The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 449

"What about you?" Nathan asked.

"My kindness toward you once brought me ten years of lovesickness. Do you think I'm more resilient now that I should enjoy a taste of sweetness only to endure a lifetime of agony?"

Hearing his words, Mila lowered her head slowly. She bit her lip in a futile attempt to hold back her tears.

She wished she could erase her memories, to return to being just Suzanne, the woman whose heart and gaze belonged solely to Nathan, the woman who only dreamed of being his wife.

She longed for a simpler life, free from the burdens of duty, where her heart could be filled with pure love, and to live a simple life with Nathan. But the reality was harsh. Nathan had his responsibilities, and she had hers.

With tears tracing her cheeks, Mila silently brushed past Nathan and left Sudvilla.

In less than half a minute, Nathan grew anxious. He rushed outside, his steps purposeful. He glimpsed Mila walking along the avenue in the front yard. Catching up to her swiftly, he reached out and grasped her hand.

Under the night sky, bathed in the warm glow of streetlights, Mila wiped away her tears and looked up at Nathan.

His breath was slightly uneven, and his expression was tense. However, with a softened tone, he said, "It's late, and it will be dangerous for you to go home alone. Let me take you back."

Mila nodded silently in agreement.

"Wait for me here," Nathan instructed before heading toward the garage.

Moments later, he returned, driving his car. Mila climbed into the car, and the car pulled out of Sudvilla.

In the vibrant cityscape, lights danced, and vehicles streamed by while neon signs illuminated the roads. Inside the car, darkness enveloped them, broken only by the fleeting shadows cast by passing streetlights. Silence hung heavy between them, and the tension was palpable. Lost in her thoughts, Mila stole glances at the passing scenery outside. Nathan slowed the car, allowing other vehicles to pass by.

As they neared Hoffis Manor, Mila finally broke the silence. "Nate, if I never return, would you marry another woman and have kids?" Nathan paused for a moment before replying, “I never thought of it." Undeterred, Mila pressed on, "Then think of it now."

Nathan's response was laden with reluctance as he responded, "Yes." For Mila, his answer was both expected and yet surprising. If she couldn't return to Norvania, she resolved never to wed. Instead, she would devote herself entirely to science, immersing in the pursuit of research.

His answer resonated within Mila's heart, taking root like a painful thorn. She wondered if Nathan would truly move on if she couldn't return.

Despite his secret affection for Chubs over a decade, Nathan succumbed to familial pressure and wedded Suzanne, even though his heart didn’t belong to her. Though by a twist of fate, Suzanne turned out to be Chubs, ultimately, he would still marry another.

The car came to a stop outside Hoffis Manor. Mila unbuckled her seatbelt and uttered, "Safe drive." With that, she walked away without looking back.

Nathan turned off the engine and leaned back in his seat, watching Mila's retreating figure with a desolate expression in his eyes.

"Go, pursue your dreams. I won't hinder your path. I was wounded twice by your abandonment. I cannot love again, let alone think of another marriage.

"Chubs, don't worry about me. Your happiness is all that matters." Night fell, and the black car remained outside Hoffis Manor, casting a desolate presence in the wee hours.

The following noon, Mila, having struggled with insomnia the previous night, lay lethargically in bed. She was too weary to eat or drink, engrossed in a chemistry book.

Unaware of Mila's return due to her early bedtime, Phoebe, having recovered from her illness, accompanied Simon on a hike.

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