Chapter 6: The Barquete Match

“Well,” Shesain’s inquisitive eyes searched Derak’s, “what did you two talk about?”

“The Alliance Treaty, and the missing battle cruiser that never got delivered.”

“That’s all?” she asked, pointedly.

“Remor said that he would look into the matter. That’s enough for now.”

“C’mon Derak, you can tell your buddy, Jack,” his colleague interjected.

“Not now. Sorry, shall we continue the tour?”

Not quite satisfied with his answer, Shesain gave him an “I’ll find out later” look.

“Ok, gentlemen,” she started, as she walked between both men, “let’s go to the games. The sport is called Barquete. It’s played with short, flattened bats and three different goals at each end of the field. My brother, Rhembar, played on a championship team five years ago.” She initiated them to the rules of the game as she skillfully, taking the shortest route, guided them to the field. Upon their arrival, they were escorted to the best seats in the VIP boxes and immediately served a tasty, chilled white wine and finger foods.

“Mmmm, this is delicious,” Jack gave his approval. “You know, Derak, I could get used to this.”

“You just might have the chance.”

He shot an inquisitive look his way before attacking the appetizers.

Shesain attracted Derak’s attention by momentarily placing her hand on his forearm.

“What did Uncle Remor discuss with you? I can tell there was more.”

“There was, but this isn’t the place to talk about it.”

Jack saved the day by interrupting with questions about the game. He received a look from Shesain before she started answering him.

The teams were introduced and greeted with the roaring of the crowd. After taking their places on their respective sidelines, captains walked out to the center of the field to receive instructions. A coin was flipped to determine the receiving side. The field’s width was close to that of a soccer field and as long as an ancient American football field, with three circular rings rising above the ground in the end zones. The center ring was taller and bigger with two side rings set lower. The field was divided up into quarters with a midfield line.

From all appearances, barquete appeared to be a combination of old American football, rugby, and cricket, Derak surmised.

Certain players pitched the ball, about the size of an extra large softball, and the remaining athletes were batters. Checks, tackling, and scrums were allowed. The objective was to pitch and bat the ball through the opposing team’s goals. The smaller side goals were worth three points; the larger center goal worth two points, and the small ring in the center of the large ring was worth ten points.

The opposing captains and officials approached the VIP boxes, in the center of the grandstand, and bowed.

“As the highest ranking dignitary, I must announce the start of the game,” Shesain said, as she stepped up to the second level of the grandstand. A face-hugging microphone was put in place by an attendant. Raising her right hand, she spoke.

“Celebrated athletes, citizens of Thumar, and honored guests…Welcome! Let the games begin!”

A deafening cheer from the fans erupted as the opposing sides took to the field. An attendant handed Derak a crystal glass, generously filled with a honey colored liqueur, and a bottle. He eyed the glass with a questioning look as the attendant pointed to a finely dressed middle age Thumarian in the first row of the VIP section. Making eye contact, he raised his glass in a toast.

The crowd exploded into cheers. He turned to the field of play as the green team scored. They set up at mid-field again, and the whistles blew. The big Thumarian athletes collided, checked, and tackled each other for control of the ball.

“That’s one rough game, but it looks like fun.”

“You wouldn’t last one-quarter!” Shesain merrily retorted.

“Mmmph,” Derak shot back, “couldn’t be any worse than some of the off-world battlefields I’ve been on.”

“We’ll see about that.” She called an attendant, whispering something before sending her off.

“What was that about?” he asked, curiously.

“You’ll see,” she mischievously grinned. “What’s that?” She pointed to the bottle of what Derak had discovered was brandy.

“A gift from the gentleman four seats down.”

“That’s Thrombur. He was smart enough not to try to compete with my father in the vintner’s market. So he went into the liquor business. Brandy is his specialty,” she said, inspecting the bottle. “It’s an ’09 vintage. You do impress the right people.” She gestured for Thrombur to join them; he quickly made his way down to their seats.

“Thromber, your brandy has made an impression on the captain,” Shesain exclaimed.

“I would have given Rhemar a run for his credits, Shesain.”

She laughed. “Indeed, but then we never would have had the pleasure of such exquisite libations.”

