The Vendeleer Brothers Book 3: Nightmare on Holly
Chapter 7: Ian's Worst Nightmare

Ian took a step back in abject horror.


Not again…

But how?!

Joey quickly signed Kishnu’s name in the banishment spell she had learned in Serenity Hill, but nothing happened

“I wasn’t sure if that would work…” she said, backing away from Roderick. Ian’s hand closed into a fist.

“Well, we cast you out of this dimension before, and we can do it again!” he growled. “I know you’re in there bro. Remember what we did last time!”

So with a yell, Ian charged at him. However, right before he punched him, Roderick dodged and used Ian’s own momentum against him, spinning him around and throwing him into one of Joey’s bookcases. Several large books fell on top of him, burying him for a moment.

Joey ran into the kitchen, where a canister of cinnamon was sitting on the table. She swung it over her shoulder in a smooth arc, sending cinnamon dust cascading over Ian’s younger brother.

It did nothing.

Ian looked up as Roderick stood over him, the black gelatinous liquid oozing from his teeth.

“Roderick! Come on man-I know you’re in there! Fight it! Fi-.”

Roderick grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up in the air with enormous strength, slamming him against the bookcase.

“R-Rod-.” he choked, wincing and clawing at his brother’s hand. Ian kicked desperately, unable to breathe.

“AHHH!” Joey yelled, running at Roderick with a dreamcatcher. She brought it down over his head, which didn’t seem to do anything either. Ian’s vision was darkening around the edges, and he started to struggle less and less.

This is where it ends… he thought. I’m going to be killed by my own brother…

At that moment, Jordyn kicked open the door.

“Holy shi-.” she exclaimed, bringin out her gun. Ian wanted to scream at her not to shoot, but it was too late. Jordyn’s swear was drowned out by the gunshot, and Roderick finally let Ian go. Ian gasped and coughed, expecting his brother to crumple to the ground dead, but when he looked up, Roderick dissipated into black and purple smoke instead.

“Wh-Where’d he go?” Joey asked, looking around, her curly hair disheveled.

“Man. I’m sure glad I came back here.” Jordyn commented, helping Ian up off the ground.

“You-shot-my brother-.” Ian said hoarsely, rubbing his sore neck.

“Yes. You’re welcome for saving your sorry ass.” she told him grumpily. Ian scowled and then turned to Joey.

“Joey, what do we do now?”

“Well, there is something we could try ,but we’re going to need some of his personal belongings that are connected to strong happy memories.”

Ian nodded, gingerly putting his hand on his sore shoulder.

“Then let’s go. I’m not letting Kishnu get away with this. Not again…”

“Do you still see them?”

“No. I think we lost them.”

“Dang it!”

Holly and Roderick were currently in Holly’s car, straining to see anything in the dark and stormy night. The rain had let up a little bit, but now it was back to pouring.

“I guess it’s getting pretty stormy, so… I should probably take you home before it gets any worse…” the blonde, straining to see through the windshield wipers swishing back and forth across the glass.

“Yeah… I guess so.”

The thought of leaving now was sad to him. He wanted to spend more time with her. Begrudgingly, he pointed her down the streets towards his new home. Too soon, they came to a stop outside his apartment.

“Oh! I can’t let you walk up to the door in that rain. Let me get the umbrella.” she told him, turning off her car. Roderick gave a small smile.

“Ok.” he said simply, liking the idea of being in close proximity to her again. Holly shuffled around to his side, and then the two of them scooted close together under the umbrella. Roderick’s mind and heart were racing as they got closer and closer to his door. He recalled Ian’s text from earlier, telling him to ask her on a proper date. How was he supposed to do that??

When they finally got to his doorstep, he paused.

“Um… I… had fun hanging out with you tonight…” he began, scratching the back of his head.

“Yeah! We’ll have to do it again sometime!”

“About that…” he said, gulping. “Uh… Would… would you be… open to maybe… going on… a date with m-.”

Roderick did not have a chance to finish his sentence, because the door suddenly flew open, revealing his older brother looking a little less put together than usual. Roderick turned in surprise.

“Oh. Hey br-.”

“HE’S BACK!!” Ian yelled hoarsely, grabbing his brother and putting him in a chokehold. “GET THE ROPE!”

“What-.” Roderick struggled in confusion as his brother dragged him inside. Holly stood there frozen on the doorstep, unsure of what to do until there was suddenly a gun pointing at her.

“Who are you? Kishnu’s new partner?” Jordyn growled. Holly threw her hands up.

“Uh… I-I just-.”

“Get in here!”

“Yes ma’am.”

Holly cautiously stepped into the apartment to see that Roderick was being tied to a chair.

“What is going on?!” he demanded, struggling against his bonds. Joey stood in front of him sternly, bringing out her journal and flipping through it.

“You can’t get out of those bonds Kishnu. They’ve been soaking in eucalyptus oil for a while.”


Roderick turned and saw Holly with her hands up on the side, Jordyn pointing a gun at her.

