The Wrong Woman
Chapter 701

Daniel peered into the box and spotted the gifts he had given Sienna. When he met her gaze, he noticed her eyes were red and streaked with tears. As Daniel moved closer to Sienna, she instinctively retreated. In the past, whenever she met Daniel, she would readily yield to his hugs and kisses. Sienna dreaded that if Daniel kissed her again, she wouldn't find the strength to end their relationship.

"What's wrong?" Daniel's expression darkened, his voice tinged with sadness. Seeing the things she brought and the way she avoided him, he felt a tightening sensation in his chest. Sienna slowly clenched her fists as she fought to hold back tears. She tried to maintain a composed facade as she faced him. "Daniel, I'm sorry. Let's-"

"Sisi, is there something weighing on you that you can't handle?" Daniel cut her off abruptly before she could utter the words "break up".

Sienna forced a tight smile and shook her head. "No."

"Is it because of Felix's debts?"

"No. I'm taking legal action against Clement, so that's under control."

"Then..." Daniel's voice was fraught with tension.

Before he could get another word out, Sienna blurted out, "Daniel, let's break up."

Her tone seemed casual, but hidden beneath was a wave of hurt. A sudden burst of pain pierced through her.

After the words left her lips, Sienna's eyes welled up with tears, and her throat felt constricted. Yet, she held back and tried to seem indifferent.

Daniel managed a bitter smile, his own eyes beginning to redden. His voice shook slightly. "Sisi, did I do something wrong? Please, tell me. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."

Sienna believed Daniel was truly amazing. It was she who didn't deserve him. She felt deeply apologetic to Daniel.

Tears blurred her vision, and she couldn't utter a word. She simply shook her head.

Anxiously, Daniel took a step closer and gripped her shoulders. He bent down to meet her gaze. "Is it something about my personality? Or my looks? Tell me what you want in a man, and I'll try to be that. I can

"Daniel." Sienna's heart shattered, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

Unable to suppress her emotions any longer, she choked out, "You promised from the start that if I ever mentioned breaking up, you wouldn't cling to me,"

Daniel released Sienna's shoulders and took a step back. Tears welled in his bloodshot eyes as he gazed at the ceiling, struggling to contain his emotions.

After a moment, he spoke in a raspy, trembling voice, "Sisi, I can see that you're happy when you're with me. Why do you want to end things? Please, give me a reason."

Sienna fidgeted with the hem of her clothes, her fingers shaking. "There's no specific reason. I just don't see a future with you anymore."

Her heart felt heavy, each breath a painful reminder of her dilemma.

She was torn between her devotion to her mother and the man she cherished. Unable to forsake her family, she faced the heartbreaking choice of letting Daniel go.

"Do you truly have no feelings for me?" Daniel's voice was tinged with sorrow.

Sienna discreetly wiped away her tears and shook her head. "I'm sorry. Let's not meet again."

With those words, Sienna walked past Daniel. But he swiftly caught up and enfolded her in a tight embrace to stop her from leaving.

Sienna froze, feeling the warmth of Daniel's chest against her. His arms were holding her firmly. Daniel's breath came in rapid bursts, his voice strained with emotion as he whispered in her ear, "Sisi, relationships can develop over time. Can you give us a chance to grow together?

"I'll work hard to become the man you want. Tell me, where do I fall short? I'm willing to change."

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Sienna cried out, "Daniel, please don't sell yourself short. You're amazing. It's me who isn't worthy of you."

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