The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 409

Was he protecting Fenna?

The thought ran through her head. Mila even suspected Nathan was merely harboring a regret of unrequited love for Mila from their youth. He didn't love her that much.

He wouldn't even hurt Fenna for her.

Mila took a deep breath, then forcefully shook off Nathan's hand. She trembled with anger as she felt bitter, her heart clenching uncomfortably.

"Don't touch me!" she shouted.

Her tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. She took two steps back to distance herself from Nathan.

She wiped away her tears desperately, but she felt wretchedly pitiful, like a helpless creature. No one understood, and there was no one to love her.

Sienna couldn't bear to watch anymore. “Let's go," she said, grabbing Mila's hand and leading her away.

Mila wiped away her tears while crying. She couldn't help but look back at him.

Cole followed behind her.

Nathan and Fenna didn't move from their spot.

Her heart was broken and completely hopeless. She felt that any decision she made now was wrong.

Nathan wasn't worth giving up her research career at Sunterland and returning to Norvania to be with him.

The more Mila thought about it, the sadder she felt. This time, she didn't look back and left with Sienna.

Under the streetlamp, Nathan watched as Mila's silhouette slowly faded away before him. His expression gradually darkened, and his stern expression became increasingly grim.

Fenna breathed a sigh of relief. She walked over to him and softly comforted, “Nate, don't mind her. This kind of woman is not worth your affection.”

"What kind of woman is she?" Nathan coldly asked.

Fenna trembled at his question, finding his tone cold and icy. She gulped nervously. She adjusted her tone and said, “Don't think too much about it. Let's just go back."

Nathan gazed coldly at Fenna. He said with a serious tone, "Fenna, I admit that I'm despicable, trying to use your influence to force Chubs into giving me a status.”

Fenna was stunned, and she didn't know what to say at that moment. "You should know that I love her very much,” Nathan said with a warning tone, “If you still want to continue being friends with me, please know your place.

"Don't interfere in matters between me and Chubs. Don't ever try to nitpick or criticize her."

Fenna said, aggrieved, "I'm just speaking up for you."

"l don't need it."

"What did Wanda do to make you so enamored with her?"

Nathan's expression changed instantly. He brushed past her, saying, "Our friendship ends here."

Fenna panicked and immediately stood in front of Nathan. “I'm sorry, Nate. I promise I won't interfere in matters between you and Wanda anymore, nor will I say anything bad about her. We've been friends for so long. We can't just end it like this, can we?"

Nathan fell silent, and his expression softened.

Fenna noticed he was affected by her words, so she asked curiously, "When Wanda was here just now, why didn't you protect her like this? Why did you upset her and let her leave before coming clean with me?" Nathan remained silent with a cold expression. He brushed past her and headed toward the car.

Fenna followed him. As they walked, she said, "Didn't you notice how sad she was? Are you doing this on purpose?

"You said you love her very much, so why didn't you go after her when she left feeling sad and upset? Nate?"

Nathan ignored her and got into the driver's seat.

Fenna then walked to the passenger side. She tried to open the door but found it locked.

She tapped on the door and asked, "Why did you lock the door? I'm still outside."

Nathan didn't even glance at her. He started the car and drove away.

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