CURLING MY ARMS AROUND RILEY, I tug her close while basking in the warmth of her body against mine. “I’m glad you decided not to go.”

“Me too. I’d much rather be here with you than out planting evidence,” she says while writhing her ass against me.

At this very moment, Lev and Ridge are at Cade’s house. Lev was able to confirm his aunt Marta is away with her family right now, grieving the loss of her son and husband. I can’t help but feel bad for her. I suppose it makes me think of my mom and how she would feel if she lost me and my dad within the same month. I push thoughts of her alone and sad out of my head. We have enough of our own shit to worry about.

There’s an unease inside me that says we shouldn’t be letting our guard down and lying in my bed. Even if it is the only place I want to be right now. “We should be doing something,” I tell Riley.

“We could make food,” she suggests, her voice soft and full of hope at the same time.

A laugh escapes me. ‘Not exactly what I had in mind. Are you hungry?’

She flips over, lying flat on her back with her hands holding my arm. “I’m always hungry.”

I lean down and press my lips to her forehead. “I’ve got something you can eat right here.”

“Oh my god.” She giggles. “I’m sure you do.”

“Just saying. If you’re that hungry…”

A shit-eating grin grows on her face as she pushes my arm off of her. Her body rolls until she’s on all fours beside me. “Is that what you want, Maddox? You want me to eat your dick?”

Damn, she’s so sexy when she talks dirty. 

My hands slap to my sides and I peer down at my erection stretching the sheet. It throbs fiercely with a mind of its own. “Have at it, baby.” I give her a wink and I swear her cheeks get even redder.

Seductive eyes watch me as she crawls on top of me, straddling my body. She grips the sheet, pulling it down slowly just to torture me. With her hands skimming up my thighs, she tugs at my boxers, springing my cock free. I’m nearly shaking with anticipation when I give them a swift kick, sending them flying off the bed.

With my arms folded under my head, I lift my hips slightly while her hands caress my body. Her warm fingers close around me and she moves them up and down from the base of my shaft up to the very tip, then back down again.

“Put it in your mouth,” I tell her, my voice husky and demanding.

Her eyes never leave mine as she arches her back and closes her mouth around my cock. Sucking in the shallow end, she bobs her head up and down. “Fuck, baby,” I grumble while fisting my own hair in an attempt not to come on the spot.

Brushing her lips over the tip of my engorged cock, she continues to stroke with her tightly wrapped fingers. They glide up and down over the bulging veins of my erection. Her tongue follows, flicking and circling as she encases me with her hot, wet mouth. Each suck, each stroke, sends a rush of pleasure coursing through me.

My entire body tingles with desire as she cups my balls and massages them. I reach down, palming the back of her head as I guide her motions. The second her lustful eyes peer back up at me, I lose it. “I’m gonna come, baby. And I’m not ready for this to end yet.”

Gripping her hair in my fist, I pull her head back, and in one heady breath, I say, “On your back.”

Without a word, she does as she’s told. I fucking love her compliance. In a swift motion, I jerk off the boxer shorts she’s wearing, exposing her bare pussy.

I drag one hand up her thigh gently, leaving a trail of goosebumps in my path. “It seems I’m a little hungry, too.” My brows waggle before I bury my face between her parted thighs.

Her body quivers beneath me as I run my tongue around the outside of her clit and when I suck it between my teeth, she winces.

One hand grips the meaty flesh of her inner thigh as I hold down her leg, her knee pressed to the mattress. The other hand rests on her lower abdomen, and I feel it tighten with anticipation as I move my hand from her thigh to dip two fingers inside her dripping wet pussy. She lets out a muffled moan while keeping her legs open for me as my fingers circle inside her.

Sweat beads on my forehead as I writhe against the sheets. My cock pressing insistently against the mattress while my mouth moves intently at her core.

I work my fingers in and out of her, grazing her velvet inner walls and learning every single spot my girl likes to be touched. Each time I pull my fingers out, she gasps as if she’s telling me to put them back in.

Riley grabs my head, using both hands as she forces friction to her core. Her hips roll and she cries out as she fucks my face. I dig my fingers deeper, desperate for her arousal so that I can stick my dick in her and fill her up with my cum. My free hand moves under her and grabs her ass, lifting her slightly, so I can push even deeper with my tongue.

Her cries grow louder and louder as I work vigorously until all her muscles tighten and she releases. Her walls tighten, working my fingers for every drop of pleasure they can deliver. Her legs shake until she relaxes into the mattress, melting just for me. I lick her clean, lapping up every last drop of her orgasm.

I watch her as she comes down, loving how sated she looks over what I’ve done to her. I keep staring at her as my body slides up hers and in one fluid stroke, my hardness presses into her warm, swollen pussy.

Riley gasps as I ease myself inside, pushing past the tight threshold. Once I’m fully seated inside her, I pulsate in rhythmic motions, moving the shallow end of my cock in and out of her tight hole.

