The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 391

Mila stood there empty-handed, watching Fenna's domineering attitude. She felt extremely suffocated inside and said, "No, it's fine."

"Nate must be hungry. I'll get going then,” Fenna said politely, but it was a subtle way of urging her to leave.

With that, she headed upstairs with the tray of food

Mila clenched her fists tightly. She was frustrated, so she walked out onto the balcony to let the cool breeze brush against her face as she took deep breaths.

She felt like she couldn't remain indifferent anymore. Although Nathan liked her, he was still a man. Fenna was so cunning, and they've been good friends for many years, so it's not impossible for feelings to develop over time.

If she didn't do something now, when she really lost Nathan, it would be too late to regret.

After contemplating her options, Mila turned and rushed upstairs. She pushed open the door and walked in without knocking. She saw Fenna helping Nathan out of bed.

Fenna and Nathan heard the noise and turned to look at her at the same time.

Mila felt a bit embarrassed, but she still managed to muster up the courage to smile and said, "I came to see if Nate needed any help.”

Nathan's expression went from surprise to joy, but the change was subtle. His gaze then turned intense and gentle as he looked at her.

Nathan thought she had already left. He didn't expect her to still be here. A faint smile gradually appeared on his indifferent face.

Fenna's expression turned grim. She thought Mila had already left. "No need, Ms. Hoffis," she declined. "Haven't you had dinner yet? Why don't you let Keith make dinner for you before you leave?"

Mila pursed her lips and smiled. "I'm not hungry. I can eat later. Besides, I didn't plan on leaving." Nathan was surprised by her words, and his gaze became even more intense.

Fenna forced a stiff smile and said, "It's quite inappropriate for an unmarried man and woman to be alone together."

"I don't mind." Mila looked at Nathan with a beautiful smile. Her voice was as gentle as she asked, "Nate, do you mind?"

"The gates of Sudvilla have always been open for you,” Nathan said calmly. He then lifted the blanket.

Fenna's expression became more unpleasant as she noticed Nathan getting out of bed. She quickly grabbed his hand and said, "Where are you going?"

Nathan slowly pushed away Fenna's hand. "I'm going to the bathroom.”

Fenna held onto his arm and said, "Are you going to wash your hands? Let me help you.”

Nathan pushed her away again. "No need. I'm going to pee."

Fenna hesitated for a moment but didn't insist. She just reminded him, "Be careful.”

"I'm not as weak as you think. I still can walk."

With that, he slowly walked toward the bathroom.

Mila was worried he might faint, so she quickly rushed over and helped him.

Nathan thought it was Fenna, so he was about to push her away. However, when he realized it was Mila, he was stunned and didn't push her away. Instead, he gently smiled and whispered, "I can walk. There's no need for you to help me."

"No, I'll help you," Mila insisted firmly.

Fenna's tone was slightly unhappy as she said, "Ms. Hoffis, didn't you hear? Nate needs to use the bathroom."

Mila said in a serious tone, "So what? We've been married for over half a year. We shared our meals and we slept together. I've also seen his body."

Fenna's face turned grim. She was speechless.

Nathan furrowed his brow as he stared at Mila bewilderedly.

Fenna wondered what exactly Mila had seen.

"Let's go, Nate. I'll help you.” Mila's cheeks were warm as she told this bashful lie. She was too embarrassed to lift her head up to look at Nathan's eyes.

Nathan wore a warm smile on his face. He let her help him into the bathroom.

Mila lifted the toilet seat for him. Her face was red as she glanced at his crotch. Then, she looked up at his face again.

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