The Wrong Woman
Chapter 678

As Sienna was bustling around, a person suddenly approached her.

Just as she and Jane finished tidying up the table and putting their laptops down, a warm and gentle voice called her name.


Upon hearing Daniel's voice, Sienna felt nervous. With her heart racing like crazy, she felt at a loss.

Still, she pretended to be calm. Looking at him, she forced a smile and said, "What a coincidence, Captain Morrison."

The way she addressed Daniel made him feel uncomfortable. He couldn't even manage to smile. He said, "I've been waiting for your call, waiting for you to come to me for the past few days." Jane was shocked as she looked at Daniel. Then, she looked at Sienna.

She wondered when Sienna had acquired such a tall, handsome male friend. She called him "captain", so he must be a police officer.

Since there were other people around, Sienna didn't want to discuss the matter. She quickly changed the subject. "I've been busy these days."

At this moment, Vivian walked up to Daniel. Her expression was somber and unfriendly as she glanced at Sienna up and down.

Sienna noticed his female friend approaching, so she hastily said, "Go ahead and do your work. I have something to do with my friend, so I'll get going first."

With that, she quickly packed up her things.

Jane was a keen observer and knew how to read the room. Without saying anything, she started packing up to leave as well.

As Sienna walked past Daniel, he grabbed her arm and gently pulled her to stand in front of him.

"Anything else, Captain Morrison?" Sienna forced a smile to disguise her nervousness.

Normally, she wasn't like this. She had no idea what was going on with her that day.

She still hadn't recovered from Daniel's sudden confession. She did have feelings for him and wanted to be with him, but their different backgrounds made her feel inadequate. It was as if she wasn't good enough for him.

The main issue was that Shelly strongly opposed it.

In such a conflicted situation, Sienna found it difficult to make a decision.

Coincidentally, she happened to see him having coffee with another woman. It naturally made her feel a bit jealous, anxious and unsettled. She would also overthink.

She found it hard to face him calmly right now.

However, Daniel was different. Whether it was work or relationships, he always took the initiative and never hesitated or was afraid of failing.

"Are you avoiding me?" Daniel asked as he looked into Sienna's eyes seriously.

Sienna nervously gulped. She awkwardly smiled as she replied, "No, I'm really busy."

At that moment, Vivian chimed in with a charming smile, "Daniel, who is she?"

Daniel had no intention of introducing Sienna to her, so he ignored her. Instead, he asked Sienna, "Can we talk?"

Sienna ignored him. She politely said to Vivian, "I'm Sienna. I used to work as a caregiver at Captain Morrison's house."

"I'm Vivian, Daniel's ex-girlfriend," Vivian replied with a smile. She acted like she was very close to Daniel.

Just a second ago, Sienna greeted her warmly. But upon knowing that she was Daniel's ex-girlfriend, her expression immediately turned somber. Looking at Vivian up and down, Sienna said coldly, "So, you're the ex-girlfriend who almost killed Captain Morrison by betraying him?"

Upon hearing her words, Jane looked at Vivian in a mix of surprise and disdain.

Daniel was touched seeing Sienna stand up for him.

However, Vivian's expression soured. She gave Sienna a cold look and said, "Did you misunderstand something? I didn't betray Daniel."

"So, you didn't betray him. You're just too stupid. You sold yourself out and betrayed others without even realizing it, right?" Sienna showed no mercy.

Vivian snorted coldly. Furious, she said to Daniel, "Daniel, what sort of company do you keep? No manners at all."

Daniel turned to her and said indifferently, "She doesn't like you, so there's no need for her to treat you courteously. Let's end it here today. You may go back." "Daniel, she's just a caregiver. Greeting her is already enough, especially since she said she has something else to do," Vivian complained.

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