Chapter 81

The street lamp that was made out of a few hundred kilograms of concrete and metal was falling down from more than a

dozen meters.

Should it hit anyone, not only would it kill a person, but it could even destroy the sidewalk.

Andrius strode forward and jumped up for a kick.


He kicked the falling street lamp away. It collapsed on the sidewalk and caused the ground to tremble a little.

“Aah!” Lyra was terrified, and her face paled. She screamed when she realized what happened.

If it was not for Andrius, she would have died on the spot.

“You’re fine now.” Andrius hugged her and patted her shoulder, calming her down.

Lyra slowly regained her composure.

“Mr. Doctor, thank you for saving me!” Lyra’s voice was still trembling, but she expressed her gratitude with utmost sincerity.

Andrius could even see the lingering fear in her eyes.

“It’s nothing…”

While Andrius was consoling the girl, a man in a security uniform came over. He stormed to them, his shoulders broad and his eyes energetic. His temples were bulging, and by the

looks of it, he seemed to be an expert martial artist.

He bowed at Andrius with cupping fists and said, “Sir, I saw what you did there. Can I have the honor of sparring with you?”

The man was Hercules Caucasus, a martial art fanatic, and he was bored because he could not find a worthy opponent.

What happened just now enlightened him and aroused his battle intention.

Based on his observation and speculation, the falling street lamp was at least 500 kilograms, yet Andrius was able to kick it away with a single flying kick.

He either had supernatural strength or extraordinary martial art technique, which made him a good practice target.

“No, thank you,” Andrius replied coldly before heading to the clinic with Lyra.

“Sir!” Hercules stopped Andrius once more. This time, he offered Andrius his phone number. “If you are busy now, I can wait. This is my number. Please call me when you are free.”

Andrius did not have the time to spar with some random guy. He said, “No thanks. Not interested.”

He left.

Hercules frowned. However, since Andrius had rejected him distinctively, he would be rude if he insisted.

Fortunately, he did not give up. He watched as Andrius and Lyra entered Artemis’ Clinic.

“Artemis’ Clinic…” He remembered the place.

Inside the clinic, Dr. Artemis chatted with Andrius and revealed his true intention of inviting him to dinner.

“Young man, I actually have a friend who has a strange condition. I checked on him a few times but still couldn’t sum

up what I saw. That is why I invited you to dinner to help provide some opinions.”

A medical check-up?

Andrius would never reject such a request. “Of course, I’ll have a look later.”

They then made their way to Immortal Rounds Hotel, where Dr. Artemis had booked a table at the restaurant inside.

After they sat down, Dr. Artemis asked, “Young man, you doing at the university?”

what are

“I was helping someone settle down in their new dorm.”

The three of them chatted while waiting for Dr. Artemis’ friend.

However, even after they finished a pot of tea, Dr. Artemis’ friend was nowhere to be seen.

“This guy…” Dr. Artemis looked at Andrius apologetically and then gave his friend a call.

“What? We’ve been waiting for you, and you’re telling me you’re not coming? I even got a friend who is medically sound to come over. You little…”

A while later, Dr. Artemis hung up the phone and explained in an apologetic tone, “My friend said he’s caught up with something and can’t make it. Let’s eat.”

After dinner, they decided to go home.

On the way out, Dr. Artemis and Lyra were walking in front while Andrius followed them behind.

When they walked past a corridor, Andrius suddenly heard a noise that seemed familiar for some reason.

“When Luna Crestfall arrives later, put this in her cup.”

“Don’t worry, this thing works wonders. She won’t escape tonight.”

“Don’t f*ck up!”

Chapter 82

“I was helping someone settle down in their new dorm.”

The three of them chatted while waiting for Dr. Artemis’ friend.

However, even after they finished a pot of tea, Dr. Artemis’ friend was nowhere to be seen.

“This guy…” Dr. Artemis looked at Andrius apologetically and then gave his friend a call.