Thrombur looked at Derak. Shesain said, “It is my pleasure to present, Captain Derak Jamar

III. Derak, this is Thrombur Tenumbar. He makes some of the finest brandy on Thumar.

“Pleased to meet you, Captain.”

“You may call me Derak.”

“Good…Derak. I shall be happy to supply you with my finest stock as long as you’re serving Thumar.” Shesain gasped in amazement as Thrombur continued, “I’ll send a sample box and a list to your base.”

“Thank you, Thrombur. I will enjoy your brandy.”

Then Thrombur introduced a beautiful woman who had appeared at his side. “Derak, this is my wife, Tehemar. She keeps the business end up while I run the distilling side.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tehemar.” After the introductions, Tehemar turned to Shesain and hugged her like an old friend. Soon, Derak’s attention returned to the game.

The crowd stomped and cheered as a large scrum took place at mid-field. A green pitcher with an incredible arm, pitched to a batter outside the circle, and he whacked the ball downfield. The scrum separated, and the chase was on. Thrombur and Tehemar excused themselves and returned to their seats to cheer on the green players. The bell rang to announce half time. Players gathered around their coaches to receive water and the second half adjustments. Citizens emptied the stands, off to refill their beverages and procure other refreshment before the second half started.

It wasn’t long before the crowds finished filing back into their seats. An official made an announcement.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the pleasure to announce that Lady Shesain Andehar has informed me that Captain Derak Jamar III of the Alliance has agreed to play for the green team in the fourth quarter.” The returning crowds rose in unison with the players to cheer and stamp in approval.

Derak wagged his finger at her, “I’ll get you for this.”

“Go,” she gestured, laughing.

He stepped up to the microphone and spoke to the crowd. “In all due fairness, I will play the third quarter with the red team and the fourth with the greens.”

The response was deafening. It was Shesain’s turn to be shocked. He smiled at her as he was escorted down to the locker room, surrounded by a security detail. Once there, his uniform was placed in a secure locker.

“See that there is no damage, and I get it back pressed, or you’ll have the Lady Shesain to deal with,” he told an assistant coach.

Just then, a red batter called out, “Think you can handle the game, Captain?”

“Terak! Show some respect,” his coach rebuffed.

Derak answered the challenge, “That’s okay, Coach. On the field, I’m a player, not a naval captain.” Those who had come into the locker room to check out their new teammate, cheered loudly.

“Is he fit enough?” another cried out.

“You want fit?” He turned around, showing his stripped down body, all six foot, three inches, flexing 245 pounds of solid muscle.

“He’ll do!” another shouted in excitement.

“Enough,” the coach belted out. “Get his uniform and cup. We have the second half to beat the greens!” A loud cheer erupted as Derak dressed for the competition.

“Captain,” the coach approached him, handing him a bat, “you’re a mid-fielder. Have you played barquete before?”

“No, but I’ve played rugby and cricket. There are a lot of similarities between them.”

“Good. Red Team welcomes you.” He clapped him on the back, “Let’s Go! Beat! Beat! Beat!” Red Team streamed out onto the field to a thunderous welcome. The coach and team captain turned to Derak on the sidelines and he received further instructions on hand signals to be used when it got too noisy to hear signal calls.

“You’re mid-field, no scrums. Specific instructions from The Lady’s security detail. Wait for your passes and send the ball up field. Batters, can only bat. It’s a foul if you catch or touch the ball, that’s what the pitchers are for. Got it?”

“Got it, I hope I can avoid the scrums,” Derak retorted, as a wicked grin crossed his face.

“Good. You’re number 11.” The coach then reiterated what Shesain had already explained to him. “The small rings are three points, large rings are two points, and the smallest ring in the center of the big one is ten points. Get your aim and distance judgment worked out in the middle of the field before you start attempting goals.” Then he reviewed the hand signals.

He joined the captains in center field for the second half coin toss. They won the toss and chose to receive. The red and green teams took their positions and the whistle blew. The crowd erupted in screams as the mayhem started. Bodies were flying all over the field as the ball was pitched and hit up field. A loose ball was flying in Derak’s direction, and he chased it along with another green batter, or striker, as they were called. He was checked by another green striker that sent him flying to the ground.

An audible gasp escaped the stands. Derak quickly rose to his feet and rejoined the fray at mid-field. The fans roared.

