The Wrong Woman
Chapter 540

At that moment, the sound of footsteps was heard.

Layla and Fenna turned to look at the stairs and saw Nathan walking down the stairs.

He was dressed in a long black coat. He looked very handsome and confident.

Fenna was stunned.

Layla was also taken aback. Each time, she was dazzled by Nathan's charm. Being rejected by Nathan had become her lifelong regret.

Every time she saw Nathan, she felt more discontented with Duke.

Even though they were brothers, why was Duke's looks and physique nowhere near Nathan's? The difference in their abilities was also quite substantial.

"Nate, good morning!" Fenna greeted him. She stood up with a smile.

Nathan stopped in his tracks as his gaze slightly darkened. He looked at Fenna in silence for a few seconds before asking coldly, "Did I not make myself clear, or do you not understand?" Fenna's attitude was firm. She remarked, "Nate, I don't need to take the leave."

Nathan showed no mercy and replied coldly, "Then move out."

"It's too far from work, and it's inconvenient for me to commute," Fenna complained in a low voice. "Cole can live here, why are you kicking me out?"

Layla interrupted, "Nate, the house is so big. Even if ten more assistants move in, there's enough space. Why are you kicking your own assistant out of the house?"

Nathan's expression became gloomy. He kept his expression stoic and restrained himself from lashing out. As he looked at Fenna's aggrieved face, he grew more annoyed.

At that moment, laughter and cheerful voices came from the dining room.

Tobias told a joke that made everyone laugh.

The atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Nathan's mind drifted away. He said in a cold tone, "Take a leave or move out, it's an order."

After speaking, he walked toward the dining room.

"I don't want to take the leave," Fenna muttered behind him.

Nathan ignored her and then walked toward the table.

"Good morning," Nathan greeted everyone at the dining table to attract their attention.

Mila didn't look up. Upon hearing his voice, the smile on her face instantly disappeared. She just continued eating her breakfast quietly.

Seeing Mila sitting between Taylor and Tobias, Nathan paused.

"Morning, Nathan," Taylor greeted him then immediately stood up to make room for him to sit. "Come, sit here."

As Taylor was about to stand up, Mila grabbed his wrist. She said, "Taylor, you sit here."

Taylor was puzzled. He looked at Nathan in confusion as he didn't know what to do.

Tobias thought he was being asked to change seats. As he was about to move, Mila tugged at his clothes. She wanted him to sit down as well.

With only half of his bottom off the chair, Tobias sat back down slowly.

The atmosphere at the dining table became quite awkward. The siblings also noticed it.

Nathan sat down next to Duke. He sat diagonally across from Mila.

He fixed his intense and deep gaze on her. It seemed like he had a lot on his mind and didn't know where to start.

The siblings noticed that since Nathan appeared, Mila kept her head down. There was no smile on her face as she was completely different from her previous cheerful demeanor.

To ease the awkward atmosphere, Taylor asked happily, "Your son has been born for over a month now. Have you decided on a name? Whose surname will he have? What's his name?"

Nathan's warm gaze remained fixed on Mila. Even when the staff brought him breakfast, he didn't eat it.

Mila was taken aback by Taylor's question. After a few seconds of pondering, she said, "Whatever."

Taylor was shocked. He asked, "Whatever Morrison?"

Tobias chuckled as he responded, "That's a random name."

Duke patted Nathan's shoulder. He asked, "Do you think the name is good too?"

Nathan pursed his lips bitterly. He remained silent.

Mila quickly explained, "No, I mean, whatever name is fine."

Taylor was confused and asked, "So, you and your husband haven't discussed what to name your child?"

Mila felt guilty. As she looked up, she accidentally met Nathan's intense gaze. She felt a bit lost in his intense eyes.

She immediately looked down to avoid eye contact with him.

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