The Wrong Woman
Chapter 510

Nathan and his team stumbled upon an extremely luxurious secret basement. It had a king-sized gray bed, a bar stocked with fancy wines, a home theater system, books, and almost everything. Although the soldiers searched the place, they didn't find anyone.

Nathan carefully examined the place but didn't find anything suspicious. Someone was obviously living there, but they weren't Mila's missing family.

"General Morrison, take a look at this." Cole's voice was tense.

Nathan turned and saw Cole holding a scalpel. "Where did you get that?"

"From a drawer."

"That's Oliver's," Nathan said gravely.

"You mean he's been hiding out at Hoffis Manor all this time?"

"He and Lucas have been hiding here," Nathan said confidently.

"Where are they now?" Cole asked.

Nathan thought briefly, then quickly headed outside. "Let's look for Avery's brother."

They all left the hidden passage and entered the living room. Avery came downstairs with a slightly plump man. His face was puffy, his features somewhat unnatural, and his eyes piercingly cold. Nathan's expression turned solemn as he silently watched the man approach.

The man held out his hand politely. "Hello, General Morrison. I'm Hugo Talerico, Avery's older brother." His voice sounded strained, as if he had been injured in some way. Nathan remained silent and didn't shake his hand. His face hardened, and his gaze became icy.

Cole studied Hugo with a pensive look. Hugo awkwardly pulled his hand back with a smile and asked, "So, did you find anything at Avery's place? Has she broken any laws?" Without answering, Nathan simply commanded, "End the search."

Cole quickly ordered the soldiers to leave. Nathan then turned to Avery and asked, "Lucas is dead too, isn't he?"

Avery's face paled. With a nervous smile, she asked, "Who's Lucas? I didn't understand a word you said, General Morrison."

Nathan smiled thinly and left with Cole. Their vehicles drove down the road.

"General Morrison, why did you bring up Lucas earlier?" Cole asked.

Nathan leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed. "Didn't you notice?"

"Notice what?"

"Avery's older brother, Hugo."

"I didn't know him, but there was something familiar about his eyes."

"That's Lucas."

Cole stared at Nathan in disbelief. He clenched his fists in frustration. "General Morrison, why didn't you just gun down that traitor?"

"He has been found out, so keeping him alive might be useful. It's Oliver I'm most worried about right now. He's the most dangerous of all."

Cole finally put the pieces together. "So, they've been in hiding for the last six months, getting plastic surgery and faking their deaths. They want new faces, new identities, and a fresh start."

Nathan furrowed his brow. A hint of worry crept into his face. They still couldn't locate Oliver. No one knew what kind of disguise the devil might be wearing.

Mila's entire family had fallen into his clutches. He feared that Mila would be his next victim.

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