Another scrum broke up in green territory, and the ball was pitched toward the red end. The ball was skillfully passed by the green team, and Derak found the green striker who checked him hard. The ball was passed to an undefended part of the field. Running to intercept, Derak checked the green striker soundly to the ground, giving him time to set up a strike, with time to eye the three-point ring.

The ball came whizzing in Derak’s direction, and he took a swing and was rewarded with a loud “CRACK!” A thunderous cheer exploded from the stands as they watched the ball sail through the center of a small ring. He spied Shesain in the stands with the whole VIP section. They were yelling, cheering, and stamping their feet in excitement.

The third quarter ended, and he switched sides at mid-field. The stadium wildly applauded as he put on the number “11” green jersey. The stadium had filled up during the third quarter, and it was now standing room only.

Shesain, Jack, Shenar, Shesain’s sister; Remor, Tranoka, the mayor and his wife, Rhemar; and Temela rounded out his personal cheering section.

When the whistle blew, his mind was wrested back to the game. They were at it again, running, batting, and checking. Derak managed to find himself in the middle of as many good scrums and tackles as he could find, in spite of Shesain’s instructions.

Suddenly, the greens were seven points behind, and the game was getting down to hard hits and numerous scrums to wear the clock down. Every fan in the stadium was on their feet, and the noise obliterated thinking. Calls were useless, so they resorted to hand signals on the field. With 30 seconds left, a loose ball escaped a scrum. A green pitcher pitched a fastball to Derak, and Karn, wearing a red jersey, raced to the ball. Derak ran hard and checked him to the turf, with barely enough time to turn around for a desperation strike. CRACK! Time seemed to stop as the whole stadium followed the ball flying through the air, and the 10-point ring.

The packed stands and the players on the field erupted in tumultuous screams of celebration.

Shesain, delirious with pride, jumped up and down in excitement and hugged everyone in sight.

Derak walked over to Karn and offered him a hand up.

“Nice check,” he smiled, extending his forearm and gripping Derak’s, acknowledging him with respectful look. Derak returned the gesture, with a hard pat on his back as he rose. They both walked back to the middle of the field.

Red and green players mingled in celebration, congratulating each other on an extremely competitive match. A ten-pointer from a rookie! Basking in their victory, the green team headed for the locker room.

After showering and dressing in his pressed uniform, Derak thanked all the players and coaches for allowing him to play. Everyone from both teams remained to see him off.

The green coach spoke, “We have a little something for you, Captain.” He handed him a green and a red jersey with the number 11 on each of them, signed by all the players, staff, and coaches.

Holding them up to his nose, he sniffed the jerseys. “They’re clean, I hope.” A ripple of laughter crossed the room. “Thanks to all of you, and because of these jerseys, I’ll find it much harder to walk tomorrow.” Another round of laughter passed through the room. Then his mind drifted to Shesain, who made this moment possible, and warmth flowed through him.

A security detail arrived to escort him out of the locker room to the stadium’s foyer. Once there, the detail was met by the presidential party. Shesain blessed him with an enthusiastically proper greeting and an approving glint in her eye. The men were clapping him on the back and shoulders, and Karn returned to Shesain’s side.

Remor spoke first, “Your popularity has risen quickly in the last three hours, Derak. Word is getting around faster than hyper-drive. Let’s get you back to the VIP pavilion to avoid the crowds. You can rest before the festivities start.”

Jack walked up to him with Shenar, Shesain’s sister, at his side. “Shenar is going to show me around before the music begins,” he said with a big smile.

“You better be up on social protocols, Jack. Thumarian women can be a tough lot.” He smiled at Shenar.

“I’ll keep him in line.” Shenar smiled back, with attitude.

“I have no doubt. Have a good time,” he said as they walked toward the colorful vendor’s tents.

Shesain looked affectionately at Derak, and he took note of it.

“Let’s go before the crowds start forming. I’ll get you something for those muscles of yours, a relaxant. It will help you get through the rest of the night. You’re not skipping out on the dancing,” she added.

“Why would I?”

She tilted her head and gave him a quick, gentle jab in his sore ribs with her elbow.

Derak grunted in minor discomfort. “That hurt.”

“We’re a tough lot, remember.” She sweetly smiled back.

