“MOM!” I fly into her arms, squeezing her tightly as tears stream down my face. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

Her grip on me is just as tight. “Oh, Riley. We’ve been worried sick about you.”

“Seems you’ve been busy, kiddo,” Dad says, and I let go of Mom before throwing myself at him. He hugs my head to his chest. “We’re just glad you’re okay.”

“I didn’t do the things they’re accusing me of. I swear.” It’s partially the truth. In reality, I was only being sought after for the murders around campus. It was only Stanley Crane who was pushing for me to get sentenced for the crime I actually did commit.

“We know you didn’t. We’ve got members at Cade Pemberley’s house now. They’ve found evidence that links him to a lot of crimes.”

My parents have been briefed on our version of the story and The Society’s press will be releasing the exclusive story in the morning. It was the only way to clear my name and stop the manhunt while also showing the rest of the world who was to blame for the crimes committed.

It’s not all true, but no one needs to know; they just need a person to blame. Mom hands me her phone to read the email containing the article that will be published.

Manhunt Ended, Former Guardian to Blame

The manhunt for Riley Cross has ceased. The events revealing the perpetrator of the murders across campus and through The Society are still unclear, but what is known is Stanley Crane is to blame.

His crimes go many years, the first major one being the Pemberley family murders. It was found that Donald killed Helen, Mr. Crane’s mistress, and he was seeking vengeance when the family was caught in the crossfire. The seven-year case has now been officially closed and the murders solved. May the remaining family and friends be able to find peace knowing the murderer has been brought to justice.

In the investigation, Mr. Crane also admitted that Governor Saint knew the truth about the murders and held it over his head. In exchange for his silence, the former governor asked Mr. Cane to murder his wife. Mr. Crane followed the governor’s orders, resulting in a hit-and-run while continuing to be under the governor’s thumb until he eventually snapped and killed him too.

Investigators were also able to tie Mr. Crane to Cade Pemberley’s murder. A shrine of Riley Cross was found in Cade’s home, where we can only assume he kept the items he stole from her over the years while stalking her. We believe he also killed Zeke Martin, according to a handwritten note found in the shrine. There was also evidence proving that Cade and his father both physically and mentally harmed their nephew while he was in their care and even after. He was unavailable for comment, but his loved ones have said that he will need time and space to process all of this information.

Cade Pemberley was working for Mr. Crane but drew a line when Crane wanted to pin Riley as the primary suspect of the murders. Mr. Crane then decided Cade was too much of a risk and murdered him just one mile from campus. This should serve as a warning to all students to be more aware of their surroundings and to always stay in groups when possible.

As for Riley Cross, she has been absolved of all charges and will be returning to school to resume her studies shortly. The entirety of the events has shaken her and her family and they ask for time and space at this time to get back to their new normal.

All in all, it’s a sad day to hear that a Guardian, one of our protectors, was really just a weak man who made a lot of bad decisions. If there is anything that we can hold tight to at the end of the day, it’s that The Society will reign and justice will be served. Mr. Crane has received the full punishment for his crimes. May we learn from his mistakes.

I had to try and keep myself from shaking while reading the draft sent to the involved families for approval. It’s a whole fucking mess, but it seems like everyone will buy it. Which in turn, gets me and the guys off scot-free. My insides are literally dancing with excitement that this nightmare is almost over.

“Honey,” Mom says, stroking my hair from behind me. “We think it’s best for you to come home for a few days. You need to relax, rest, and regroup.”

“No!” I blurt out as I spin to face her while handing her phone back. My eyes move back and forth from her to my dad. “I want to go back to my dorm with Scar. I’m fine now. I promise.” The idea of leaving my guys after everything we’ve been through actually makes my heart ache.

My parents share a look of concern before my dad finally nods in agreement. “Okay,” Mom says. “I suppose since Thanksgiving break is only a week and a half away, you can stay in your dorm.”

