair and she curls her fingers through it.


“Tell me,” I whisper around her clit as I suck it again.


“And you’re going to watch, aren’t you?” I look up, my lips never leaving her as I swipe my tongue over her again.

Her lashes flutter, and she bites her bottom lip. “Yes.”

“Good girl.” I smile against her and suck again, my cock leaking even more as her eyes widen and her mouth drops open. “I want you to watch yourself in the mirror. Watch how beautiful you are when you’re being given pleasure. Watch how much you deserve to be worshiped like this. With me on my knees at your feet.” I add another finger and stretch her open gently. “Watch how desired you are and what you fucking do to me.”

“Okay,” she breathes, her cheeks flushed. Then she lifts her gaze from mine and looks over my head at her reflection.

I close my eyes and dive into her, kissing, sucking, fingering, groaning, drinking, worshiping. Every damn thing I can do to her as she quivers and swells against my mouth, her wetness running down my chin.

I pull my fingers out, suck them clean and replace them with my tongue, fucking her with it as her hand twists in my hair and her ass lifts off the bed. I push her back down and pull my tongue back, moving back to lick circles over her clit as I sink my fingers back inside her again and suck in a sharp breath as her hot, tight, walls ripple around them and pull them in further.

“Dax,” she moans. My cock throbs harder at the pleasure dripping from her voice.

I increase my pace in response.

She sucks in a breath, tugging my hair at the root as she pants.


“Do it.” I bury my face in her and press my tongue harder against her clit.

She whimpers, “Fuck.”

Then she comes.

She comes all over me, covering my lips and face in her orgasm. She clenches and releases around my fingers and shudders against my tongue. She grips my hair so hard my scalp burns, and she pulls me closer and grinds onto me.

She lets go completely.

“Fuck!” she cries.

I open my eyes and look up. She’s watching herself in the mirror, just like I instructed her to. Her mouth is open, and her eyes are glittering as her chest rises and falls with fast breaths.

I suck on her clit, and she drops her head back and looks at the ceiling as she shudders again.

I continue sucking and kissing her gently until her breathing slows, and she sighs quietly. I can’t take my eyes off her for a second. The release from her calms the raging storm that’s often inside my head. Just watching her like this makes everything still somehow. Nothing else matters. Nothing except her and the flush in her cheeks and the light in her eyes as she finally brings them back to meet mine.

She watches as I press gentle kisses to her skin and take my fingers from her body. Then she smiles and sighs happily, and fuck if my soul doesn’t pledge its eternal promise to worship her.

For now. For tomorrow. For all time.

I am totally fucked for this girl.

“Kiss me, Dax.”

I press my mouth to her swollen flesh one final time, then rise to my knees, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her to me. She places her legs around me and crosses her ankles behind me, holding me close as she snakes her hands up around my neck, parting her lips as I lean forward to kiss her.

“I can taste myself,” she murmurs as I swipe my tongue through her lips to meet hers.

“You taste incredible.”

She kisses me again with her arms wrapped around my neck, and it’s like a fucking deep bass has started playing in my chest.

She’s holding me like she never wants me to leave.

“Are we going to have sex now?” she whispers against my lips.

I moan at the innocence in her tone as she sucks on my bottom lip with a soft sigh.

“We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. We can take our time. I’m patient.” I stroke her hair away from her face, cupping her cheeks.

She searches my eyes and clear blue shines back at me. “I guess you learned to be patient. Being where you’ve been. Until you came home, I mean. Then I guess it was different.” Her forehead wrinkles as she looks at my lips.

“It’s not been different, Rose. Not until now.”

She lifts her eyes to meet mine. “What do you—?”

“There’s been no one. Not since before I got locked up.”

Her eyes widen and then narrow almost immediately.

“I’m telling you the truth.” I rub my thumb back and forth over her lower lip. “There’s been no one in over three years.”

“The same as me,” she whispers.

I rest my forehead against hers. “The same as you.”

She takes a second to process my confession, and then she’s all over me, her lips crashing onto mine, her hands grabbing at my shirt as she fights to take it off. I pull it from my suit pants and rip it off over my head before swooping back onto her lips again.

“You’re sure?” I groan between kisses, grabbing handfuls of long blonde hair as I devour her mouth.