“Jordyn!! What the freak are you doing?!” he asked angrily. “Holly, I swear they’re not normally like this-.”

“Where’d all the black goop go?” Ian asked Joey. “Do you think he’s trying to trick us?”


Roderick had no idea what was going on, but they were all totally embarrassing him in front of an attractive girl. Joey flipped through her journal, looking for a specific page.

“IAN. I’M GOING TO BURN ALL OF YOUR BEHIND THE SCENES STAR TREK BOOKS.” Roderick raged, bouncing up and down in his seat. In response, Ian put a washcloth in his brother’s mouth.

“Roderick, I know you’re still in there bro. I don’t know what Kishnu is doing right now, but you need to fight him!”

Roderick raised a brow, and then Ian punched him in the face.

’Owmf!!!” Roderick grumbled.

“Why isn’t anything working?” Ian lamented, pacing back and forth.

Suddenly, the front door opened, and Brian stepped in.

“Hey Roderick, I-.”

He stopped when he saw the odd situation in front of him. There was Jordyn, pointing at some random girl off to the side, Joey, her hair all over the place and her glasses askew, her journal wide open, and Ian, standing in front of Roderick, who was gagged and tied to a chair. Everyone looked pretty disheveled at the moment.

“Um… What’s going on?” he asked slowly.


“Kishnu’s back. He’s latched onto Roderick again.” Ian told him, gritting his teeth. Brian tilted his head.

“Then, where’s all the black goop?”

“We don’t know, but he almost killed me!”

Looking mildly concerned, Brian pulled out one of his scanners and waved it in front of Roderick.

“It think that’s just Roderick guys. Nothing’s showing up on my scanner. And I mean, look at him. Does he look like he’s being possessed by Kishnu?”

The other three were silent as Brian shook his head.

“I know how to fix this.”

Brian took the gag out of Roderick’s mouth and took a step back.

“Ok dude. What’s the code word?”

“Pineapple Fritters.”

“Ok. It’s him.”

The others in the room gawked as Brian started to untie him.

“You guys have a code word?” Jordyn asked, lowering her gun hesitantly. Roderick pulled at eh ropes with his free hand, looking quite put off.

“Yes. But the more important question is why the freak you guys thought I was possessed by Kishnu. We sent him out of this dimension, remember?”

Ian adjusted his glasses, his eyebrows furrowed forward.

“Well… you… showed up at Joey’s house… and… tried to kill me…” he said quietly.

“Um… actually, he’s been with me all night…” Holly piped up sheepishly, unsure whether she should be leaving this now awkward situation. The others turned to her.

“And… who are you?” Brian asked. Roderick sighed.

“This is… Holly. Holly, this is my brother Ian, and my friends and coworkers, Joey, Jordyn, and Brian.

Ian suddenly lit up with recognition.

“Oh wait! Is this that girl you’ve been talking about nonstop for the past couple of days?” Joey, Brian, and Jordyn turned to him in interest as his face turned bright red.

“I, uh… she’s-she’s the one who-uh-fought the velociraptor with me.” he struggled, shooting daggers at his older brother. Ian sighed and straightened his shirt. Then he held out his hand to Holly.

“Well, it’s nice to finally meet you. I apologize for the misunderstanding. Our lives have become quite… odd.”

“I can see that…” she said with interest, shaking his hand. Roderick wanted to go die in a hole in embarrassment at the entire situation.

“Sorry I kind of shoved a gun in your face.” Jordyn commented with a shrug. Joey nodded.

“Yes. We thought Roderick here was possessed by an evil spirit from another dimension.”

Roderick smacked himself in the face, and then took Holly gently by the arm.

“Why don’t we go onto the doorstep for a second…”

Once they were outside, Roderick gave a groan.

“I am soooo sorry for all that. I don’t-I don’t even know what to say.”

Holly was silent for a moment, which was not very reassuring, and then without a word, picked up her umbrella.

“You are… a very interesting person Roderik.” she told him, looking out into the downpour. He shuffled his feet, finding himself at a loss

“Well, I guess I’ll call you when the truck is ready. I have your number at the shop.”


Holly gave a curt nod, and then started to slosh out into the squishy grass. Roderick watched her go sadly, certain that any shot with her had been ruined now. Holly stopped and turned around.

“I had fun tonight by the way!” she called out to him. Roderick gave a small smile and waved at her.

“Me too!”

Then, she got into her car and disappeared into the night. Roderick stood there for a moment, listening to the rain and thunder and watching as the lightning lip silhouettes of trees for short moments of time. Then he walked back inside to find Ian getting glasses of lemonade for their guests.

You are so dead.” Roderick growled, jabbing a finger at his brother. Ian frowned and tried to fix his short hair a little bit.

“Roderick. It was a mistake. We were all freaked out because something that looked like you and Kishnu came and strangled me. Give us some slack!”

Roderick scowled and then plopped himself into the armchair, folding his arms and fuming. The rest of them sipped at their lemonade in the awkward silence.

“Is now a bad time to mention that I was attacked by an army of burgers tonight? Brian asked.

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