“Thank you, Mom.” I hug her again, shivering as snowflakes fall down on us.

“Let’s get you back to campus while your dad handles business with your friends.”

My eyes perk up. “What kind of business?”

“It seems I’ve got an assignment to hand out to Lev Pemberley, and a few words for Stanley Crane before I do.” I stop in my tracks and turn to face him.

“What happens after that? Lev, Ridge, and Maddox? Will they be safe?”

“Have they done anything wrong?” Dad asks, and I shake my head no while my insides are screaming at me to play this cool so they can’t tell I’m lying. He buys it, considering I never lie to my parents. They must give me the benefit of the doubt here and just assume my nerves are on edge, which they totally are. “Everything will be handled officially at their next Chapter meeting. But they shouldn’t have anything to worry about.”

A smile draws on my face. “I love you guys.”

All three of us join for a tight embrace when the sound of feet shuffling in our direction has us breaking apart. I look over my shoulder to see Ridge.

“Hey,” he says softly with a slight wave before dropping his hand to his side.

“Mom. Dad. This is Ridge.” I keep my eyes on him and a smile on my face. “My boyfriend.”

Dad clears his throat but doesn’t say a word.

“It’s nice to meet you both.” Ridge offers his hand to my mom first and after they shake, then he extends it to my dad. I’m literally holding my breath in anticipation as I wait for my dad to stop being such a dad and shake the guy’s hand.

Finally, he does and I exhale a sigh of relief.

“Thank you for taking care of our daughter,” Dad says, and I can’t help the giggle that escapes me. Ridge has most definitely taken care of me, in more ways than one.

“Of course. I’d do anything for Riley.” Ridge hooks an arm around my shoulder. “Which is exactly why I’m here.” He peers down at me. “I was wondering if I could get you out of here and take you back to your dorm at BCU.” Questioning eyes land on my dad as he looks at him for approval. “If that’s okay with you, sir.”

Sir? I want to laugh, but I don’t. Who is this guy and what has he done with my chaotic boyfriend, Ridge? It’s enlightening to see him kiss ass, though. And even better that it’s my dad—the only man in my life until Ridge, Maddox, and Lev came along. The only man the three of them will actually have to foster a relationship with.

“Actually,” Dad says, “I think it’s best if her mother drives her back. With all the chaos going on around us, we can’t be too safe.”

“I’m safe with Ridge, Dad. I swear to you he’d never let anything happen to me.”

“Oh, honey,” Mom says with a gentle hand on Dad’s back. I already wanna kiss her cheek because I know she’s going to side with me. “Let him take her. The perpetrator is in custody. They’re safe now. Besides, I’d like to be here for Gail when she arrives. She’s going to need a friend.”

Gail is Maddox’s mom, and I agree. She’s definitely going to need a friend in the days to come.

“Thanks, Mom.” I lean into her, resting my head on her shoulder.

Dad narrows his eyes. “You call me the minute you get back to your dorm, understand?”

“You got it, Dad.” I say as I wrap him in a hug. I wouldn’t say I’m a daddy’s girl, per se, but up until I met Ridge, Maddox, and Lev, he was the most important guy in my life.

“No pit stops at the student center or coffee shop. You go straight there.” He looks down at me and I can feel the tension in his voice, the worry and concern for my safety evident. I put my hand on his chest as I make him a promise.

“Yes, Dad,” I say as I step away from him, about to tuck myself back under Ridge’s arm, when my father responds.

“Good.” He opens his arms wide. “Now, come give your dad another hug. I’ve missed you so much.”

My heart doubles in size as I step into his embrace. “I love you, Dad.”

He kisses the top of my head and his voice reverberates in my ear. “I love you, too. I’m glad you’re safe and you found someone who protects you.”

I step away from my dad and take Ridge’s hand. As we walk away, I blow a kiss over my shoulder at them, making my mother beam with happiness as she returns it.

“So,” Ridge begins, his thumb grazing my fingers as we move quickly to get out of the cold. “How’d I do?”

