The Wrong Woman
Chapter 285

Chapter 285

"I..." Mila blushed and couldn't say a word.

Nathan looked drowsy. It wasn't long before he closed his eyes again, but he lifted his hips and allowed Mila to pull his pants down to his thighs.

After a deep breath, she looked up and asked, "Nate, are you awake?"

He was still asleep. After a moment's hesitation, Mila pulled his pants off. Then, she quickly wiped his body down with a wet towel. She continued to wipe him down three or four times until his temperature had cooled down completely.

About an hour later, Mila fed Nathan some cold medicine by mouth. She had stayed up all night tending to him. When daylight came, she fell asleep on the bed from exhaustion.

A clap of thunder awoke Nathan from his sleep. He struggled to open his eyes and turned his head to the balcony window. Only then did he realize that a thunderstorm was raging outside.

The clock on the wall read 10:30 am. After scanning the room, Nathan remembered passing out and realized he was still in He Manor. He tried to sit up but found that something heavy weighed his belly.

There was a small figure lying on top of him. It was impossible to see her face because her long hair was strewn about.

Nathan wasn't sure if she was Wanda. He felt weak all over. His mouth and throat were dry, and even swallowing hurt.

Outside, the rain was pouring down hard, and the atmosphere was


dark and gloomy. Suddenly, Nathan felt something wasn't right with


He reached into the blanket and realized that the only thing he was wearing was his underwear. His brow furrowed in helplessness as he slowly closed his eyes. His ears began to flush. Phoebe's voice rang out as she knocked at the door. "Mila, are you up?

Mila sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes. Staring at Nathan's face as he slept, she touched his forehead and then her own. After making sure that their body temperatures weren't too different, she sighed in relief.

Phoebe called out again, "Mila."

Mila quickly opened the door, dragged Phoebe into the room, and locked the door after her. Phoebe was confused by how nervous she seemed to act. "What's going on?"

Mila pulled Phoebe over to the bed and whispered, "Look."

Phoebe glanced at Nathan on the bed, then back at Mila, and asked calmly, "How did he get in? And why is he sleeping in your bed?"

"He snuck in at 3:00 am to take me away from Hoffis Manor, but ended up passing out."

Phoebe chuckled and looked at Mila in disbelief. "Did you drug him?"

"What are you talking about?" Mila tapped Phoebe's shoulder. "He came here sick and fainted unexpectedly."

"It's pouring outside. Now what?" Phoebe asked.

Mila pursed her lips and shook her head anxiously.

"Mila, you said before that we can't have any food from Hoffis Manor, not even their water. Well, with the storm out there and a guy sleeping


in your room, what's our plan?"

"We'll wait for the rain to stop and order some take-out," Mila said as she looked at Nathan on the bed. "And we need some menswear."

Phoebe glanced at the clothes at the foot of the bed and covered her mouth in shock. She stepped forward and lifted Nathan's blanket.

Mila stopped her just in time. "D-Don't look. He isn't wearing any clothes."

Phoebe gasped. "Mila, did you strip him completely?"


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