The Wrong Woman
Chapter 512

She's not treating Nathan well?

Mila was left speechless.

For Nathan, she had risked exposing her true identity and ventured into the Nightshade headquarters to save him.

She also forsook her homeland and her career in science, sacrificing her nationality in Sunterland to return to Norvania and start anew.

She had entrusted Nathan with her most precious assets-her life and her career-carrying his child within her. Yet, was all this not sufficient? Must she also serve him like a maid to be deemed worthy? Mila felt a disconnect between herself and Fenna. She couldn't understand Fenna's mindset, just as Fenna couldn't grasp hers.

Unable to drive Fenna away, Mila felt annoyed watching her wandering around the room. With a swift motion, she tossed aside the covers, slipped into her coat, shoes, and socks, and grabbed her phone, readying herself to leave.

But as she took her first few steps, Fenna's voice echoed from behind, "Why don't you even bother to straighten the sheets and covers after getting up? Are you always this sloppy?"

Mila paused in her tracks, her hands caressing her taunt and aching belly, focusing on steadying her breath. If this tension continued, Fenna's provocation might trigger a miscarriage. Facing away from Fenna, Mila replied calmly, "Making the bed is Nate's job. If he's not here, Phoebe will do it. If neither Nate nor Phoebe are here, then it's your turn.

"After all, your job is to serve. If I do your duty, how can you prove your worth?"

Fenna's face paled, her teeth clenched with fury as she roared, "What do you mean by that?"

"You heard me," Mila retorted sharply as she purposefully strode away.

Nathan was engaged in a mission. Mila had no intention of distracting him with the discord between herself and Fenna.

Hence, she remained silent on the matter. She knew that even if she told him, Nathan wouldn't reassign Fenna. It would only add to his troubles.

A few days later, Mila learned from Phoebe that Fenna had wrapped up the group's affairs and returned to Phoenicia, assisting Nathan with his work. Phoebe and Cole hadn't officially started dating, yet they called and texted endlessly every day, caught amid an ambiguous flirting phase. Right after finishing a call with Cole, Phoebe came over and leaned on Mila's desk. Mila asked her if they were dating, and Phoebe denied it decisively. With their fervent phone conversations, stretching on for hours with no shortage of topics, Mila couldn't help but ask, "Isn't Cole busy?"

Phoebe chuckled. "He is, but he managed to chat with me on his Bluetooth headset."

Then, she asked Mila, "Doesn't Mr. Morrison call you?"

Mila showed Phoebe the chat history with Nathan on her phone.

Phoebe was taken aback and sighed with a smile. "You're still the same, Mila. I can't help but feel sorry for him."

Mila glanced at the screen, a faint smile gracing her lips. Then, she set down her phone to focus on the data sheets in front of her.

Her chat history was flooded with Nathan's calls, voice messages, and texts. However, her responses were brief, almost dismissive. Her demeanor was distant and aloof, prompting one to question her true feelings for Nathan.

Phoebe rested her chin on her hand, curiously asking, "Mila, General Morrison has been back in Phoenicia for a week now. Don't you miss him?"

Mila's lips curved into a slight smile, her gaze still fixed on the data sheets. "Of course I do."

"Then why do you respond so sparingly, and your calls are so short?" Phoebe probed further.

Mila replied casually, "Can constant chatting truly ease the sense of longing?"

Phoebe pondered for a moment, then shook her head, "No, it often makes it worse."

Mila's gaze shifted meaningfully toward Phoebe, who nervously clarified, "It's not about Cole. I was talking about you and General Morrison."

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