“With my parents? Honestly, I’m pretty impressed.”

“What?” He huffs a laugh. “That I was nice? What do you take me for, some deranged psychopath?”

“Do you really want me to answer that?” I give him a playful grin.

“No. Please don’t.” He shakes his head at me and I smile even wider.

We both laugh as we continue walking, hand in hand. Fortunately it’s a short walk to Lev’s car, but it’s still far enough from the cabin that we’re out of eyesight from everyone else.

It doesn’t matter, though. Even in the dead of the night, with snow falling and critters foraging around us, I’ve never felt safer. Ridge has a way of making me feel like the most important person in the world. I know, without a doubt, he’d lay his life on the line for me. But as my feelings grow stronger and stronger, I’m beginning to think I wouldn’t want him to. I’d want to be the one to lay my life on the line for him. I’d do anything for him, for all of them. Which is exactly why I need to tell him the truth about the girl I hid out with the day I was kidnapped.

The only audible sound is the crunching of leaves beneath our feet and a couple coyotes howling in the distance. But the thoughts in my head drown out any forest noises. How do I tell the guy who thinks he has no family that he might have a sister? I guess that’s not the part I’m struggling with. How do I tell a guy that his sister is the reason I was kidnapped in the first place? That she gave me up just so she could get a ride to BCU, where she thought she’d find Ridge. Curiosity has me wondering if she made it back to The Academy safely. I shouldn’t care. Especially after what she did to me. I can’t help but wonder, though. If Temper does turn out to be a relative of Ridge’s, I may have to suck it up and forgive the girl, even if I never get an apology.

My mind swirls with thoughts of what she could have been thinking selling me out like that. She had to know it wouldn’t go well. Was Stanley that good at manipulating people that he made her actually believe he didn’t want to hurt me? Could this all just be a misunderstanding on her part?

We make it to Lev’s car, and Ridge opens the passenger door for me. I climb inside, cupping my hands around my mouth for warmth.

Ridge gets in the driver’s seat and closes the door before bringing the engine to life. He looks at me, eyebrows raised as his hands run around the steering wheel. “I can’t believe he’s letting me drive his car. He’ll have my head if I fuck this car up.”

“In that case, drive slow. Very, very slow.”

“Nah.” Ridge smirks. “You only live once.” He shifts into drive and slams on the gas, kicking dirt up behind him as he whips down the trail.

I can’t help but laugh because he’s like a child with a new toy. I’ll set aside my fear of crashing into one of these nearby trees and let him enjoy it while he can. The calm before the storm. The storm that I have to bring.

A few minutes later, we’re on the paved road and he’s slowed the pace of the car a bit. He reaches over, his hand resting on my lap.

It’s now or never. I have to tell him.

“Ridge?” My voice is almost a whisper. As if I don’t want him to hear me. I sort of don’t because then I won’t have to say what I’m about to say.


Here goes nothing… “Remember earlier I tried to tell you and Lev something, but we were interrupted when Maddox showed up on the trail?”

“Oh yeah. Sorry, Angel. What was it you needed to say?” His thumb rubs circles on my leg.

I place my hand over his and gulp. “There’s a small detail I left out when Maddox’s dad took me.” I pinch my fingers together, squinting my eyes. “Just a really small thing. I couldn’t say anything before because I was afraid it would distract us and I didn’t want a little thing to distract us.” It’s a lie. This is a huge thing. Bigger than huge.

“Well, what was it?” He chuckles. “What’s this super small thing?”

“When he took me, he took me from a dorm room.”

His eyes widen and he glances at me before looking back to the road. “Whose dorm room?”

“It wasn’t a guy, if that’s what you’re worried about?”

“Better not have been. I’ve killed enough people this semester.”

I squeeze his hand, wanting to play on his joke, but this really isn’t a joking matter. “It was a girl. Her name is Temper.”

