The Wrong Woman
Chapter 620

Nathan gripped Mila's shoulders before gently pushing her away. He looked intensely at her and said, "Why didn't you listen when I told you not to go?"

Mila explained, "She probably has something important to tell you, so I left to give her the opportunity."

Nathan sighed, "Paranoia is so terrifying. I was molested."

Mila nervously touched his arms. Looking up at him, she angrily asked, "Did Fenna molest you?"

"Mentally, perhaps. Does that count?"

Mila nodded and replied, "Yes."

"So, you've caused serious consequences by leaving me alone just now. Do you realize that?"

"I'm sorry," Mila apologized as she cupped his face. She felt guilty, and her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know she would be so out of line. What did she say to offend you?"

Nathan explained, "She said we were still attached, and she was afraid you would find out, so she asked you to get out with this excuse."

Mila's expression suddenly changed. She couldn't help but curse, "That bitch, is she out of her mind?"

Nathan couldn't help but chuckle. It was the first time he had seen Mila lose control. She looked adorable even when she was swearing. "You're still laughing?" Mila gritted her teeth as she asked in anger, "Just now, did you slap her to wake her up?"

Nathan felt a bit better. He said, "Hitting a woman is not right, and it's not my style."

Mila angrily remarked, "I shouldn't have left. If I had heard her say that, I would have slapped her to make her realize her place."

Nathan put his arm around her shoulder and walked toward the ward.

"But why would she think you guys are still attached?" Mila asked curiously.

Nathan hesitated for a moment before replying, "She got transferred. She's now the head of logistics of Project 905."

Stopping in her tracks, Mila froze.

Nathan stopped to look at her expression. As he expected, Mila looked extremely unpleasant.

"What's on your mind?" Nathan asked.

Mila smiled bitterly. When she helped him walk toward the bed, she said lightly, "Nothing, I just think Fenna is really out of her mind."

Nathan nodded as he agreed, "Yeah, she probably has paranoid personality disorder. Talking to her is useless because she lives in her own world.

"She only follows her own thoughts and feelings. She's not being considerate."

Touching his chest, Mila reminded him, "In the future, when you're alone, you have to protect yourself. Be wary of enemies, but also be wary of this woman." Nathan smiled bitterly.

Lying down on the bed, he was mindful to leave some space for Mila. He held her wrist and refused to let go. "Lie down," he commanded.

Mila shook her head and said, "It's too cramped. You won't be able to rest well."

"If it's too cramped, then lie on top of me," Nathan said gently.

Mila shook her head.

Nathan propped himself up. He lifted her onto the bed with one hand and forcefully held her down.

Mila lay on his arms with half of her body on his chest. Her posture was extremely intimate.

Nathan didn't listen to her advice at all. Tonight, he would definitely sleep together with her. Only then would he feel at ease.

Through the thin fabric, Mila caressed his solid and warm chest. Leaning on his chest, she was content as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Suddenly, Nathan gently asked, "Chubs, will you marry me?"

Mila thought he was talking in his sleep, so she murmured, "I'm already your wife."

"Let's have a wedding."

Mila was slightly taken aback.

Nathan said resolutely, "I want to tell the whole world through the wedding that I am married to Wanda Hoffis."

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