The Wrong Woman
Chapter 242

Chapter 242

"It's a toxic nation, nurtured by the government's support for opium growth. Now it's the primary source of almost all the world's

narcotics. And as its neighbor, we bear the full brunt of this drug


"Remember the 18 border guards forcibly dosed with drugs? They're now trapped in a daily struggle, living in agony. In Norvania, we've got 20 million addicts, and that number keeps skyrocketing by the day! "Despite the sacrifices of our anti-drug forces, we can't seem to stop the relentless flow of drugs into our country."

Donald sank into his seat heavily, his hand pressed to his forehead. His voice was thick with grief and frustration as he said, "What's the use in wiping out just one drug den with a missile?

"It's barely scratching the surface with Muzat. The heart of the

problem remains completely untouched."

Nathan closed his eyes in sorrow and took a deep breath.

Donald's tone softened a fraction. "I know you're not one to act

rashly. Tell me, what drove you to this?"

Nathan covered his face with his hands, taking a deep breath before meeting Donald's gaze with unwavering determination. "Yes, I did it because of personal reasons. Lucas, my colleague, and my wife, Chubs, narrowly escaped death in Muzat recently. Their safe return. held me back.

"But now, it's my brother. He's poured his heart into Norvania's anti- drug efforts, a true hero ready to give up everything."

Nathan's eyes welled with unshed tears as he spoke. "I'd rather see

him go

down with honor than endure the savage torture he's suffered

for six grueling days and nights. That's too cruel!

"My brother now lies in the hospital, barely clinging to life."

His voice softened, choked with emotion. "I can't tell how much

longer he'll hold on, but if I don't act for him today, I'd be failing as his.


Donald's expression darkened, his voice tense. "Is it Liam? Has he been undercover in Muzat all this time?"

Nathan's throat tightened as he nodded.

Donald's face paled with sadness and anger as he struck the sofal

with his fist.

After composing himself, Donald sighed heavily, "A nation's defense capabilities are crucial. With enough military strength, even a nation. with a weak economy and sparse population can rise to dominate the world. But we..."

Donald sighed in resignation, his hand covering his face. "We're still in a position where we have to beg other countries for many of our


"In recent years, our country has nurtured numerous talents, but they often choose not to return after studying abroad, opting instead for stronger nations' offers.

"We've lost so many talented individuals," Donald lamented, his expression tinged with regret. "I apologize for losing my composure. earlier. Your actions were indeed impulsive."

Nathan nodded. "I'm willing to accept the punishments."

Despite this incident becoming a global spectacle, it didn't cause much harm in the end. Ending the largest drug operation at the border and delivering a precise blow to Muzat's arrogance was a relief to



Donald sighed again. "The compensation Muzat demands will be deducted from the military base's allowance."

Nathan agreed with a nod. "Understood."

Donald changed the subject. "How's the progress on the hydronium.


Nathan shook his head. "No progress yet."

"And what about Mila Winkler?"

"Retired scientists from Sunteri have provided some leads. It's likely that Mila Winkler has already passed away."

Donald leaned back on the sofa, a headache creeping in as he sighed. "Even if we were to find Mila Winkler, she wouldn't be of service to our


Standing up, Donald sighed deeply, "Well, perhaps it's for the best. At least the world won't witness the emergence of even more terrifying weapons."


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