She grabs for my belt, moaning loudly as I kiss along her jaw and suck on her neck.

She undoes my pants and forces them and my boxers down over my thighs, wrapping her hand around the base of my aching cock and moaning my name.

She’s sure.

She slides her hand up to my tip, then stops. “What’s that?” She leans back and looks down at my cock. The head of it is covered in pre-cum, which makes the silver bar that runs down through my urethra and out below the rim on the underside of my head shine.

“A piercing.”

She looks up at me, her eyes wide. Then she stares back at it again.

“Does it hurt? I mean… what does it… how does it feel?”

She rubs the tips of two fingers over the top end of it, rotating the bar, and I curse with a deep growl as it sends a vibration buzzing through the head of my cock.

“It feels fucking amazing. Especially when you do that.”

I look at her delicate hand stroking it, spreading wetness over one end of it, and then dipping below to rub wetness on the other end as well.

“I like it.” Rose bites her bottom lip and gives me a shy smile. “I like that it feels good for you if I touch it.”

“It’ll feel good for you too.” I take her chin between my thumb and forefinger and dust her lips with a kiss. “I promise you, Sunbeam. It’ll feel good inside you.”

“Okay.” She bites her bottom lip, her eyes bright. “I believe you.”

Her words stab at my heart.

Not many people have chosen to believe me in recent years. Not many at all.

But she is willing to give her trust to me so easily.

All I have to do is give her my word. And it’s enough.

“Lie back.”

I move us up the bed and lower Rose onto her back. She pulls me over her immediately wrapping her arms around me, kissing me, and pushing her breasts against my chest.

“I want to feel it.” She spreads her legs around my hips and lifts them until my cock nudges at her entrance.

“Have you got condoms?” I don’t have any in my wallet. Stupid.

She stops kissing me. “Can you wear them with a piercing?”

“Of course. I always have.”

“I…” She looks between my eyes. “No.”

“It’s all right.” I move back a little. “We can wait.”

“No.” She pulls me back to her. “I… Please, Dax.” She looks at me with pleading eyes. “I don’t want to stop. If you’re—”

“Clean?” I finish for her, and she nods.

“And so am I… then?”

“I am. I had tests before I went away.” I stare at her, trying to get a read on what she’s thinking.

“I have the injection, so I’m not going to…” She inhales and glances at my cock, and the fucker laps up her attention like a puppy and wags at her, smearing pre-cum over her inner thigh. “I want to feel it with nothing between us. I want to feel you, Dax.”

Her pupils dilate as she breathes my name, and I press forward with a low moan, catching her lips in another heated kiss.

She’s obliterated any last shred of willpower I might have had.

“Hold on to me,” I say against her mouth as I kiss her again.

She wraps her arms around my neck as I lift one of her thighs and press just the tip of myself into her tight, wet heat.

I hiss at the contact as her body grips on to me greedily, holding me tight, in warm, wet ecstasy.

“I can feel it.” She smiles as I circle the head of my cock inside her so the hard metal strokes her walls. “More,” she whispers.

I push forward, giving her another two inches, and she moans as I circle again, stroking her inside, getting her ready to take all of me.

“You okay?”

She bites her lip and nods as I push another couple of inches inside her with a deep groan.

Fuck, she feels incredible stretching around me. So wet. So hot. So tight.


I stop pushing immediately. “I’m almost halfway.”

I dip my head and kiss her, holding still inside her so she can get used to me. She parts her lips with a whimper, letting my tongue slide inside her mouth. I kiss her, my cock held snugly inside her as she melts into me, relaxing more the longer we kiss. Then she lifts her hips toward me, inviting me to push another couple of inches inside her.

“That’s it, Sunbeam. You’re taking it so well,” I hum against her lips as I keep kissing her. My cock throbs where it’s seated, partway inside her tight body.

“There’s still more?” she pants as I slowly circle again, kissing her neck behind her ear as my arms shake with the force of holding back.

“Quite a bit more,” I admit as the head of my cock throbs with the need to move inside her.

She threads both hands into my hair and moans as I suck the point on her neck where her pulse is beating rapidly. “Okay. I’m ready.”

“You sure?”

“Yes.” Her voice is breathy with an edge of excitement. “Don’t stop until you’re all the way inside me.”

