The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 454

"Then why not use protection?" asked Nathan.

“I'm in my safe period."

"Wouldn't an extra protection be better?"

Mila found herself at a loss. Utterly embarrassed, she scrambled for excuses. Lost in a fog of embarrassment, she stuttered, "I-It's uncomfortable with the condom on."

Nathan was taken aback. He froze, unable to hide the shock in his eyes.

In that instant, Mila wished she could vanish into thin air, feeling mortified and embarrassed to the core. She wished she could just disappear.

"That's not something you'd say,” Nathan withdrew his hand, one resting on his hip, the other absently tugging at his short hair.

A realization dawned on him, and after a brief moment of contemplation, he couldn't contain himself any longer. His gaze turned stern. "Are you trying to conceive my child?"

Milas heart skipped a beat. Her anxious eyes met his while her thoughts raced in panic, unsure how to mask her true intentions. Her reaction confirmed Nathan's suspicions.

Feeling a mix of disbelief and anger, Nathan stepped back, inhaling deeply and tilting his head back. His emotions churned like a storm. Mila attempted to explain weakly. “Nate, I—"

Nathan felt a surge of discomfort and cut her off sharply. "So this is why you've been behaving so strangely lately, trying to seduce me repeatedly. Chubs, you're ruthless.”

Panic gripped Mila's heart as she nervously apologized, "I'm sorry, Nate. I didn't mean to deceive you. I knew you wouldn't approve, which was why I resorted to this."

Nathan let out a cold chuckle, anger staining his eyes red, his voice dripping with fury. "If you knew I wouldn't agree, why did you do this?" Mila clenched her fists slowly, confessing to him, "Because I want to have your child."

Nathan felt the bitter irony slicing through his heart like a sharp blade, every breath was a painful reminder. His gaze toward her carried an added edge of resentment.

"Chubs, do you think my suffering is insufficient? Do you wish to intensify my longing and deepen my pain by bringing our child back to Sunterland?"

Witnessing Nathan's sorrow, Mila's heart swelled with empathy, unable to bear the sight of his pain. Tears blurred her vision instantly as she cautiously approached Nathan, reaching out to touch his fingers.

Yet, the moment her hand grazed his, Nathan recoiled, stepping back even farther from her.

Mila stifled a sob, her voice trembling with hurt. "Nate, if I were to fall in love with you and wished to stay in Norvania, what would you do?" Nathan's response was cold and resolute. “There's no if. Do you love me or not?"

With determination in her voice, Mila suppressed her tears and pressed on. "Tell me, what would you do?"

Drawing a deep breath, Nathan's eyes reddened, but his determination remained unshaken. "If you loved me and were willing to remain in Norvania, I would do anything to keep you by my side.

"Even if it meant defying Sunterland or even the world. I would never let you go."

Mila was both touched and saddened by his words.

Tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably as she covered her mouth with her hand, trying to stifle her sobs. She was unable to meet Nathan's gaze any longer.

Mila had long suspected Nathan's reaction, which was why she hesitated to confess her feelings. She feared his potential for obsession, worried that he might prioritize his desires over his nation's interests in opposition to Sunterland.

She feared he might resort to extreme measures.

The memory of a previous incident haunted her thoughts. When Daniel was nearly killed by drug lords from a neighboring country, Nathan used a missile malfunction as a pretext to obliterate the drug den.

That event served as a cautionary tale for Mila, prompting her to be wary of Nathan's propensity for extremism.

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