“Okayyy.” He drags out the word like he’s confused. “So what’s the big deal? Sorry,” he corrects himself, “small deal.”

“This girl helped me out of a sticky situation and agreed to let me hide out in her dorm. Once I got there, we started talking, and it turns out she lost her dad, too.”

“Lots of people lose a parent or two, Angel. What are you getting at?”

I inhale sharply, speaking on the exhale. “Her dad’s last name was Foster.”

Ridge’s eyebrows pinch together and he pulls his hand off my leg. “And she’s a member?”

“Well, yeah. She attends BCA. She said her dad was a member and now he’s not. She just learned of him a couple years ago.”

“There are no other Fosters that are Blue Bloods. Our lineage was short. My ancestors are all deceased. It’s just me and my dad. Well, now it’s just me. That’s impossible.”

“Do you think…”

“Do I think she could be a relative? Fuck. I don’t know.” He runs his hand through his hair. A mix of excitement and dread pooling in his features.

“Before you get too excited, there’s more. And I don’t want this to hinder your idea of her because if she is your sister, or a relative at all, I want you to reach out to her. But, she’s the one who gave me up to Maddox’s dad. She told him where I was in exchange for a ride to BCU…so she could find you.”

“So she’s a fucking rat?” He swerves the car a bit, jerking toward me, and I brace myself against the side of the car.

“Well, no. She was just trying—” He swerves back into his lane and my heart skips a beat.

“Don’t defend her.” His voice rises. “In fact, don’t even say another thing about her.” Ridge grips the steering wheel tighter, all the blood draining from his knuckles. “Fuck her. Anyone who hurts you is worthless in my book.”

I run my hand down his arm, happy that he’s so protective over me, but also a bit concerned that he doesn’t care to know more about the girl who might be his sister. This could be the only living family member Ridge has left. I don’t want to be the reason he misses out.

“She was really sweet,” I tell him, hoping to change his mind. “Funny, too. And like I said, she helped me out of a sticky situation. She scared off the guys I ran into.”

“You mentioned those guys. And I still haven’t gotten names.”

I don’t dare delve into detail about what happened with those bastards. If I told Ridge the extent of what those guys did to me, he’d be whipping this car around and adding names to his list of victims before we’ve even fully dealt with the issue at hand. I believe karma will give them exactly what they deserve, so I’ll keep the details to a minimum.

“I don’t know their names. Buuuut, I know someone who does.”

“That Temper chick?”


“Is this your way of trying to get me to talk to her?”

“Maybe.” I raise my shoulder, trying to play it off with a shrug.

“Well, it’s working. I’m gonna find out who those guys were and make sure they know they don’t fuck with my girl.” His hand returns to my lap and I lace my fingers between his.

My heart flutters. I love it when he refers to me as his girl. And I’ll never admit it out loud, but I love knowing he would kill for me.

“I’m just saying, think about it. I’m willing to move past what she did, if you are. There could have just been a misunderstanding. Stanley is a manipulator, we don’t even know what he said to her.”

There’s a beat of silence before he asks, “Is she a junior or senior?”

“Must be a junior. She wasn’t there last year when I attended. Oh,” I blurt, “she goes by Temper Rose. Said it’s her mom’s maiden name. Just in case you decide to look her up or go find her.”

“We’ll see what the future brings. Right now, all I care about is getting you back to your room and keeping you safe.”

It’s not a no, so I can rest easy on that. I want this so badly for Ridge. And if by some chance she turns out not to be his sister—or a relative at all, for that matter—that’s okay. He’s still got me, Lev, and Maddox.

Ridge turns the volume up on the radio and “Better Man” by Pearl Jam plays through the speakers. The adrenaline of the day and telling Ridge about his sister has worn me out. I’ve loved falling asleep with my guys these past few days, but I have to admit, I am excited to get back to my own space. To see my friend. I let out a yawn and lie back in my seat, turning to face Ridge and watch him hum along with the music.

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