The Wrong Woman
Chapter 640

Sienna settled into her car seat, a peculiar uneasiness washing over her. It wasn't overpowering, but rather a persistent discomfort, akin to a hand clutching her heart, causing her breath to catch. She sighed and mustered a smile before she asked, "Felix, if you were rich, powerful, and held a government position, would you consider marrying someone like me?"

Felix burst into laughter. "Are you kidding? If I had such a status, I'd definitely choose a partner from a similar background. You're struggling financially, without any influence, not even a stable job. "Let's face reality, Sienna. We should look for partners who align with our social status."

Sienna forced a bitter smile, her gaze falling as she sighed. Deep down, she knew Felix was speaking the truth. She shouldn't indulge in fantasies that weren't grounded in reality.

Suddenly, Felix studied Sienna before speaking again, "Sienna, you're stunning and have an amazing physique. You'd be the ideal mistress for a wealthy or influential man to keep on the side. It wouldn't be a terrible life."

Sienna's heart jolted. She clenched her fists, biting her lip as her eyes narrowed with intensity. In that instant, a surge of contempt toward men coursed through her.

"What? Keep on the side?" Sienna exploded and threw punches at Felix.

Felix quickly shielded his head while dodging her hits. "Why the sudden anger?"

"The ideal mistress?" Sienna kept landing blows on him.

Felix huddled in the tight space, whimpering, "S-S-Sienna, we were just talking hypothetically. Why are you taking it so seriously? P-Please... stop... stop hitting me. I-I was wrong... I was wrong." The driver suppressed a laugh from the front seat while the fight escalated in the back.

As the wedding stretched into the evening, Cole and Phoebe gradually found themselves winding down amid the bustling atmosphere as guests began to depart.

Mila had been chatting with Phoebe and a group of bridesmaids throughout the evening. As the hour grew late, she decided it was time for Cole and Phoebe to retire for the night. Reaching for her phone, Mila intended to call Nathan, only to discover it was switched off. She tried reaching out to Tristan, Michaela, Gary, and Florence, but they had all left.

Finally, she managed to contact Cameron, who informed her that Nathan was out drinking with some of his comrades.

Later, in the lounge, Mila found Nathan's comrades. When she asked about Nathan, they explained that he got drunk and was escorted back by his assistant.

Mila was shocked. Nathan's assistant was actually the groom, Cole! How could Cole have managed to send him off?

Hurriedly, Mila went back to the house and found Cole and Phoebe. Anxiously, she asked, "Cole, have you seen Nate?"

Cole looked confused. "No, Phoebe and I have been greeting the guests since the ceremony."

Mila looked terrified, her face draining of color. "Nate got drunk and someone took him."

Cole's anxiety spiked. "Who took him?"

"His comrades said it was his assistant."

"But I'm his only assistant. Where did this other assistant come from?" With that, Cole pulled out his phone, scrambling to contact others for more details.

Phoebe reached out to Mila, gently holding her hand to offer comfort. "Mila, don't panic. General Morrison isn't a kid. He wouldn't just disappear. Could he be with Cameron?"

"No, I've already checked," Mila replied as her hands shook. If Nathan were intoxicated, he wouldn't be able to defend himself. It could be dangerous if he came across enemies. Phoebe scanned their surroundings and asked, "Where's Fenna?"

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