Remor led the presidential entourage down the boulevard. Crowds were gathered, and they parted and cheered as they passed.

At the pavilion, the security detail saluted and opened the tent flaps. Dignitaries were already enjoying the wine and sumptuous food. Shesain led Derak to a comfortable divan, and he sat down, while the rest of Remor’s party dispersed to catch up with friends.

The remarkable barquete match dominated most of the discussions and he heard his name mentioned more than once. It had been seven years since a rookie scored a ten-pointer, and his choice to play on both sides drew much praise.

Karn ensured that his reverie was not interrupted.

Shesain returned, carrying a cup of hot tea and delivering it to Derak with a considerate smile. He checked for a flower, none. The tea was warm and inviting as it slid down his throat. He sighed, relaxing deeply back into the billowy cushions of the divan.

Shesain sat down and drew her legs up into a comfortable position. “You made a lasting impression on the field today. I might think twice about challenging you in the future.”

The tone of her voice took on an elegant air that conveyed respect and appreciation.

He finished the tea, wishing for more. Shesain must have read his mind. She sent their attendant, Therese, to refill the empty cup. They settled deeper into the cushions.

“You are full of surprises, Derak,” Shesain remarked with intimacy laced into her delivery. “I look forward to discovering…more.”

“Some surprises aren’t as pretty,” he replied, evenly.

“I’ll take my chances.” Therese returned and placed the tea and a tray of exotic-looking seafood on the table in front of them.

“Thank you, Therese,” Shesain said before she tasted one. “Mmmmm, you must try one of these,” pointing to a pink colored oval, “it’s made with raw Penket fish, our best from the sea.”

Popping one into his mouth, Derak’s taste buds were overwhelmed with a truly tantalizing experience. “Wonderful!” he exclaimed. His senses were tingling as they silently polished off the contents of the platter.

Therese returned to retrieve the tray and to inquire if they would like more. They shook their heads. Derak ordered a bottle of her father’s best white wine along with two glasses. He raised his eyebrows in a question; Shesain affirmed with a warm smile.

Jack and Shenar entered the tent, laughing, as they walked over to join them. Jack grabbed two chairs on the way. Therese returned with the wine and glasses, set them on the table, and turned to Jack and Shenar.

“We’ll have the same,” Shenar said. Then she stood and twirled, asking Shesain, “What do you think of my new dress?”

“You look beautiful. That shade of purple looks stunning on you, Shenar. Mother will want it.” Both sisters laughed.

Derak lowered his voice and asked Jack, “Is it my imagination or does Shenar’s new dress have a tighter fit above the waist?”

“I think you’re right,” he softly responded.

Derak noticed that Jack was wearing a new uniform. He insisted he show it off. Jack stood with a smile as both sisters fussed over the uniform, making sure everything was in place.

“You look very handsome, Jack,” they both remarked.

They took their seats as Therese returned with Shenar’s order.

Gesturing to his new uniform, Jack asked Derak, “What do you think Morton will make of this?”

“We’ll find out in six weeks,” he mumbled, trying to put the thought out of his mind. Shesain must have sensed his thoughts as she gave him a reassuring smile.

“Ah, Commander,” Remor called out as he arrived with the rest of the Andehar clan, followed by the mayor and his wife. He looked at Shesain and Shenar’s new dresses. “You both look as beautiful as ever.” He turned to Jack, “Let’s see Petar’s handiwork.”

Jack stood as Remor looked him over. “Splendid. Petar is up to his usual high standards, I see.”

A look of amazement crossed Jack’s face, clearly flattered by the attention from such a luminary.

Everyone was exchanging greetings. The entire Andehar family was present, requiring the head chamberlain to make quick arrangements. In short order, divans, thick chairs, and tables were delivered to accommodate the joyful reunion. Wine and a variety of delicacies were offered.

Jack and Derak were introduced to the family with Shesain and Shenar at their sides.

“Welcome to the Andehar family reunion,” Remor said proudly to both of them. “May we all have a prosperous New Year.”

Glasses clinked, and Jack and Derak removed themselves to an open divan while the conversations continued. Dignitaries moved in and out of the party, exchanging greetings. Their rest didn’t last long, as Shesain and Shenar pulled them to their feet and dragged them back into the mix.

