The Wrong Woman
Chapter 524

At this moment, Nathan realized that he hardly understood Mila's intricate and sensitive thoughts.

After all, they had been apart for many years, and their time together had been scarce.

Nathan let out a heavy sigh, feeling a weight in his chest as he remained uncertain of how to respond to Daniel's question.

Just then, the doctor and nurse exited the ward.

As Nathan turned to enter, the doctor intervened, explaining, "I'm sorry, but the patient needs ample rest. She requested that only the maternity nurse remain, while the other family members should return home."

Nathan's expression darkened. "But I'm her husband. I should be allowed to stay and assist the maternity nurse in taking care of her."

Florence promptly added, "Yes, yes, let my son stay too. It's safer for her to have family around."

The doctor observed Nathan closely, examining him from head to toe. "She specifically asked you to handle your own affairs and avoid disturbing her rest."

Everyone present was stunned, their gazes fixed on Nathan in disbelief.

Nathan's mood plummeted instantly, and he gazed sadly at the closed door of the hospital room.

After delivering his instructions, the doctor promptly departed.

Nathan remained rooted in place as Gary, Florence, and Wendy converged around him, eagerly anticipating an explanation.

Nonetheless, Nathan struggled to find the right words. He didn't want to burden his family with worries about his relationship with Mila, believing it was best for them to stay out of their personal affairs as much as possible.

Without saying a word, Nathan turned and walked away.

"Nate, are you seriously leaving?" Florence exclaimed. "Chubs was just venting. Did you really take it so personally? You're "

Just then, Daniel stepped in, reassuring Florence, "Mom, the maternity nurse is taking good care of Chubs. You don't need to worry." Florence persisted, "Dan, what's really going on between Nathan and Chubs?"

"I honestly don't know," Daniel replied, sweeping his cane along the path before turning away.

Gary furrowed his brow, letting out a sigh as he guided Florence by the arm. "Let's head out." With that, the entire family left the scene.

Exiting the maternity ward, Nathan dialed Cole's number. "Where can I find Phoebe's room?"

Cole promptly provided the room number.

Two minutes later, Nathan arrived outside Phoebe's ward.

The door was ajar. Inside, the hospital room was adorned with an assortment of fruits, pastries, and a large bouquet of flowers.

Cole sat beside Phoebe's bed, carefully peeling an apple for her.

Phoebe playfully quipped with a smile, "Are you thinking of opening a fruit stall here with such a variety of fruits?"

Cole glanced at the fruit box on the nearby coffee table, which held kiwis, apples, strawberries, citrus fruits, bananas, grapes, pears, and even two large watermelons.

Each type was neatly arranged in its own box, creating a colorful and striking display.

Cole chuckled awkwardly. "Well, I wasn't sure which fruits you liked, so I got a variety. I couldn't carry more, but if I could-"

Before Cole could finish, Phoebe playfully interrupted, "If you could carry more, would you want to turn my hospital room into a fruit market?"

With a sheepish smile, Cole lowered his head and continued peeling the apple.

Meanwhile, Phoebe's eyes were drawn to the vase of fresh flowers, admiring their pink hues blending harmoniously as they blossomed.

She smiled appreciatively and commented, "You have a talent for choosing flowers. These Elsa roses are stunning. Unlike Mr. Morrison, who always sends Mila plain chrysanthemums."

Cole looked confused. "But doesn't Mrs. Morrison like chrysanthemums?"

Phoebe chuckled, "Mila told me about it. It's a funny mix-up, actually."

Handing Phoebe the peeled apple, Cole asked, "What's the misunderstanding?"

"Thank you," Phoebe said, taking the apple from him.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Phoebe chuckled and recounted, "Mila once confided in me that while she was still grappling with amnesia, she resorted to selling flowers on the streets just to get by. "Then, one fine day, Mr. Morrison unexpectedly approached her, seeking advice on what flowers to give to a woman.

"Assuming he meant the imposter, Mila jokingly suggested chrysanthemums. Little did she know, Mr. Morrison had intended those flowers for her all along."

Phoebe continued to enjoy her apple, a warm smile playing on her lips as she reminisced about the past.

Cole's expression turned serious. "Why didn't Mrs. Morrison share this with General Morrison?"

"There was no need. Mila would have cherished any flowers from Mr. Morrison. It was simply a charming and harmless misunderstanding."

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