I catch her lips in mine again, and my balls tighten, pulling up to my body as I push forward, stretching her around me. I push deeper as she writhes beneath me, pulling at my hair, a gasp falling from her lips. I push and keep pushing, until finally I am all the way inside her, being gripped tightly.

“Fuck, you feel incredible.” I drag in a shaky breath as my balls tingle.

Rose wriggles beneath me, clenching her sweet cunt around me.


“What’s wrong?”

I bury my face into her neck. “Just give me a second.”

Fuck, I’m going to lose it any moment. Lose it and spill inside her. Fill her up until it’s pouring out of her.

I breathe deeply. What can I hear? What can I smell? What can I taste? Breathe. Breathe.

“Okay.” I bring my face back to hers and kiss her. “Okay.”

Then I begin to move, slowly at first, afraid I will hurt her. She’s so tight, it may as well be her first time. I could hurt her if I get carried away.

The last thing I want to do is hurt her.

She moans and wriggles beneath me, widening her legs and lifting her hips to meet each gentle thrust I make into her. She’s so wet that it makes it easier.

So fucking wet.

“More, Dax. Please.”

I look into her eyes, bright and trusting, and then I take both of her hands in mine, threading my fingers with hers and pressing them against the sheets above her head as I drive into her with more speed.

“How’s that feel?”

“Amazing.” She tips her head back as my cock is coated in a fresh wave of arousal from her. “It feels amazing.”

I clench my teeth as I alter the angle so the top of my piercing will rub against her G-spot.

“Dax.” Rose gasps, lifting her head from the mattress as I pull back and thrust in again, hitting the new spot. “Dax… that’s…”

She drops her head back to the bed, moans overtaking her parted pink lips as I fuck her in delicious long, deep, rhythmic strokes, relishing the way her body welcomes my aching cock with such enthusiasm, squeezing it on every intake.

“I want you to watch me this time.” I thrust into her, and her pupils dilate. “I want you to keep your eyes on mine as you come on my cock.”

“I don’t know if I can like this,” she pants. “It feels…”

I thrust a little harder until my balls kiss her skin.

“It feels so… so good, but I haven’t ever…”

“I’ll take care of you.”

I let go of her hands and rest on one forearm, sucking my thumb, before sliding it between our bodies and circling it over her clit.

I continue to thrust into her, letting her stretch around my cock as I stroke her swollen clit until she’s panting and grabbing at my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin.

“You ready to come for me now?”

“Yes.” She nods furiously as I increase my pace, my balls slapping against her body. Each connection threatens to make me blow. I’ve never been so fucking turned on in my life.

“Good girl.”

She sucks in another breath and then her chest starts to tremble.

“Eyes, Rose,” I urge gently.

She brings her gaze back to mine as the first contraction hits the tip of my cock making my balls twitch. I dip my chin, watching as she loses all sense of reality until all she can do is gaze at me, cry my name, and come hard on my cock, soaking it.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” I keep stroking her clit as she comes around me.

The head of my cock burns with need inside her as my piercing rubs against her hot flesh.

I groan like a wild animal as the last wave of her orgasm passes and mine begins. I release forcefully, filling her with streams of hot cum that race from my balls and up my cock with the power of a tsunami.

It may have been three years, but I remember sex. And it has never been like this before. It’s not the fact that it’s my first time without a condom, and that I’m filling her with me.

It’s not even the fact she’s so ridiculously tight and wet at the same time.

Her body might be the stuff of wet dreams.

But it’s more than that.

It’s her.

Her spirit. Her feistiness. But equally, her tenderness, too. That inner beauty that makes her glow brighter than the fucking sun.

It’s all her.

Rose watches me with vibrant blue eyes, her cheeks flushed from her own release as I spill inside her, losing any sense of control. I grab her face and crash my lips to her, sucking in giant breaths.

“Fuck…” I growl into her mouth. “Fuck, Rose…” Thrust. Thrust.

“Dax,” she murmurs, kissing my lips as I struggle to breathe.

My balls throb as they pump out the last of the most powerful orgasm of their existence and I groan as my cock pulses one final time and then releases its hold over me.

“Rose.” I gulp in air and then return her kiss. “Fuck.” I exhale slowly and then sink my face into the crook of her neck. “You’re everything. You’re fucking everything.”

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