The Wrong Woman
The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie Chapter 363

"Not even I can know that?" Donald frowned.

"I'll convince her to join Norvania,” Nathan said.

"Good, then I'll leave it up to you. I hope we can keep this once-in-a-millennium genius for the prosperity and strength of the country.” Donald sighed.

A few days later, in the evening, the soft golden rays of sunshine bathed the earth in warmth.

It was so quiet in the living room of Hoffis Manor that even a pin drop could be heard. Mila leaned back on the couch. She was absorbed in studying the intricate machinery in the book.

"Wanda! Wanda, guess who's here!" Loretta's voice interrupted Mila's thoughts.

She turned to look at the door to find Loretta bursting in with a bright smile. Nathan was on her heels. Wearing a black suit, he looked elegant and handsome, with an incomparable charm.

Mila's heart began to race as she stood up with the book in her hand. It felt like a lifetime since they had last seen each other.

She missed him but had no reason or excuse to see him. She hadn't expected Nathan to come looking for her at all.

"Nate," Mila greeted him as she put the book on the coffee table.

Nathan walked over and looked at her with a deep sense of affection. There was an incredible tenderness in his eyes. He asked, "Wanda, are you busy?"

Mila shook her head. "Not at all."

Nathan glanced at the book she had placed on the table. The cover showed a diagram of an advanced fighter jet, written in a language he had never seen before.

He wasn't sure which country's armament manual it was. All he knew was that it must be very complex.

"There's something I need to talk to you about. Can you go somewhere with me?" Nathan asked. Mila hesitated and looked at him unsurely. They had already talked about their relationship. She didn't know what else he had to tell her.

Before Mila could answer, Loretta pushed her over to Nathan and said, "Go on, go on. Take all the time you need to talk. There's no need to hurry home."

Mila stumbled forward and fell right into Nathan's arms. Instinctively, Nathan took hold of her waist. His touch was warm and reassuring.

Mila's cheeks instantly flushed as she felt his firm embrace. Mila knew Loretta had done it intentionally. She shied away from Nathan's intense gaze.

"Can you?" Nathan asked again.

Quickly, Loretta grabbed Mila's hand and placed it into Nathan's palm, then smiled and said, "Of course, she can.”

Nathan didn't take her hand. He sensed Mila's discomfort and only brushed the back of her hand. Mila's heart leapt. She tucked her hand behind her back. She felt she had no choice but to leave with Nathan at Loretta's insistence.

"Where are we going? Should I change?" Mila looked at Nathan, dressed elegantly and formally, while she was casually dressed.

Excitement flickered in Nathan's eyes as he smiled. "That's fine. Don't bother changing. Let's go.” Nathan moved aside to make way for her. Mila grabbed her phone and nervously walked past him. Nathan followed by her side. He kept his eyes on her, not wanting to look away for even a second. Loretta watched them walk away. A smile spread across her face, and her eyes filled with hope.

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