RILEY GRUMBLES from where she’s lying flat on the floor, making dust angels. She stops, sits up, and looks at me. “I’m hungry.”

“I told—”

“Nope. Don’t even say it.”

“I’m just saying—”

“No, you’re not. Don’t finish that sentence because I refuse to call you Daddy and that’s who you’d be acting like.”

I smirk. “I wouldn’t mind if you called me Daddy.”

“Gross.” She scoffs. “I hate to sink your boat, but if you’re into that sort of thing, you’re with the wrong girl.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“You’re twenty years old, Maddox. You’re not some silver fox in one of those romance novels where she calls him Daddy and the readers’ panties melt.”

“I bet if you said it, your panties would melt.”

Riley gets on her hands and knees and crawls toward me all seductively. There’s a prominent arch in her back and her eyes are full of lust and want. “You really want me to call you Daddy?”

I chuckle. “I’m not so sure I do now.”

She makes her way to where I’m sitting on the floor with my back to the wall and inches between my legs. “You either do or you don’t.”

“I just want you.” I grab her by the ass and jerk her onto my lap so she can feel my erection as I grind into her.

Her mouth ghosts over my ear as she whispers, “How about a deal? You can have me, and I’ll call you Daddy, but you have to fulfill a fantasy of mine.”

My fingers run down her arms, peeling back the dirty coat she’s got on. “I’ll gladly fulfill all your fantasies.”

She kisses her way down my neck. “You mean that?”

“Every word.” My fingers delve into her plush curves, and I thrust upward, showing her what she does to me. “Show me how good you can ride my cock, baby, and I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”

Her back straightens and she presses her lips to mine. “Hold that thought.” She climbs off my lap and waggles her brows as she walks backward with a slow swag. Her shoulders roll and she puffs out her chest…

“Watch out!” I shout, but I’m too late.

She trips over a cardboard box and falls backward, immediately jumping back up and dusting herself off. “I’m okay,” she blurts out.

My face falls into my hands and I massage my temples. “Girl, you are a walking disaster.” When I lift my eyes, she’s walking back toward me with a rope—swinging it in the air like it’s a lasso.

“Wanna know what my favorite type of romance book is?” she asks, and I’m afraid to guess. “Small town cowboy. There’s something about a strong cowboy wrangling his girl.”

My eyebrows cave in, in wonder. “You wanna wrangle me?”

“Mmhmm.” She hums as she stands in front of me and pushes down her pants. She steps out of them, my eyes fixated on the space between her legs.

My gaze slides up to her chest when she drops her bra. “Fuck.” I growl. “Get that cute ass back over here.” I reach out and grab her, pulling her down to the floor with me.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Riley exude so much confidence. Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen her this happy in a while. She speaks so often about the girl she was before she shot the governor. How she was carefree and always smiling—the life of the party. I can see that now. It’s as if coming to this place allowed her to step out of the cage she put herself in. And all it took was facing her demons head-on.

On my knees, I pop the button on my jeans, and Riley careens into me until I’m on my back on the floor. “Let me,” she says insistently. She moves my hand out of the way and pulls my zipper down. Her eyes remain on mine, while she takes off my jeans and boxers.

My eyebrows rise and I bite the corner of my lip. “I like this side of you.”

“Oh yeah? What side is that?”

“You. Taking control like this. It’s sexy as hell.”

With her legs on either side of me, she leans down until her breath is a whisper in my ear. “Is that so…Daddy?”

I can’t help the smile that grows on my face. I wanna laugh, because it’s almost humorous hearing her speak that way, especially after we had an entire conversation about it. Her head lifts and I immediately notice the pink tinge to her cheeks as she rolls her lips together. “Wrong time?”

“Nah,” I tell her. “It was perfect.”

“Good. Now it’s my turn to fulfill my fantasy.” She reaches over and grabs the rope and her eyebrows do a little dance. She takes one of my hands and begins tying the rope around it.

“Baby? What are you doing?”

Her response is just a flirtatious grin, as she takes the other hand and brings both over my head, tying them together.

“I…don’t know about this,” I say, feeling a little unsure about the whole situation.

“A deal is a deal.”

“All right,” I drawl, “do what you gotta do. As long as you promise to sit that ass down on my cock.”

“I promise.” She messes with the rope a little more, and when I lift my wrists, I realize I’m bound to something. I lift my head and twist my neck to see that I’m tied to a metal pipe against the wall.

Riley slides back down until her entrance is lined up with my cock, then she sits down, just like she promised she would.

I inhale deeply, relishing how good it feels to be buried inside her tight pussy. “God, baby. You feel so good.”