“What? We’ve been waiting for you, and you’re telling me you’re not coming? I even got a friend who is medically sound to come over. You little…”

A while later, Dr. Artemis hung up the phone and explained in an apologetic tone, “My friend said he’s caught up with something and can’t make it. Let’s eat.”

After dinner, they decided to go home.

On the way out, Dr. Artemis and Lyra were walking in front while Andrius followed them behind.

When they walked past a corridor, Andrius suddenly heard a noise that seemed familiar for some reason.

“When Luna Crestfall arrives later, put this in her cup.”

“Don’t worry, this thing works wonders. She won’t escape tonight.”

“Don’t f*ck up!”

Andrius was surprised by what he heard. He turned around.

No wonder he thought the voice was familiar. One of the talking men was Axel. He was talking to another man who was dressed lavishly and grinned wickedly. He was definitely up to no good.

The two of them looked around, but they were too caught up in their plans and did not notice Andrius who was hiding behind the corner.

When they passed by, Andrius followed them.

“Young Master Hanshu, Luna Crestfall is a well-known beauty in Sumeria. I’m selling her to you now, so shouldn’t you make it up to me? Come on, man.” Axel was trying to claim credit for what he did.

Young Master Hanshu, or Randal Hanshu, chuckled. He

thumped Axel’s shoulder and said, “When I get her in bed, I will give you two million. How about that?”

“Two million…” Axel winked at Randal and said, “Based on what I know, Luna is still a virgin. That price for a virgin is a little pathetic.”

“You little prick!” Randal grumbled. “You are going to run away with all the money you scammed, and you are still trying to get more from me? Do you even need my money?”

“Of course! No one dislikes money. The more, the better!”

The two of them entered a room, putting their hands on each other’s shoulders and boasting and joking as they did so.

Chapter 83

With that, the other Trust Fund Kids in the room echoed and

cheered him on.

“Andrius Moonshade, drink the piss if you don’t want to die!”

“F*ck you! Is it not enough? Do you want more? I can give you more!”

“Hey, stupid f*ck! If you don’t drink it, once Young Master Hanshu gets angry, you won’t be able to handle the consequences.”

“Andrius Moonshade…”

Andrius went up to the table and picked up the glass of urine while the others threatened, teased, and ridiculed him. They all cackled with laughter, especially Randal and Axel, as they thought he was scared.

They all looked forward to Andrius drinking the glass of urine.

Some of them even pulled out their phones to record the


Then, Andrius shoved the glass closer to Randal’s mouth.

“I have something for you. If you don’t want to die, you’d better finish this now.”

‘he stench from his own urine infuriated Randal. “You little iece of sh*t! You are really a pretentious b*stard!

Believe me when I say I can call a bus full of men here just to eat you up. You will be f*cked so hard that you can’t even sh* or p*ss properly! Stop being a pretentious f*ck in my face!”

ollowing Randal’s threats, the other Trust Fund Kids echoed nd mocked Andrius.

Hey, punk, you are more pretentious than the urinal that olds my uncle’s c*ck!”

Are you out of your mind? How dare you blackmail Young Master Hanshu?”

I think someone needs to f*ck you up, hard!”

ndrius was too lazy to reply to their nonsense. He never liked > repeat himself. If Randal refused to drink, he would have to

nake him.

dash of frostiness flashed in his eyes as he gripped Randal’s w, forced his mouth open, and poured the glass of urine into is mouth.

ulp, gulp, gulp…

onsecutive gulping noise could be heard.

ndrius forcefully poured the urine into Randal’s mouth, tunning the other Trust Fund Kids. They were all petrified nd did not know how to react.

Until Andrius tossed the empty glass on the floor, the noise of the broken glass shocked everyone, forcing them to react.

Randal, on the other hand, fell on his knees and started to retch.

“Ugh! Cough! Ugh-”

He coughed and retched terribly, and even tears were squeezed out of his shut eyes.