The party reached its zenith, and the head chamberlain walked over to Remor and whispered in his ear. He clapped his hands loudly. All eyes were on him as he spoke to the crowd. “The music is ready to begin, my friends. It’s time to move the festivities outside.”

The congregation of partiers dispersed quickly and the dignitaries moved to take their places on the main stage. The president stepped forward holding up his hand, the crowds hushed. “Let there be music!”

Cheers erupted as the orchestra started their program with a waltz. President Andehar and his wife walked to the dance floor, followed by Shesain and Derak. Then the mayor with his wife, and, finally, Shenar guided a jubilant and smiling Jack. The president and Tranoka started dancing at the fourth measure of music, and Shesain asked Derak if he waltzed.

“No, it was never on my mission list to learn.”

Undaunted by his answer, she replied, “Then you will learn. Follow me until you get the steps, then you’ll lead.” She looked over at Jack.

“Don’t worry about Jack. He’s a very capable dancer,” he told her. They began, and she was pleased with how quickly Derak picked up the steps. The mayor and Betrawn followed them, then Jack and Shenar. The crowd’s attention focused on the four pairs until the song ended. Remor smiled broadly and gave the band leader a cue, and a lively jig cut through the air as colorful dancers swarmed the enormous, open floor.

Derak took Shesain’s hand, “Now, this I can do.”

Shesain looked at him with an engaging smile, “Let’s see what you’ve got, Captain!” After five energetic jigs, they left the dance floor for a break.

“Once again, you meet my challenge,” she commented.

“I always will,” he replied, with a smile.

Shesain, Rhemar, Remor, and Paulos were eyeing Derak with merriment and indicated that he should look to his left. Derak looked up to see Betrawn, wearing a mischievous smile, signaling him. He jumped up to lead Betrawn onto the floor. The center cleared for them.

“I saved the longest and the liveliest dance for you,” Betrawn said. Her eyes sparkled as she signaled the band to start. Spirited music filled the air as they began to swing each other around the floor. Eager couples began to join them after a few bars.

The jig’s time steadily increased to a frenetic driving beat. The music picked up in tempo, and Derak’s legs started to complain. The long dance ended in a flurry of swirling skirts. Breathless, Betrawn and Derak looked at each other and laughed out loud. Smiling, they acknowledged the fellow dancers as well. He felt a tap on his shoulder, Paulos and Shesain stood there, appearing to be in very good spirits.

Paulos took Betrawn’s hand, and Shesain extended hers to Derak. The next jig began and Paulos left with his wife. Shesain never left Derak’s side for the rest of the evening, except to give Jumar his two promised dances. President Andehar announced the end of the night’s music program, and happy couples cleared the dance floor. Shesain and Derak made their way back to the head table.

Remor was wearing a satisfied smile.

“The festivities are over for the evening and will continue in the morning. You must deliver Derak back to the Kalidar Naval base, Shesain,” he said.

Farewells were exchanged, and Jack left to gather up his crew.

Accompanying Shesain to her limousine, they were met by Therese, with Derak’s brandy and a five-day supply of mint tea. They arrived at the parked ground car to find Karn waiting by the open door. Karn whisked them back to the base.

They flew back, in silence, with Shesain wearily resting her head on his shoulder. “Mmmm,” she murmured, “thank you for a wonderful day, Derak.”

“Thank you, Shesain. I haven’t had that much fun in years,” he responded, feeling grateful.

They lapsed back into silence as the hum of the flyer lulled her to sleep. Derak had the chance to see her vibrant beauty at rest; her scent was alluring. All too soon, they arrived at the base, and the car stopped. He awakened Shesain, gently, and she walked him to the front door. They turned to each other for a farewell, and she delivered her last instructions of the day.

“Your old uniform will be delivered tomorrow,” she said with a deep yawn. “Let Terga know she has to prepare this tea for you,” handing Derak the tea. “Take it twice a day for five days. It will help your sore muscles, and once again, thank you for an enchanting day.”

Her embrace lingered longer than normal, as did her kisses on each cheek. Her smile, and the look in her eyes, spoke volumes. She returned to the open car door, where Karn was watching the display of affection. She waved before Karn shut the door. He nodded before driving off.

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