The Wrong Woman
Chapter 348

Chapter 348

Sienna walked over to Betty and helped her up. "Betty, she's not Suzanne. The one they have taken with them is Suzanne. How can you not know your daughter?"

"I won't have a spy for a daughter!" Betty cried out in pain as tears streamed down her face. She shifted her eyes to Mila and insisted, "She's Suzanne! She's my daughter!" Sienna led Betty away. "Stop crying, Betty. She's not your daughter at all. She's the renowned artist Inkwell, who can play the piano and is fluent in eight languages. "She even has a wide range of knowledge, especially in chemistry and warfare. How is it possible that your daughter has such abilities? Let's face it."

Betty, reluctant and heartbroken, could only accept the truth. On her way out the door, she had one last look at Mila.

The bond they had shared as mother and daughter over the past three years was something she would never forget.

By the Scotts' arrangement, the guests were slowly leaving the venue.

Loretta was sitting on the couch in a corner with her head hanging down. Her hand was on her forehead as if she was trying to hold back the weight of her troubled thoughts.

Mila walked slowly over to Loretta with Phoebe at her side and said softly, "Grandma."

Loretta slowly lifted her head. There were tears in her eyes but all the sadness was from feeling sorry for the spy.

There was even a hint of anger in Loretta's eyes as if Mila was the one responsible for the spy's


Mila knelt and touched Loretta's knees as she looked up at her. "Grandma, I'm your granddaughter. I've never had any plastic surgery. This is how I look.

"Look at me. Don't I look like I did when I was a child and a lot like my mom?"

Loretta brushed Mila's hands away with indifference and left. Phoebe was in disbelief. She was tempted to curse Loretta for being so stubborn.

Mila's heart clenched painfully as tears streamed down her cheeks. She stood up abruptly. Her voice caught, and she could only say, "Grandma."

She couldn't understand why Loretta still didn't believe her. Phoebe was so sorry for Mila. She comforted her. "Mila, forget it. It's not going to be a loss with a grandmother like that."

Mila's breathing was getting ragged. Tears ran down her face and she couldn't stop to sniffle and sob. Her makeup was ruined by the tears, and every time she tried to wipe them away, it


only made things worse.

Just then, someone offered her a handkerchief. She slowly looked up to see Nathan. His gentle eyes and soothing voice were a comfort to her. "Do you need help wiping that away?" Mila shook her head. She took his handkerchief and lowered her head, dabbing away her tears.

"Give your grandma some time. She'll come around." Nathan comforted her.

Mila answered with a hum.

"Oliver was arrested as well. I'll get them to confess what happened to your parents. I'll find

your parents whether they're alive or not."

"Thanks, Nate." Mila's voice slightly choked as she thanked him.

"Let's go, I'll drive you home," Nathan offered.

Mila nodded. Then she shook her head. "No, I'm going back to Hoffis Manor to see my grandparents. I want to explain things to Grandma once more."

Nathan's smile faded, and his eyes lost their sparkle. There was a shadow of disappointment in

his eyes as he asked, "Will you be coming back to stay at Sudvilla?"

Mila paused for a moment before answering, "N-No, I won't."

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