However, he had drunk all the urine, and it was unlikel he could cough it all out.

His friends tried to help him but did not know what to do They panicked.

“F-F*ck! Get him! F*ck him up!”

Randal coughed his lungs out, yet he was still able to order his friends and men to get Andrius.

Everyone then jumped on Andrius, swarming towards him like a flock of birds.

“You guys asked for it,” Andrius chuckled.

Chapter 84


‘he stench from his own urine infuriated Randal. “You little iece of sh*t! You are really a pretentious b*stard!

Believe me when I say I can call a bus full of men here just to eat you up. You will be f*cked so hard that you can’t even sh* or p*ss properly! Stop being a pretentious f*ck in my face!”

ollowing Randal’s threats, the other Trust Fund Kids echoed nd mocked Andrius.

Hey, punk, you are more pretentious than the urinal that olds my uncle’s c*ck!”

Are you out of your mind? How dare you blackmail Young Master Hanshu?”

I think someone needs to f*ck you up, hard!”

ndrius was too lazy to reply to their nonsense. He never liked > repeat himself. If Randal refused to drink, he would have to

nake him.

dash of frostiness flashed in his eyes as he gripped Randal’s w, forced his mouth open, and poured the glass of urine into is mouth.

ulp, gulp, gulp…

onsecutive gulping noise could be heard.

ndrius forcefully poured the urine into Randal’s mouth, tunning the other Trust Fund Kids. They were all petrified nd did not know how to react.

Until Andrius tossed the empty glass on the floor, the noise of the broken glass shocked everyone, forcing them to react.

Randal, on the other hand, fell on his knees and started to retch.

“Ugh! Cough! Ugh-”

He coughed and retched terribly, and even tears were squeezed out of his shut eyes.

However, he had drunk all the urine, and it was unlikel he could cough it all out.

His friends tried to help him but did not know what to do They panicked.

“F-F*ck! Get him! F*ck him up!”

Randal coughed his lungs out, yet he was still able to order his friends and men to get Andrius.

Everyone then jumped on Andrius, swarming towards him like a flock of birds.

“You guys asked for it,” Andrius chuckled.

The Trust Fund Kids spent their strength on having sex with women, not exercising.

The so-called ‘fight’ was suicidal for them as Andrius knocked them out each with one punch.

Fair and square.

Ten seconds later, not one of them remained standing.

Then, Luna arrived and saw the terrible state inside the room.

Axel saw Luna. He went up to her and accused Andrius, “Look at what your husband did! He forced Young Master Hanshu to drink urine and beat everyone in here up! Just wait! The Hanshus will definitely destroy the Crestfalls for this!”

Luna was horrified but she asked, “Who are you?”

The muffled voice sounded familiar, but she could not recognize the person.

His face was heavily disfigured.

“I…I’m Axel!” Axel felt heavily insulted.

“Huh?” Luna ignored him because she saw Randal throwing up on the floor. She recognized him as one of the most influential and wealthy figures in Sumeria, and she could not afford to offend him or his family.

“Young Master Hanshu!? I am so sorry about this! I’ll punish Andrius for what he did. Please…” Luna started apologizing to Randal, but before she could finish, Randal glared at her.

“It’s too late!”

Randal’s expression turned grim. It was impossible for him to vomit it out anymore, hence he would never forgive what Andrius did to him.

“Just wait! You, your husband, and your family! You will feel my family’s wrath!”

He grudgingly stared at Andrius before he left the room. angrily.

The Trust Fund Kids helped each other up and left together. They even mocked Luna on their way out.

“Luna Crestfall, what a man you’ve got there.”

“Just wait and see! Randal will definitely f*ck you up!”

“Your family is over now!”

A few minutes later, they all left, leaving Andrius and Luna alone in the room.

Luna was infuriated. “Andrius, what the hell was that? Why did you force Young Master Hanshu to drink urine?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!”

She lashed out at Andrius before leaving the room as well.

