The Wrong Woman
Chapter 303

Mila stopped in her tracks. Sally got to her feet and glared at Mila, gritting her teeth as she asked angrily, "Did you say something to Nate? Why has he suddenly decided not to marry me?" Mila remained silent. With a deadly stare, Sally emphasized each word, "Was it you? Did you see Nate last night? I'm asking you. Are you mute now?"


"You bitch. I knew it was you." Sally's anger flared, and she raised her hand as if she was going to slap Mila.

Before her hand could land, Phoebe dashed over and grabbed her wrist. A wave of numb pain shot through Sally's body, and she felt as if her wrist was about to snap. She couldn't help but cry out in pain. Sally shook free of Phoebe's grip and stepped back. Her eyes were watching Phoebe warily as she held her injured wrist. She was confused and slightly frightened as Phoebe, who looked fragile, had an unexpectedly strong grip.

Phoebe shielded Mila behind her and smiled thinly. "Ms. Hoffis, this is a civilized society. Let's not slap others just because it pleases you. Wound her face, and I'll disable one of your hands."

Terrified but defiant, Sally gritted out, "You!"

"What?" Phoebe glowered at her.

"Robert, come here!" Sally bellowed.

Robert hurried over and respectfully asked, "Ms. Hoffis, what can I do for you?"

Pointing at Mila and Phoebe, Sally ordered, "Throw out these two shameless women immediately. They must never enter Hoffis Manor again."

"Yes, Ms. Hoffis," Robert replied respectfully and made a phone call. Shortly after, six security guards arrived.

Phoebe, who was shielding Mila, asked nervously, "Mila, what are we going to do?"

Mila was helpless. There was no longer any reason for them to stay at Hoffis Manor. She wasn't afraid of getting thrown out but of more serious consequences.

With an air of superiority, Sally ordered, "Take them to the police station and charge them with trespassing."

"Yes," the security guards replied in unison as they marched over to Phoebe. One of the guards approached Phoebe and was sent flying by her kick. Everyone was astonished. Sally realized that Phoebe wasn't ordinary when she saw the guard writhing on the ground in pain. Phoebe did look like a bodyguard.

"Go on!" Sally yelled.

The other five guards charged forward. Mila took a few steps back and watched quietly.

Something fierce flickered in Phoebe's eyes. She clenched her fists and charged at the guards with all her strength.

She easily overpowered the guards, who had no fighting skills other than brute strength. She managed to knock out several of them in no time.

Dumbfounded, Sally pointed at Phoebe and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"Hello, police?" Robert hastily called for the police.

Phoebe moved back to Mila's side and whispered, "Mila, they've called the police. What do we do? Let's leave!"

"You trespassed and hurt so many people. Do you think you can simply leave? No way." Sally sneered.

"Sir, we are "

A commanding voice interrupted Robert. "Do not call the police."

Everyone turned to see where the voice was coming from. Zach was standing in the doorway with a great deal of authority. His eyes were wise and unfathomable. Sally immediately burst into tears and ran to Zach. "Grandpa."

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