“Uh-uh,” she tsks. “God has nothing to do with it, remember?” Then she cloaks her body with mine. “Unless you want me to be your goddess tonight?”


Her hips roll as she rocks against me, taking the full length of my cock. Back arched, she presses two hands to my chest and her mouth falls open.

My wrists wriggle, trying to break free, because I need to touch her so badly. I try to lift my back off the floor so I can suck on her breasts, but I’m bound too tightly. “Fuck, baby. Untie me. I need to touch you, taste you, hold you.”

She shakes her head slowly as she increases the speed of her hips, pushing them back and forth on my rock-hard cock. Her eyes close, and her lips part as she drops her head back.

“You are a fucking goddess.” I growl headily.

Digging her nails into the skin of my chest, she drags them down and the pain arouses me even further.

I plunge upward, finding friction—desperate for more.

I take in every inch of her body as I meet her thrust for thrust. The small freckle above her left breast. Her rose-colored areolas. Every bend, every curve.

Her face is a picture of perfect beauty with a cute little dimple on her chin that I want to kiss. The crook of her neck tilts slightly and all I can think about is how desperately I want to nuzzle my face in it as I inhale her sweet scent. “You are sheer perfection, Riley.”

As much as I love seeing her face and her front side, I need to memorize her backside as well. “Turn around and keep riding me.”

Her eyes open and she lifts up as she nibbles on her bottom lip. Flinging one leg over, she positions herself backward. Her perfectly round ass sits back down and I groan as she moans in pleasure at the same time.

“Fuck,” she whimpers.

This angle allows me to go deeper inside her. Instead of rolling her hips this time, she lifts up and drops back down repeatedly. I watch the way my cock slides in and out of her slick pussy. It’s like she was molded just for me.

God damn, I want to touch her so badly. Get a fistful of her ass and guide her movements, even though she’s doing perfectly fine without my help.

Her pace quickens more and more with each passing second until she’s crying out in ecstasy, pounding herself into me.

My entire body fills with an insatiable heat, my cock pulsing inside her. Breathless, I let out a deep, guttural groan as I release and fill her up.

She keeps moving, riding out her own orgasm. Her walls clench around my cock, milking me of every last drop.

As her movements slow, I feel a tightness in my chest, knowing we have to leave this room eventually. I might be hungry, tired, and in desperate need of a shower, but I’ve never been more satisfied in my life.

Riley gradually lifts up and proof of our orgasms spills out of her, pooling around my shaft and dripping down my balls.

She gets to her feet and turns around to face me with a crooked grin. “Thanks for letting me tie you up.”

“You never have to thank me. I’m always here to fulfill all your desires.” My body feels sated, but the tension in my wrists isn’t my favorite thing.

She bends at the waist and snatches up her clothes. I watch her as she gets dressed. Riley is like no other girl I’ve ever met before. She’s so uncoordinated, yet graceful at the same time. She puts her foot in her mouth a lot, but she seems to always know exactly what to say to make me feel better. She’s stubborn as hell, but as sweet as can be.

She’s everything I never knew I wanted, and the one I refuse to ever let get away.

Once she’s dressed, I wiggle my hands. “My turn.”

She stands in front of me, a look of sorrow now on her face. I watch as her throat bobs when she swallows and alarms go off in my head.

Walking over to the far wall on the other side of the room, she picks something up. I lift my head to try and get a better look, but it’s not until she steps back in the glow of the lantern that I see what she’s holding.

A copper pipe. 

“Riley? Baby?”

“I’m so sorry, Maddox. I can’t stay here any longer. If you’d agreed to leave with me, it wouldn’t have come to this. But you won’t. I have to find Lev and clear my name.”

My face twists in disbelief and I pin her with a scathing glare. ‘Dammit, Riley,’ I say, attempting a weak laugh. “You better be fucking with me right now.”

She moves toward the ladder then gives me one last glance before going up. “Please don’t take this personally.”

At the top of the ladder, she beats the fuck out of the boards I loosely put in place. My options were limited and it was really just a weak attempt at making her feel stuck so she wouldn’t do exactly what she’s doing now. I guess I underestimated her.

“Riley!” I shout. “Get your ass back down here. You’re not going anywhere.” My words are futile because she keeps going until one board is off, then another.

“I’m going to send someone down for you. I promise.” She pushes open the trapdoor but stops before climbing out. Although I can’t see her face, I’m hopeful she’s having second thoughts.

“I love you,” she says, before her entire body disappears through the hole.

The sound of the trapdoor closing is what I assume nails in a coffin would be like.

“Riley!!! Riley!!!”

I twist my wrists, not caring if they break, because I would lose limbs to save that girl. She just walked into an inferno and has no idea she’s about to be burned.

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