Things had gotten worse now that the Hanshus, a powerful family, was involved. She had to go back to discuss with her father to form a plan.

Andrius came in to stop Axel and Randal out of goodwill, but when Luna arrived, she would rather believe Axel’s nonsense than ask him for an explanation. She even lashed out at him without finding out the truth.

Even the Wolf King felt he was treated unfairly.

If it was not for him, Luna would have ended up on Randal’s bed. That woman was indeed troublesome.

Aggrieved, Andrius called Noir, “Noir, come out and have a drink with me.”

Noir nodded. “Alrighty, Andy Boy, tell me the place and I’ll be right there.”

Andrius simply gave him a drinking spot and hung up the phone.

A while later, Noir arrived with a mischievous smile on his face.

“Andy, you look terrible. What happened?”

Andrius complained, “That crazy woman is driving me nuts. How can I be okay?”

“Luna Crestfall?” Noir knew who he was referring to.

“Who else?” Andrius sighed. “I know why people say it’s

difficult to deal with a woman and a prick. Thankfully I still have a few months left, or I will go crazy soon.”

Noir listened to Andrius’ complaints and asked, “What did she do now?”

“Just now, back at the hotel…”

Andrius told Noir what happened in the hotel. He also added in the end, “I did a good deed, but I was treated as the troublemaker, the villain, instead. What the hell is wrong with that? That woman is mindless. She would rather believe that

bunch of b*stards than listen to me. I’m so done with it.”

Noir squinted when he heard Andrius’ explanation. A hint of killing intent flashed in his eyes. “Andy, do you want me to bring a team over to eliminate that b*stard and his family? He is courting death by insulting and challenging you.”

He was ready to kill someone.

Andrius waved his hand. “Can you not be so violent? This is a mega city, not the border. Resolving in violence will only make things more complicated.”

Noir pondered and found his words make sense.

“Then, what should we do? Are we just going to let that b*


stard off like this?”

Andrius chuckled. His eyes narrowed coldly. “I’m not going to him, but if he’s coming to me, I’ll destroy him.”

They drank and chatted until it was late at night.

Andrius did not want to go back to Dream’s Waterfront, so he went back to the Royal Garden for the night.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, after the doctors did some

emergency treatment, they successfully removed all the urine from Randal’s stomach.

However, the taste lingered in his throat, and he could not erase it no matter what he drank.

Randal’s expression turned grim. He pulled his phone out and called someone.

“Dark Night, I want you to leave first thing tomorrow and destroy the Crestfalls.”

Chapter 85

Meanwhile, at the River Helm mansion, Suletta rushed into the living room with a delighted look on her face.” Grandfather, I just got something huge!”

Anthony looked at her gently and asked, “What is it that has made you so happy?”

“Grandfather, you told me to deal with Andrius Moonshade’s matter, right? So, I’ve been tailing him, and guess what I just found out?”

Suletta continued, “I found out that Andrius just offended Randal Hanshu! Randal Hanshu was admitted to the hospital, and he has contacted his family’s assassin team to move out tomorrow morning to destroy the Crestfalls!”

Anthony’s cloudy old eyes glinted.

He knew that Andrius was Luna’s husband, and if the Hanshus were after the Crestfalls, given the difference in power, the Crestfalls would not be able to fight back.

If he was able to lend a helping hand to the Crestfalls during their most desperate time, then he would be able to repay his debt to Andrius.

It was a great opportunity!

“Suletta, tell the men to get prepared.”

Anthony relaxed his brows and smiled as if he had everything planned out. “Tomorrow morning, lead our men to help the Crestfalls to overcome this crisis.”

“I understand, Grandfather. I’ll go make the necessary arrangements.”

Suletta shared the same thoughts with her grandfather when she got the news.

The next morning, Andrius got the news as well and he quickly headed to the Crestfalls’ mansion. After all, he started it, and Master Crestfall was there, thus he could not just ignore it.

