The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 434

“If you refuse to eat, I'll treat you like livestock and force-feed you using a funnel. If you refuse to sleep, I'll give you sleeping pills. Regardless, I'l keep a close eye on you and prevent any suicide attempts. You're my cash cow for life," Sienna declared.

Her words angered everyone in the car.

"Wanda, fire her!" Daniel yelled with frustration.

This marked the first instance he had addressed Mila by her name since his injury. Mila spun around eagerly, tears already welling in her eyes. Even though she disagreed with Sienna's approaches, they appeared to be effective.

"Dan, I can't fire her. If you're unhappy with her, figure out a way to handle it yourself,” Mila said with a hint of happiness.

Daniel took a deep breath and stopped struggling. He slumped down and fell silent. Sienna slowly got off him and returned to her seat. She glanced at him before calming herself and quietly catching her breath. The fierceness she had displayed was all an act. Her hands trembled incessantly.

As their car pulled up to Hoffis Manor, the iron gate swung open, granting them entry. Mila couldn't shake the feeling of unease when she noticed the unfamiliar guard at the gate. Slowly, the vehicle made its way along the garden path until it stopped before the villa.

"Mila, we're here. Something feels off about home," Phoebe remarked, voicing what Mila had already sensed.

Mila swiftly stepped out of the car and glanced toward the gate. The security guard stood with hands on hips while glaring at them with an air of arrogance and menace.

Shifting her gaze toward the villa, Mila found two imposing, burly men guarding the entrance. Their hands rested on their waists, suggesting there might be handguns beneath their clothes.

"Who are they?" Simon asked nervously after getting out of the car. Mila remained on high alert. She shook her head in response.

Right then, a familiar silhouette emerged from the entrance. Phoebe quickly moved to protect Mila by standing in front of her.

"Oliver?" Mila said in astonishment.

Oliver seemed composed, but darkness was lurking in his eyes, and his smile carried an ominous undertone that sent a chill down Mila's spine. "Wanda, it's been a while," Oliver greeted.

Mila felt her heart tighten, and she demanded angrily, "Where are my grandparents?"

"They're at home. Come inside," Oliver replied.

Sienna felt a sense of danger. She quietly pulled out her phone, intending to call the police.

However, Oliver's serious tone stopped her. "The lady at the back. I suggest you don't call the cops. I'll activate the remote if they arrive.” He held up the remote confidently and added, "I've planted enough explosives in this house to destroy everything."

Sienna nervously swallowed and quickly put her phone away.

Mila tightened her fists and asked, "Oliver, what do you want?"

Oliver gestured toward the backyard and said, "Look over there." Everyone turned to see a helicopter in the distance.

“I'll be leaving when the cops arrive. In the meantime, all of you will be blown to bits," Oliver stated calmly.

“Unbelievable,” Phoebe muttered in anger.

“Let's get indoors," Oliver said as he led the way into the house.

“I'm sorry, Sienna. It's my fault to put you and Dan in danger,” Mila said guiltily.

"Why are you blaming yourself? It's not your fault. That guy's the one to blame. He's our enemy now," Sienna replied.

Mila was still overwhelmed with guilt even though Sienna tried to reassure her.

They helped Daniel out of the car and into the wheelchair before wheeling him into the villa together.

Roughly a dozen menacing, burly men stood in the expansive living room of the villa. Each of them gripped a gun that added to their intimidating presence.

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