The Wrong Woman
Chapter 718

"I..." Shelly stammered. She swallowed nervously and continued, "I-I'm doing this because I care about you."

Sienna wiped away her tears, her voice trembling with emotion as she said, "There are countless people in this world. Every day, lives are lost to illness, accidents, or even violence. Who can we truly protect from such fates?

"If I marry a driver, can you promise he won't be involved in a tragic accident? If I marry a small business owner, can you guarantee he won't fall victim to alcoholism?

"If I marry a farmer, can you promise he won't succumb to poverty or illness? Just look at the heartbreaking stories of entire families being devastated that we see in the news. "Behind these incidents are ordinary people. These unforeseeable tragedies aren't exclusive to anti-drug officers. I beg you. Please don't transfer your misfortune onto me."

As Sienna finished speaking, she collapsed onto the couch and sobbed uncontrollably.

Shelly felt panicked and was unsure of what to do. She stood still, her thoughts in chaos.

Sienna stood up after crying, wiping away her tears and sniffing. "Your first love, who later became your fiancé, passed away in an accident, and it haunted you forever. "Now, I'm just as miserable as you are. The only difference is my first love didn't die. You're the one who suffocated our relationship."

Shelly's face went pale, and she froze in place.

After speaking her mind, Sienna grabbed her phone and headed to her room.

The living room descended into silence. Shelly stayed unresponsive for a while. Later, she slumped against the couch, her empty gaze filling with tears.

That night, neither Sienna nor Shelly slept well.

The next morning, after some reflection, Sienna calmed down. She realized her words from the previous night might have been too harsh and could have hurt Shelly's feelings. After all, Shelly had Sienna's best interests at heart.

With a twinge of guilt, Sienna rapped on Shelly's door. "Mom, are you up?"

No answer came from within.

Sienna knocked again, feeling a hint of anxiety. Shelly's moods were unpredictable. She often lamented about life and battled bouts of depression.

"Mom." Sienna rapped harder.

Suddenly, the door creaked open.

Sienna's heart eased. She looked at Shelly. "Mom, are you all right?"

Shelly snorted. "What could be wrong with me?"

"About last night-" Sienna was about to apologize for what happened last night, but Shelly cut her off.

"In two days, Felix is getting out of the hospital. Go pick up some nice groceries and have Captain Morrison over for a meal at our house."

"Me? Invite him?" Sienna was surprised, giving Shelly a puzzled look.

"He's your boyfriend. You should ask him yourself. Are you expecting me to do it?" Shelly asked, feigning annoyance.

Sienna was stunned. After a brief pause, she said, "We've broken up."

Shelly's expression turned grim, her brow knitting together. "He's moved on that fast? Well, forget about him. A guy like that doesn't deserve you."

Happiness flooded Sienna so suddenly that it took her a moment to react. Tears of joy filled her eyes, and she beamed. "Mom, he hasn't moved on. He's still waiting for me..."

Overwhelmed with emotions, Sienna hugged Shelly and added tearfully, "Thank you, Mom. Thank you."

Pretending to be annoyed, Shelly pushed Sienna away. "You're too affectionate for this early in the morning. Is breakfast ready?"

Sienna grinned, her happiness apparent as she headed to the kitchen. "Not yet, Mom, but I'll whip something up quickly. Just give me a moment!"

As Shelly watched Sienna bustling around with joy, her expression softened. A smile spread across her face. She silently wished that Sienna would always be spared from hardship and financial struggles. Daniel was a genuinely nice guy, and their family was financially comfortable. Shelly couldn't help but assume that the wedding gifts Daniel would provide would be quite valuable.

Contemplating the gifts they might receive, Shelly found herself liking her future son-in-law even more.

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