The atmosphere at Dream’s Waterfront was tense.

Master Crestfall was sitting in the main seat. Behind him were Harry, Dick, and George.

The young ones, like Luna and her peers, were also inside the house.

Every one of them looked terrible. They would glance at Luna from time to time grudgingly, filled with the intention of blaming her for what happened.

Luna looked guilty as well, but she dared not lift her face.

Earlier in the morning, they had received a warning from the Hanshus.

The Hanshus would come to their place to deal with the

matter, and if the Crestfalls ran, they would hunt them down, killing every single one of them. This was all because of Luna, or more precisely, Luna’s husband, Andrius.

Finally, someone snapped, “Luna, if you know your husband is an idiot, why can’t you keep an eye on him? Now he’s causing huge trouble for us, and we are all going down because of him. Are you happy now?”

The one who spoke was Luna’s uncle, Dick.

After that, everyone else echoed in agreement.

“Luna, you are a sinner! A sinner who has dragged the family down!”

“You started this, and your stupid husband! You’ve dragged us all down!”

“Damn you, Luna. Damn you, Andrius.”

The brothers, Harry, George, and Dick, and their respective families, never saw eye to eye.

With this incident upon them, they all vented their anger on Luna and Andrius.

They did not want to overcome the crisis together as a family. Instead, they were considering turning Andrius and Luna in just to save their own skin.

Chapter 86

“Luna, this is happening because of you!”

“It’s because of you two that we are all in trouble!”

“You’d better do your part later. Drag your useless husband to Young Master Hanshu and apologize! Don’t drag us into this mess!”

As soon as George voiced his complaints, the others echoed.

“Yeah, apologize!”

“Clean up your own mess! Apologize!”

Then, Andrius appeared at the entrance.

“It’s not a big deal. Is it really necessary?”

He could not bear listening to the family’s nonsense, and he had no idea how Luna endured all of it.

He voiced out his grievance because he felt bad for Luna, but his words attracted everyone’s attention, which made him a common target for everyone to lash out at.

They lashed out at Andrius fiercely like how they had done to Luna earlier. In fact, they were even fiercer than before.

“Andrius Moonshade!”

“You are just a useless piece of trash, yet you are still talking arrogantly?”

“Not a big deal? The Hanshus are going to destroy us, and you are saying it’s not a big deal? Are you out of your mind? How dare you say something like that?” George yelled at him.

“Andrius, if you want to get yourself killed, you can just hang yourself on top of a tree or jump into the lake!”

“Why the hell must you attack someone from the Hanshus!?”

“You are dragging us down into your mess! Happy now?!”

Dick also scolded Andrius harshly while the others echoed.

The Hanshus were going to destroy them, and it scared them. Instead of thinking of a way to overcome the problem, they decided to take it out on Andrius first.

“Andrius, you are a jinx!”

“You are not just a useless piece of trash. You are a harbinger of disaster!”

“I must have done something wrong in the past life to have you in our family. Why am I suffering like this?”

“Andrius, why did you do it? What are you trying to do?”

“If you have a death wish, just jump out of the building. Why must you go and piss Randal Hanshu off? You cannot afford to piss him off!”

“That is what people from the mountains are like! Barbaric savages!”

The more they scolded him, the uglier their words became. It was as though they were trying to drown and suffocate

Andrius with their words.


Then, Master Crestfall roared to stop all the scolding.

However, the others continued to stare at Andrius with

resentment as they really hoped they could strangle or snap Andrius’ neck themselves.

Master Crestfall looked at Andrius and sighed. He said, ” Andrius, I don’t know how you ended up in a conflict with Randal Hanshu, but since it has already happened, just leave. Leave before they get here. You can still make it.”

Master Crestfall was the only one in the entire family who cared about Andrius.

Andrius was slightly moved. It was not bad for someone his master had saved. He said, “Master Crestfall, the Hanshus aren’t…”

Before he could finish, Master Crestfall pushed him out of the door and said, “Leave! Leave the city! Go as far away as you can and don’t come back!”

