The Wrong Woman
Chapter 327

Chapter 327

Oliver entered the study, locked the door, and cautiously looked around before walking to the bookshelf.

He pushed aside the books, and a button was revealed within the cabinet.

The moment he pressed the button, the bookshelf slid to the sides and a hidden room was


The bookshelf slowly slid back into place soon after he walked inside.

Bright lights illuminated the spacious room.

Mila felt weak all over. She sank into a dazed and fuzzy stupor. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but they slowly closed beyond her control.

She tried to stay alert, but the drugs in her body kept her in a hazy, semi-conscious state.

Oliver approached the edge of the bed. He slowly and deliberately untied the ropes binding her wrists. "Did you hear everything?" he asked.

Mila didn't even have the strength to speak. She couldn't move a single muscle, lying there like a puddle of water.

"He came looking for you. But with his intelligence, he'll never find you even if he spends. his whole life searching for you," Oliver said as he smirked.

"I never imagined that Nathan, who is usually so wise and composed, would act so irrationally because of you.

"Besides taming you, I'll also file a lawsuit against him. I'll definitely bring him down and ruin him!"

Oliver then proceeded to untie the ropes on Mila's limbs. He calmly removed her clothing.

Mila didn't even have the strength to speak, let alone struggle or resist. Despite being mentally alert, she couldn't muster an ounce of energy.

Mila's tears welled up in her eyes. She looked at Oliver nervously and apprehensively.

She slowly opened her mouth. With all her might, she managed to utter two feeble words, " No... don't..."

Her teary eyes and vulnerable appearance tugged at Oliver's heart.




Oliver felt bad, so he gently wiped away her tears. He reassured her, "Don't be afraid. You'll slowly fall in love with me, and even enjoy our sweet time together."

To Mila, every touch from him felt like acid was being poured on her skin. She felt her whole body become corroded and rotten, accompanied by fear and intense burning pain. Her glistening eyes were filled with tears. Her tears silently streamed out from the corners

of her eyes.

When Oliver continued to undress her, he saw a faint scar on Mila's fair and delicate arm. He paused as he saw the faint scar.

His fingers traced the scar gently. He asked, "Do you really not remember anything from before?"

Oliver's tone grew more serious as he asked, "Do you remember the tiny chip implanted in your body?"

Mila shook her head as tears welled in her eyes. She denied any recollection.

She knew about the health monitoring chip implanted in her arm. The chip came with a tracking function.

It was specially implanted to protect her, given her knowledge of Sunterland's confidential technologies and 15 years of contract with them.

"Do you really have no idea?" Oliver asked again.

Once again, Mila shook her head. She closed her eyes and didn't say a word.

Oliver can't resist but to touch the scar on her arm. A smug smirk on his lips as he did that.

He discovered the unique high-tech chip using magnetic resonance imaging before performing brain surgery on her.

He then removed it before fleeing to Norvania with her.

As they crossed the Pacific Ocean, he threw the crystal chip into the sea.

Even now, he couldn't understand why she had such an advanced technology chip implanted in her.

Oliver's fingers became bolder. He threw her clothes on the floor and removed her bra straps.

"Has Nathan touched you?" he sarcastically asked.

Mila looked at Oliver's malicious face. His sinister face creeped her out. She couldn't stop



herself from bursting into tears.

"Don't cry," Oliver said. He slowly lowered his head and kissed away the tears on her cheeks. He whispered, "I'll be gentle."

His kisses trailed from her cheek toward her lips.

Mila shut her eyes tightly while clenching her lips. Her body was tense as she cried to herself.

Suddenly, she heard the voice of a man shouting. The man who had kissed her was gone.

Mila's eyes snapped open. Right before her was the man she had been missing, which was Nathan.

Nathan gripped Oliver's hair and pulled him back with all his might.

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