The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 477

Nathan's gaze slowly moved to the strawberries.

The strawberries were bright red, large, and enticing. The strawberries were arranged in a very exquisite style.

Nathan looked at her suspiciously. He asked, "Did you pick these?" Mila nodded. She replied, "Yes. Some branches were hanging down, so I was able to pick some."

Nathan was very touched. But as soon as he thought about Mila's usual tricks, the warmth he felt vanished instantly.

"So, what do you need my help with?" Nathan asked. He knew she never offered kindness without an ulterior motive.

Yet, he still willingly treated her well.

Mila smiled sweetly and then approached Nathan. She said quietly, "Mr. Morrison, I want to join Team A."

Nathan's face turned grim. He looked up at her and said, "No, Team A is responsible for projects mostly on the frontlines. The work is difficult, time-consuming, stressful, and dangerous.

“You should stay in Team B and excel in your field. Besides, you've worked with several professors from Team B before, and they all like you."

Mila instantly felt lost.

So, Team A was in charge of frontline work.

If Team B was the burden, then Team A was the one carrying it. Compared to Team A, the Team B leader didn't seem so scary at all. Seeing her lost in thought, Nathan curiously asked, "What's wrong? Isn't Team B good enough for you?"

Mila snapped out of her reverie. She quickly smiled and said, “No, Team B is fine. Everything's fine. Mr. Morrison, I should get going now." After speaking, she slowly grasped the small basket with both hands as she intended to leave.

Nathan quickly grabbed the other end of the basket. He was anxious as he asked, "What are you doing?"

Mila seriously replied, "I'm going back!"

Nathan chuckled as he resigned. He was puzzled, so he looked at her and asked, "Who would take back the gift they just gave?"

Mila remembered that Nathan didn't like strawberries.

She just couldn't find a better excuse to see him. It was freezing outside, and she didn't want to risk going out to buy fruits, so she picked a few strawberries on purpose.

The strawberries were just a cover.

She didn't expect him to care about these strawberries, even though he didn't like them.

Mila thought that gift-giving was an expression of goodwill. Nathan didn't like strawberries, so leaving the strawberries would only cause them to rot.

It would be better for her to take them back and share them with Phoebe.

“You don't like strawberries either!" she explained.

Nathan refused to let go of his hand. He said, "You gave them to me, so they're mine now. It's none of your concern.”

Mila slowly let go. She should just forget it, she could always pick a few more to share with Phoebe.

She looked out the window. It was already dark. The warm yellow street lamps were on as snow fell from the sky.

When she arrived, it was still dusk.

How did it get dark so quickly?

She turned around and walked slowly toward the door. She took out her phone to send a message to Phoebe as she walked. She wanted Phoebe to come and pick her up.

Nathan felt his heart being taken away by her as he watched her leave. He stood up, took the black coat beside him, and hurried to catch up. Then, he silently draped the coat over her shoulders from behind.

He wrapped it tightly around her then fastened one of the buttons in the middle.

Mila was stunned, so she looked up at him.

Nathan looked down at her face and gently said, “I'll escort you."

Mila was worried he would be cold, so she tried to take off the coat. She said, "You should wear it. Phoebe will be here to pick me up soon." Nathan grabbed her hand and stopped her from taking it off. He said, "Text her not to come.”

"Okay," Mila replied as she tried to return the coat to him, "You should wear it because it's cold outside.”

At that moment, an angry voice came out.

"What are you two doing?" The questioning tone sounded as if it carried the authority of a queen.

Mila was shocked. She turned around to find Fenna standing in front of them with a lunchbox in her hands.

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