“Leave? Not a single person in your family can leave!”

Then, a cold voice came from outside the gate.

Master Crestfall looked outside and his expression shifted. Disheartened, he almost lost his balance and fell down.

A large group of men appeared in front of the gate, and the leading man was Randal.

Behind him were hitmen in tight suits with a crest emblem on their chests. They were the notorious hitmen group of the

Hanshus the Dark Night.

Chapter 87

The intimidating scene shocked everyone in the Crestfalls, especially the young ones who shuddered and their legs trembled.

Luna was also afraid, but the thought of Andrius being the cause of the situation and her being indirectly responsible for it made her clench her teeth and approach Randal.

“Y-Young Master Hanshu…”

Luna’s voice shook, but she mustered enough courage to

continue, “I know it was Andrius’ fault at the club yesterday. I hereby apologize to you on behalf of him. Please can you let my family go?”

Luna did not see any emotion on Randal’s face except a frosty grin. She clenched her teeth again and said, “We can

compensate you…”

She could make more money if she lost her wealth, but if she lost her life, it would be over.

However, her suggestion was made without confidence as she, too, could not come up with a suitable amount for compensation.

“Compensation?” Randal sneered in disdain. “The Crestfalls are tiny specks of dust, and your total assets are not even as much as my monthly expenses, and you suggest

compensation? Can you even afford it?”

He sounded as arrogant as possible when he said those words, but he was speaking facts as well.

Luna was at a loss for words. She did not know whether she should step back or continue, so she froze on the spot.

Then, she gritted her teeth once more and asked, “Young Master Hanshu, what must we do for you to spare us?

“Spare?” Randal sneered. “From the moment I came out from my place, I have never thought of sparing you people. Unless

His lips curled into a ridiculing grin. “Every one of you kneels before me and bows ten times. If it makes me happy, I’ll consider it.”

Then, Randal scanned over the Crestfalls with a ridiculing gaze.

Luna was both embarrassed and angry when she heard Randal. “Impossible!”

Apart from her, the other Crestfalls’ expressions changed when they heard Randal. Randal was toying with the family, insulting them as human beings.

However, none of them dared to voice their thoughts because they were afraid that they would exacerbate the matter beyond redemption.

Andrius suddenly scoffed. “Randal Hanshu, I’ll give you a suggestion as well. Kneel before me and bow until I’m happy, and I will spare your life today.”

His words shocked everyone at the scene. Every one of the Crestfalls looked at him as if he was an idiot.

Had Andrius lost his mind?

Why would he continue to provoke Randal after what he has

done yesterday? Was he trying to get the entire family killed?

The hitmen Randal brought looked at Andrius as if he was a clown. Despite them being a whole group of merciless hitmen, Andrius still had the gall to threaten Randal in their faces.

The man must have lost his mind.

Randal was infuriated. He thought of the disgusting taste of urine from last night and he yelled, “Andrius Moonshade, kneel before me when you talk!”

Andrius scoffed and ignored him.

As the situation could not get any worse, two young Crestfalls stepped out.


“This is all your fault! If it’s not for you, we wouldn’t have ended up like this!”

“Young Master Hanshu wants you to kneel before him, so you kneel and apologize for what you’ve done. Or else, don’t blame us for being rude!”

The two of them went up to Andrius and attempted to make him kneel. They were still young and did not want to die.

Chapter 88

They hoped that Randal could spare them just because they helped turn Andrius in.

“On your knees!”

The two of them put their hands on each of Andrius’ shoulders from the back and wanted to make him kneel.

Andrius’ eyes turned frosty. He had helped the Crestfalls out

of goodwill, yet the two little rascals wanted to make him kneel in front of Randal?

Little pieces of sh*ts!

Smack! Smack!

Andrius slapped the two of them in the face, sending them flying and crashing into their family members.

