The Wrong Woman
Chapter 644

Mila set her phone aside, pulling the covers up to sleep.

The next morning greeted her with a refreshed feeling. After freshening up, she checked the time and felt it was the right moment to check on Nathan.

As she opened the door, she was taken aback to find Nathan standing there, still and silent, blocking her path. Their eyes met, and she found herself taken aback yet again.

A soft smile graced Nathan's lips, his eyes clear but tinged with a touch of resignation.

"Are you fully awake now?" Mila teased lightly.

"Is it really you?"

"Yes, did you think I was some sort of imagination?"

"With how I felt yesterday, it wouldn't have been surprising," Nathan admitted.

"Still not feeling well?" Mila inquired.

"Yeah," he replied.

With that, Nathan gently ushered her into the room, closing the door behind them. He lifted her off the ground, his lips finding hers as he carried her to the bed.

Mila had assumed that by morning, the effects of the drug would have faded. To her surprise, Nathan had merely held back, with no intention of dissipating any of the lingering tension.

They spent a passionate morning in the motel room, exhausting themselves until Mila felt her body grow limp and her limbs weak, succumbing to sleep. They had their meals delivered to the room. Meanwhile, at the police station, Fenna remained detained for the entire day, with no sign of being released.

In the evening, Nathan and Cameron arrived at the station to see her. The police questioned Nathan about pressing charges. If he chose to, Fenna would face imprisonment. While the sentence might not be long, it would tarnish her record permanently, ending any chance of a career in public service.

In the interrogation room, Nathan and Cameron sat across from Fenna. She looked downcast and worn out, her spirit visibly shattered.

Cameron, wiping away his tears, spoke with a voice thick with sorrow, "Fenna, why did you do this? What were you thinking? Nate doesn't love you, he truly doesn't! When will you realize that? "How should I help you? Why would you target Nate? He has a family, a wife, and a child. Do you genuinely wish him well, or do you want to see him suffer? How can you be so selfish? "You claim to love him, but is this how you show it? What have you done that shows your wish for his happiness?

"You've continuously interfered in his family life, jeopardizing his marriage. It's clear you wish him harm! You want him to suffer, yet you claim to love him? Your mindset is seriously flawed!" Tears streamed down Fenna's face as she sobbed, "I'm sorry, Cam. I'm sorry, Nate. I was wrong! I don't know what came over me. I can't believe I was so foolish. I know I've made a mistake!" Cameron sighed deeply, rubbing his temples and lowering his head in distress. "You'll have to face the consequences on your own. I can't help you."

Overwhelmed with regret, Fenna rested her head on the table, her tears falling silently.

After a moment of contemplation, Nathan spoke calmly, "I'll give you two options, choose for yourself."

Fenna looked up nervously, meeting Nathan's gaze. Cameron, too, turned to face him, awaiting the choices.

Nathan's voice remained calm and composed, his expression cold as he said, "First, we press charges. Under Norvania laws, you'll spend about a year in prison, and it will stain your record permanently." Tears welled up in Fenna's eyes as she shook her head, unable to accept this harsh reality.

Cameron nervously cleared his throat, waiting for the second option.

Continuing without hesitation, Nathan said, "Second, quit Project 905 and refrain from any work. Go to a psychiatric hospital for treatment until you're fully recovered."

Understanding the severity of the situation, Cameron looked at Fenna, his voice filled with concern. "Yeah, Fenna, you must be unwell. Listen to Nate, go to the hospital. Severe paranoia is a mental illness that needs treatment."

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