“More, Maddox,” she begs as two arms wrap around my neck. I slide my hand up her shirt, wishing I’d removed it before we got started. But now that I’m in, I’m not leaving until I come.

My hips rise and fall and I pinch her nipple between my fingers. Just the sounds she makes has me thrashing into her while our lower halves clap together. Each fall into Riley has her gasping.

God, she feels so fucking good. 

“I love fucking you, baby. Let me fuck you for the rest of my life.”

“Forever,” she chokes out in a breathless voice that makes my heart squeeze with happiness.

Just the word I wanted to hear. Forever. It will be my life’s mission to keep this girl happy and satisfied, while getting to satisfy myself at the same time.

My heart pounds feverishly as an insatiable need to combust overcomes me, tingles shooting throughout my body. My breathing quickens as I sink deep in her warmth. My cock pulsates as I let go, filling her up with my cum.

I exhale a pent-up breath and sink into her embrace. She holds me tightly, our hearts thumping in sync against one another’s.

We’re lying there in silence, enjoying the feeling of being so close, when Riley’s stomach growls.

“Shit, baby.” I lift up, my palms pressed to the mattress on either side of her. “You really were hungry.”

She smirks. “Little bit.”

I push myself off of her and roll off the bed. “Stay there. I’ll get something to clean you up.”

A minute later, I return with a warm washcloth. I run it up her sticky thighs, cleaning up the slick mess we made.

Riley watches me, smiling as I drag the washcloth up and down. “You’re such a gentleman.”

“Only because you deserve it, and more.”

Once she’s cleaned, we both get dressed—Riley in a clean pair of my boxers and a tee shirt, and me in just a pair of gym shorts.

“Now, let’s go get some food.” I throw my arms around her lower half and sweep her up, flinging her over my shoulder. Giggles escape her the entire way to the kitchen. And when I finally set her down in front of the stove, she pushes herself up on her tiptoes, thanking me with a kiss.

Riley says she wants pancakes, so we work together to make some. She pours the batter, then I pour the water while she stirs. It’s impressive how in sync we move with each other. There’s no communication needed as the next steps are taken; it’s like we just know.

The frying pan is already sizzling on the stove, so once the batter is clump-free she pours some on. The smell immediately hits my senses and my stomach growls. Riley’s eyes shoot over her shoulder from where she’s standing at the stove with a spatula in hand. “Sounds like you’re hungry, too.”

“Fucking starving. For you.” I wink.

She chuckles. “You just had me.”

“But I can never get enough.” I step behind her, wrapping my arms around her, and she relaxes into me. My chin rests on her shoulder and I draw in a deep breath of her scent mixed with the pancakes.

She flips the pancake over, placing the golden side face up, then she sets the spatula on the countertop and turns to look at me. My arms remain pinned to her hips, our noses nearly brushing. “I want to do this every day with you,” I tell her. “Sex. Pancakes. Kisses.”

Her eyebrows perk up. “Ending the night with snuggles and a back rub?”

“If that’s what you want, that’s what you get.” My voice is honest and sincere. This girl could ask for the world and I would find a way to shrink it just so she could carry it in her pocket.

We finish cooking, then eat the fruit of our labor at the dining room table. I stuff a forkful of syrupy pancakes in my mouth, speaking as I chew. “Good call on the pancakes.”

“Pancakes are always the best choice.”

We finish eating and put our dirty dishes in the sink, deciding we’ll wash them later. Then we do exactly what Riley wants—snuggles and a back rub.

Pure beauty lies flat on my bed. The porcelain skin of her stomach pressed to the mattress and her hands folded under her head.

Straddling Riley’s ass with my knees, I squeeze a glob of lavender-scented lotion on my hands and rub them together to warm it up before pressing my fingertips into the center of her back.

I spread the lotion outward in gentle circles, relishing the way her soft skin feels against my calloused hands.

“That feels soooo good,” she mumbles, eyes closed and a smile parting her lips.

“It’s only the beginning,” I tell her as I work my fingers, increasing the pressure while working out all the tension she’s feeling.

“I almost feel guilty being this relaxed while Lev and Ridge are out doing all the dirty work.”

My hands glide to her sides, fingertips running over the curves of her breasts. “You deserve to relax. You’ve been through a lot. And don’t think I’m not moving to those feet next.” Riley’s feet have been through hell. Running barefoot through the woods for God knows how long while she was trying to escape, who appears to be my dad, really messed them up. She tries not to let us see her limping here and there, but there was a reason I carried her down to the kitchen. I don’t want her hurting, and if I can make up for some of what my father did to her, I have to try.

The thought infuriates me. Finding out your dad is a terrible person should hurt, but it doesn’t. Not in the way I would have expected. Instead, I’m silently plotting a revenge scheme of my own. He’ll pay for what he’s done, and I’m gonna make damn sure he never hurts anyone else ever again.

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