“The enemy is in front of you. Instead of thinking about how to fend off the enemy, you decide to turn one of your own to the enemy? This is the first time in my life I’ve seen such

nonsense! How could the Crestfalls have someone as cowardly as you two?”

Andrius slapping the two young Crestfalls was like a stone

tossed into a calm lake.

The Crestfalls already disliked Andrius. When he slapped and lectured them, it fueled their anger to the boiling point.

Clap, clap, clap.

Randal clapped his hands and smiled brightly.

“Andrius Moonshade, you are a man with dignity, and I hope you can keep that up.” Randal’s expression turned grim as he continued, “After this, you will have to kneel and crawl like a dog in front of me for the rest of your life.

“I’ll also strip Luna Crestfall naked and make you watch how I f*ck her! I’ll see if you can continue to act the same way.”

While Randal scoffed wickedly, the hitmen behind him echoed and laughed.

Andrius’ expression turned frosty.

Luna was his nominal wife. Even though they had no feelings for each other, she was not someone that any John Doe could insult.

He said coldly, “Randal Hanshu, it seems like you still haven’t digested the piss that I fed you last night. Your mouth stinks.”

Drinking the urine last night was the biggest insult in Randal’s life, and he could never remove the stain from his life.

When Andrius mentioned the event last night, it was like an act of prying his wound open and sprinkling salt on it.

Randal was infuriated, but before he could say a word, Andrius disappeared.

Then, his hand reached out to Randal’s neck, grabbing him and lifting him into the air. The suffocation shocked and horrified Randal. His legs fluttered nervously, but he could not break free from Andrius’ restraint.

The fear made him wet his pants.

“L-let go of me!”

“Dark Night, s-save me!”

Everyone was equal in front of Death.

Suffocating in fear, Randal reached out to his hitmen for help.

The hitmen surrounded Andrius, but with Randal in his hand, the hitmen dared not act recklessly by jumping on him.

The leader of the Dark Night stared at Andrius and bellowed, Let go of our master! If you hurt him, I’ll make sure the Crestfalls go down with you today.”

Andrius looked at him.

While the leader and the rest of the hitmen stared at Andrius cautiously, Andrius lifted his other hand and slapped Randal’s



The clear and loud slap echoed across the front yard.

Chapter 89

The slap was not that loud, but the shock that it brought stunned everyone.

Everyone in the Crestfalls was astounded, including Luna.

Petrified, everyone’s jaw dropped, and they did not know how to respond. No one expected Andrius to be so audacious as to slap Randal after what he had done yesterday.

It was suicidal!

Everyone was shocked and furious, they really wanted to punch Andrius to death after what he just did.

Even the Dark Night, Randal’s own hitmen, could not believe what just happened. Andrius had just slapped their employer in front of their faces.

It was not just a slap on Randal’s face; it was a slap on their faces as well as the faces of the Hanshus.

Randal was stunned and furious.

How could Andrius have the nerve to slap him under such circumstances?

However, he was being seized by the neck and could not utter a word. All he could do was glare at Andrius.

Moments later, the Dark Night hitmen finally reacted to the unbelievable scene.

“Andrius Moonshade!”

“Let go of Young Master Hanshu right away, or you will die

Andrius was not only dumb, but he was also stupid. He had

offended Randal, yet he did not know how to behave and tame his arrogance.

The Crestfalls did not care if Andrius wanted to die, but his actions dragged them down.

“Young Master Hanshu, are you alright?”

“Sir, are you alright?”

The hitmen immediately caught Randal and surrounded him, looking concerned and worried.

Randal was finally freed from Andrius’ restraint. Infuriated, his swollen face looked ferocious and ugly. He pushed the hitmen away and glared at Andrius begrudgingly. “Why are you guys still standing there? Slaughter Andrius Moonshade!”


As soon as his voice subsided, more than half of the hitmen grinned viciously and threw themselves at Andrius.

They dared not attack him earlier because he held Randal hostage, but with Randal released, they had no more concerns. They all moved swiftly and took aim at Andrius’ neck.

They knew Randal would reward them handsomely once they

severed Andrius’ head.


“Andrius Moonshade, death is the only end for you now that you’ve offended Young Master Hanshu!”

“Cut the crap and kill him first!”

The hitmen yelled and bellowed as they swung their knives and blades at Andrius.

Chapter 90

Andrius was not only dumb, but he was also stupid. He had

offended Randal, yet he did not know how to behave and tame his arrogance.

The Crestfalls did not care if Andrius wanted to die, but his actions dragged them down.

“Young Master Hanshu, are you alright?”

“Sir, are you alright?”

The hitmen immediately caught Randal and surrounded him, looking concerned and worried.

Randal was finally freed from Andrius’ restraint. Infuriated, his swollen face looked ferocious and ugly. He pushed the hitmen away and glared at Andrius begrudgingly. “Why are you guys still standing there? Slaughter Andrius Moonshade!”


As soon as his voice subsided, more than half of the hitmen grinned viciously and threw themselves at Andrius.

They dared not attack him earlier because he held Randal hostage, but with Randal released, they had no more concerns. They all moved swiftly and took aim at Andrius’ neck.

They knew Randal would reward them handsomely once they

severed Andrius’ head.


“Andrius Moonshade, death is the only end for you now that you’ve offended Young Master Hanshu!”

“Cut the crap and kill him first!”

The hitmen yelled and bellowed as they swung their knives and blades at Andrius.

The glaring reflection on the blades looked scary, terrifying the Crestfalls even more. They trembled, unable to speak a word from their tightly sealed mouths.

Only Master Crestfall managed to warn Andrius, “Andrius, be careful!”

To him, Andrius might be reckless, but he was more

courageous than the young Crestfalls. At least, he was manly enough to bear the responsibility and fight the enemy.

While the hitmen were jumping at him, Andrius took a moment to turn around after hearing Master Crestfall.

“Master… Grandfather, don’t worry.”

His little reaction infuriated the hitmen even more.

“Andrius Moonshade, you are too arrogant!”

“You are surrounded by us, yet you still have the time to be distracted? Die!”

“Die, Andrius Moonshade!”

They dashed toward Andrius and swung their knives down at him.


Andrius finally made a move. He took a step forward and grabbed the first hitman’s wrist. The strong grip caused the hitman to squeal in pain. The knife fell out of his hand, and

Andrius seized it for himself.

He successfully seized a weapon from the hitman while unarmed!

Then, Andrius swung the knife at the hitman, ending his life.

The whole process happened within three seconds.

The other hitmen were shocked and fearful, but they moved even faster.

However, no matter how quickly they moved, they were no match for Andrius.

Andrius had experienced countless battles on the battlefield, and the hitmen’s movements felt like they were slowed down on purpose.

He took a life with every swing of the knife.

In less than a minute, more than a dozen of the hitmen were killed.

The sheer combat power shocked Randal.

Since when was Andrius this powerful?

However, his eyes glinted coldly, and he yelled, “Come back! Use your guns!”


The remaining hitmen retreated to a safe distance immediately.

Then, the hitmen armed with guns unlocked their safety pins and pointed them at Andrius.

Randal immediately became arrogant as he assumed he had

regained control of the situation. With his swollen face, he said in a muffled voice, “Andrius, do you think you’re so good at fighting? Being good at fighting is useless! With my guns, I can shoot countless holes in your body!”

Andrius smiled and scoffed, which further infuriated Randal.

“F*ck you, why are you laughing? Shoot him! Shoot his brains. out!

“As for the Crestfalls… Send the men to the South East Domain and let them rot there. As for the women…”

Randal stared at Luna’s perfect face and lust filled his eyes. He licked his lips pervertedly and said, “Strip them clean and throw them on my bed!”

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